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Everything posted by 0TreeLemur

  1. I paid less than half what the current Ebay seller is asking for the hardware from a fellow MS'er (thanks!). When Brittain was having their "going out of business sale" I bought some replacement servo diaphragms and mentioned to Cecilia that I wanted to install the B11. She volunteered the STC paperwork! Awesome customer service. The instrument shop that did the install had difficulty obtaining a female connector for the signal cable. They wound up replacing it with a sub-D connector and filing a 337 on the mod. It works like a charm as my straight-as-a-great-circle flightaware ground tracks attest! Man we love the thing. We've named it Jerry. @MIR2018 Maybe the STC is still gettable if Cecilia is still in contact as Brittain Ind. Dunno.
  2. Having just installed an Accutrak II with STC provided by Brittain in February of this year, I resemble that remark. Perhaps the last STC installed Accutrak II ever. The one for sale on ebay wouldn't be legal to install with just yellow tags AFAIK.
  3. Evening flight over Tuscaloosa just to get away from the ground for a little while. The airport is at one o'clock and 2 miles. Fantastic sunset over the Black Warrior river.
  4. ±0.000 31 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
  5. until
    AOPA Fly-In at Gulf Shores, AL Jack Edwards National Airport (KJKA) Presented by Alabama Department of Transportation Aeronautics Bureau October 26-27, 2018 Register now and save. http://send.aopa.org/link.cfm?r=tODrwnVTZgHNFA36NVLleA~~&pe=AjAOyRoeGHEUdGWpgF4TNZHQFuu4DDYm3FdjyoIwdLBQJ92-eE-PfEsC2hHwlPkLh_skIha-kannZsvRSgdmbA~~&t=aKdWshD9Xt9Nrxo9IQsJyw~~
  6. Sorry. I tried using it to clean the track on my electric train back in about 1972. It ultimately led to gunked-up poorly-conductive electric train track. Not a fan.
  7. Sorry, @Piloto but I've been forewarned about you and WD-40... At least you did not recommend half a tube of axle grease
  8. Yes, but... The Brittain TC-100 is both vacuum and electric powered. It is primarily vacuum driven with an electric backup I think. If it isn't working, it is either broken or both the vacuum and electrics are somehow disconnected/severed. -Fred
  9. I just uploaded Brittain Manual No. 11990, Mooney PC Operation & Service Manual to the documents section under "avionics" in .pdf format. I thought it was there. Click here.
  10. Brittain Manual No. 11990 Mooney PC Operation & Service Instructions View File This pdf describes operation and servicing for the Mooney PC wing leveler system. Submitter Fred_2O Submitted 09/12/2018 Category Avionics
  11. But- that might cause the new owner to experience myocardial infarction!
  12. Rain/flooding is the big concern over most of the impacted area. See 7-day NOAA rainfall forecast for Florence here. If I had an aircraft parked at an airport near a river that can flood the airfield, I'd move it out of the affected area. Note that they are saying that most of N.C. and northeast S.C. is going to receive from between 6 to 10" of rain. Rainfall totals near the coast will exceed 20".
  13. There are frequently Brittain TC100 turn coordinators for sale on various online sites. There are docs you can download from this site on how to test the PC system. If your Accutrak causes your airplane to bank when you switch it on, it seems that your aileron and rudder servos are intact and working. You should be able to get it all fixed. The vacuum hose connections can be tested on the ground. If red and green are correctly connected, when you turn on the ground, the PC system will command a roll in the direction opposite the turn. When you get it working, you will really like it. Awesome technology designed in the Apollo era. I just recently watched an Accutrak be put in my 67C and learned a bit in the process. Still just a PP/SEL, not an A&P. Good luck. -Fred
  14. I'll buy the curtains.
  15. Wow- perhaps the most creative application of a sawzall that I've seen...
  16. @jlunseth Thanks for recounting your story for those of us who are new around here.
  17. If you are worried about losing a lot of oil, why not clamp on a short length of closed-off tubing to the bottom? That should alleviate your fear without doing something drastic. My PP/SEL 2-cents worth.
  18. The logs don't give manuf. or reason for replacement. The a/c was flown at a rate of 80-100 h/y during this period. There is mention to an AD regarding cylinders but the note is that it did not apply.
  19. This traffic detector? Almost all the other stuff that we've removed due to upgrades has sold. This item is not in much demand these days.
  20. I'm enjoying reading this thread. The logs for my aircraft show that it was given four new cylinders about 600 h. ago, only 750 h. into the current OH cycle. Cyl #1 was replaced first, followed by #2, #3, and#4 about six months later. This was long before we bought it and I've often wondered why. The logs don't give a "why". From what I can gather by reading this thread, it seems likely that cylinder replacement was necessitated by incorrect engine operation more so than some material defect. True?
  21. Thanks a bunch. We are really enjoying the upgrade. ADS-B in/out and the iPad have just revolutionized flying. On page 2 of this thread you'll find a photo of the panel that I think was last improved when you owned her.
  22. Yeah, I think it is a baked-on ceramic coating that imparts some serious hardness to the coated material. It was done by a friend of my son who is very fond of the material, and he applies it to many things- including firearms.
  23. Dear Ken ( @KLRDMD), I just stumbled upon your post from May. 2903L's still going strong. We bought her almost one year ago. Since then we've given her a major electronics/panel upgrade. In August we flew a 2800 nm trip and all went very well. -Fred
  24. Well then, it didn't happen. Sorry.
  25. Looks great. Bob- are those the gray SC windows?
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