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    1999 m20 R ovation

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  1. just went thru exact issue battery reading 23.5 volts, ordered new battery used to be 400 a battery latest battery was 815 delivered, old battery was 2013 install date. over the years have lost 2 alternators, dual battery's are really useful alt. goes south
  2. had same problem, unit was hanging up, just needs adjustment for movement
  3. need recommendations for a good west coast mooney shop that can repair/ replace gear door metal
  4. went you change auto pilots say from king to Garmin, is the electric trim motor change out during change over or is the system separate. know king has 2 clutch units with motor used to adjust trip. Garmin uses digital control,
  5. never knew TOGO could be used on take off
  6. first class video, puts Garman on notice on how to make a video, very well done. we have the same system and your explanation and video shows the beauty of the Garmin system and operation. you explained and answered quite a few questions we had on the operation, which Garmin was weak on explanation. thanks
  7. first class video, puts Garman on notice on how to make a video, very well done
  8. at least it can be fixed, wait until they say we no longer service your unit, then you can fell really bad, RIP Garmin 480 units
  9. the ac compressor on ovation is driven by a electric motor, have had the system recharged once since 2005, and its used on the ground as a pre cool
  10. on the ovation ac vent was moved for the bottom to the top of air craft body, really use our ac system, our system is located on the bottom. ac is handy, over all Mooney does a great job on cooling and vent location
  11. being a retired electrical engineer, after engine stars we always turn field on after system is stabilized, starting surges are thus avoided, as battery absorbs and smooths power surges. example lights usually fail when first turned
  12. the numbers are in, Ovation led lights installed,2 lights per side. went with whelen light wat and taxi lights, its a major PITA to install, have a fat hand. Current drain with all lights on, par 36 lights was 28 amps total with landing and taxi on, 7 amps per bulb. With LED,s installed current dropped to 4 amps total. 1 amp per lights. impressed with results and not a real technical challenge for the average person to do
  13. 2th the motion get ride of the Moritz, way to many newer options now available
  14. have an inspection done by a Mooney specialist, they look at them all the time, cheapest way to go in the long run, you find most of the problems like worn bushings.
  15. don't forget the wheel bearings, supposed to be lubed at 2 year interval, the word revolves around them
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