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Fly Boomer

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Everything posted by Fly Boomer

  1. I love reading about this kind of troubleshooting -- way easier reading about it than actually having to do it.
  2. Thanks! Nice addition.
  3. Probably not your iPad. There is no telling how many hundreds of other customers are sharing the server we are running on. For that matter, we may get pushed from one server to another. Sometimes load balancing is semi-automatic, sometimes manual, sometimes non-existent. I suspect variability in response time is normal without an upgrade in our hosting contract.
  4. Check this post https://mooneyspace.com/topic/46117-vent-latch-3d-print
  5. Well, a dedicated line to the battery or batteries would be best, but I would have guessed that the wiring to the cigar lighter would be fairly robust. But, I have never paid attention to it before.
  6. If AZ is the top priority, you will have to settle for inexperienced. If quality is the top priority, there are suggestions above.
  7. Financially, no. But if you can devote most of your time to a 10-year project, and would enjoy the challenge, maybe. I guess the alternative is to pay someone a train-load of money to do it for you, and that might get it down to a 5-year project.
  8. Is this how you plan to keep your battery topped off? It would certainly eliminate all the wiring that many install back to the avionics bay.
  9. If you have flown with NVGs you may be able to shed some light (heh) on whether those things suppress strobes (or any super bright light). It occurs to me that the regional jet may have had strobes but, if the helo pilots were using NVGs, they may not have seen the strobes.
  10. Excellent idea -- I'm stealing this one.
  11. That's what the "Pilot Isolate" button on the audio panel is for.
  12. Maybe I'm slow. I have been using FF for years and, while I can do almost everything, there are some nuances that surprise me from time to time. But I'm with you on GP -- there is no way I'm going to learn all the intricacies of another UI.
  13. To some extent, it's about numbers. For every quart of aviation oil, there are a million quarts of car oil.
  14. Sounds like GP is pretty easy if you are accustomed to Big G avionics. You don't learn FF if you open it up the first time while you are flying.
  15. Nobody can guarantee the safety of your data -- any data they have is, by definition, not safe.
  16. Brain is pretty remarkable, but can lead you astray. Funny how one part of your brain is screaming "level your wings" but another part can override that instinct and do something more rational.
  17. If you open the door with the seal inflated, you are likely to damage the seal. Especially in warmer weather, everybody in the airplane wants to get the door open immediately after landing. I have a policy (and pre-flight brief) that says "unless I'm dead or we are on fire, nobody touches the door" but me.
  18. Meguiars uses the phrase "body shop safe" to identify products that don't have silicone or any other ingredients that could interfere with paint. This document answers the question "Is it body shop safe"? Meguiars Body Shop Safe.pdf
  19. Our doors don’t usually fit very well. If yours is drafty or noisy, the inflatable seal is nice. You do have to pay attention to keep from damaging it.
  20. Nice looking jig!
  21. Make the trip. You will see bargains that you cannot find elsewhere.
  22. Yep. But sometimes old dogs learn new tricks. Now, he even runs LOP while climbing under some circumstances. And he is running TSIO-520s in his 310.
  23. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/50416-mooney-edge-seal/
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