For incompressible flow (M<0.3), streamline curvature explains >95% of the pressure distribution on an airfoil, with viscosity (vorticity) playing a minor role. Downwash has very little to do with lift produced by a wing. Lift results from either angle of attack and/or asymmetry in the airfoil itself. An asymmetric airfoil like the one on our favorite airplane in normal cruise has 0-degree angle of attack! How much downwash do you think that is that causing? As Skip pointed out in the wind tunnel photo above, which is a symmetrical airfoil at a high angle of attack, the net vertical velocity component around it very nearly zero.
In the case of a symmetric airfoil at 0-degree angle of attack, the lift is zero because the streamline curvature is the same on both upper and lower surfaces. But as the wind tunnel photo shows, angle of attack greatly modifies the flow field and results in a lot more streamline curvature above the airfoil than below it. That's all there is to it. No magic.
Once you get into the compressible flow regime, then the magic starts to appear along with a few demons.