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Everything posted by J0nathan225

  1. I'm another that installed, on my E, dresser retreads and specified Goodyear Flight custom III cores. No issue with them. Wouldn't try monster though.
  2. How’s the progress going? I’m nervous for the engine parts
  3. It’s “home” came to visit parents.
  4. Anyone know why Raleigh regional is so special? My given routing is WAY around it, annoying, especially when I filed well OVER it. KFCI LVL SDZ…. No no how bout: KFCI READE DRAIK SDZ This definitely isn’t the first time I get weird routing out of KFCI.
  5. What's the new resolution? Their website only shows an increase for a higher model, the VA-980. The VA400 shows 640x480. Video Resolution VA-980: 640x480 pixels ( product before 2021 ) 1280x720 for the new product of 2021
  6. Looking to upgrade my PFD to the pro max. I was hoping there would be a deal for Oshkosh. I'm also debating installing a second (hsi) GI275 instead. Longevity of support and install price being the biggest considerations. I love the aspen PFD, but wonder if they'll last as a company. Cost wise they have stiff competition with G3x and Dynon offerings.
  7. As a Mooney owner and 60 pilot I have ~1500 hours split between the 2, not crazy high, but enough to get called back. So that’s amble time to be competitive for a regional atleast, they R-ATP is 750 TT after all.
  8. Army Blackhawk pilot trying to cross to part 121 world soon. I interview with Endeavor in 2 weeks! Also looking to cross into AF reserve/NG when I leave AD Army, if anyone can help with that? I'm currently the commander for all Initial Entry Rotor Wing (IERW) training for the UH-60M (Blackhawk with glass cockpit), which when typing or thinking about is pretty surreal.
  9. Update: the mag was full of oil, off to IRAN it goes.
  10. Well the paper was a smart idea, THANK YOU! It’s definitely coming from a part of the mag it shouldn’t…
  11. So the other drops are water. (Top left) I washed the aircraft and then tried to get as much oil cleaned up as possible before taking the pic. The oil primarily runs down from that grounding strap into the gear well and down onto the front gear after each flight. Along the Mag I can, and did, wipe it clean but I bet tomorrow I can run my finger along there and get oil. I did the cardboard thing today, I'll check back tomorrow and see.
  12. Can a magneto leak here? I’ve cleaned and ran the engine a few times and never see a leak, but after 5 days of sitting I see the oil that has run down from here (I think). photo taking from under the magneto pointing upward on the right side.
  13. It was more than a tap to me… but it worked! (For now)
  14. Well played. Well I'm off to tap on it, after that Aeromotor it is. Thanks everyone!
  15. So OH the dukes 1499 series? I’m debating that. It’s probably the cheaper option, but if there is a better (read: continuous duty more robust) pump that’s a direct fit, then I’d rather replace/upgrade to it. My mind set is anything that breaks on a 1964 plane should be upgraded if there is a newer part available. I did read they aeromotors does good work though.
  16. Well my fuel pump seems to be frozen or broke. Dukes 1499-00-19. Hoping a tap or 2 fixes it or 2nd best hope: Weldon makes a drop in replacement. Anyone done this swap, I thought I read something about an expensive retro fit kit being needed? or is: Weldon 18020-A a drop in replacement for the 1499 dukes?
  17. Good news. "We are looking at late summer for the approval of dual electronic ignitions. An Independent Battery Backup System will be required such as that made by TWC Technologies"
  18. OK need some new ideas/thoughts on the below info: Last weekend I cleaned the engine bay, sprayed some aerosol deodorant on the back side, and ran the engine up 3-4 times without finding or seeing a leak or any oil at all. After leaving the plane in the hanger for 5 days the same oil stain reappeared, so its leaking some oil from above the oil line/prop governor when the engine cools down. So now I believe somewhere at or above the Magento is leaking a small amount of oil each shut down. Mags should not have oil in them- got it. I have a Mag on Right & a Surefly on Left. Run up and in flight mag checks have been fine. Not knowing too much about the MAG, but can oil get into it while not effecting the magneto's performance? I believe the leak is on the bottom of the right Mag, but only after it shuts down and cools. Thoughts?
  19. So I'm nearly 100% sure it's coming from the oil line connector/flange. I'm planning to replace the line with a teflon hose. Anyone know the length I need? This bulletin shows 36-42" options: https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/Conversion from Constant Speed to Fixed Pitch Propeller and Vice Versa.pdf
  20. Voted on here too.
  21. Any idea of a PN? I didn’t see an O ring by itself in the parts picture earlier. noted: I won’t let the bad stuff go on the ground thanks!
  22. So it’s hard to tell exactly where the oil is coming from (shocker). This picture makes me think part of the leak is the oil line to the front of the engine. Should I have the shop replace both? I’m likely going to source an OHd Woodward for 1AMU less than the PCU5000.
  23. Going off of what @Flybeech21 said: "You will be required to change the studs on the adapter plate when you change between PCU and factory governors... So, you will have to remove the adaptor plate and replace studs when you change between the two. It is not a small task to change governor types. It is a pain in the arse and don't attempt it if you are not and A&P. It requires making changes that are not detailed in installation instructions and require the installer to be competent." I wasn't sure on a M20E, a place near me quoted 4 hours. I thought that was low, but maybe not if nothing crazy needs to be done to get it out.
  24. NICE! That seems low though. It looks fairly tight and with needing to change the bolts, I would imagine they need to fully decowl and tilt the engine forward? I'm 100% ok with it being easier than I imagined though.
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