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About icurnmedic

  • Birthday 05/31/1974

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    Baseball Cards,Guns and Old signs!
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    1982 Bonanza
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  1. Mooney forum so you are going to get a lot of suggestions in favor of the Mooney. Probably good advice. IMO , The F may be the best “value “in the fleet. Plenty fast at 150kts TAS, typically has more payload as well. Mine had 650lbs payload + 64 gallons of fuel, and I couldn’t seem to get it out of balance. Usually considerably cheaper than a J or later. I would find the nicest I could find up front, even if costs a little more, and you likely will save in the long run. Enjoy the hunt.
  2. J model,low time airframe , newer year model, new paint, New engine and prop= Heck of a deal on this plane, IMHO. For those of you in the market, better take a look here.
  3. I usually give the 4 staff members a little cash at the holidays. They seem to really appreciate it. ‘Mechanics each get a $50 bottle of booze as I pay them plenty thru the year.
  4. No way I would consider this if I wanted to fly in next 12 months. Or more maybe. You likely can find one current, that would cost less than the sum of your parts, time, and labor. Probably a lot less. ‘Good luck with your journey!
  5. No way I can afford $5k for that. ‘I did my Bonanza myself, took about 6 hrs, probably not a “professional “ job but still looks great. ‘I used this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CNMTF8M?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1 Be aware though, a little goes a long way. FWIW does help with bug removal and I clean after every flight with : https://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-Hybrid-Ceramic-Detailer-Contaminants/dp/B085751KTJ/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2IDWYJ1PFJNYR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m54Auii6uiWK_KHCL1H-xL2N6BQaN4g2-3RelEaXVJtsi8g0zORi8lBp75AvPueTHxJ148MdRaRWXJNYMtfbWAnVT7mp5OeIsd1jx1_jBlahdCDU9PqGCj7vO58qAzn-xeroV3lKBrFLz87Khv3Knamz0MDH-9pBKV593w-d9TLsoTgDGX9V43OXumX-ug4ExPJiyQ0mViOl8ATLuuY6VKn47-iPFdNHBxqyODSuQ6g3V7_T-HLYDukmyX3YGX325cRSy2Qod-_S-qF8WRt6OQwRQvnNa4Vhmg8S6y4fDX4.J8MzcfT0kIiEzq35paH4nJbCnpami_vSecVpne9ht3w&dib_tag=se&keywords=mcguire+ceramic&qid=1733379798&sprefix=mcguire+cer%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-9
  6. I’d call Lake Norman. Ron M. Has a Mooney and use to work with Lynn at AGL. Not sure if he is a A&P though. But Maybe they can guide you. They did my annual this year. Very knowledgeable.
  7. Only once when I didn’t say my tail # after repeating what they said. Wasn’t bad, but did open my eyes to the need for that procedure.
  8. I used this. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CNMTF8M?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title A little goes a long way!Then I maintain after each flight with https://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-Hybrid-Ceramic-Wax-Shine/dp/B08XSFKC4H/ref=sr_1_6?crid=34GMTEFWB2ITC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m54Auii6uiWK_KHCL1H-xH9qn1pJV0oXOaJ4BfBD9r8KaaHkvQQShHo5q0H5Oy0hy7CuIu8BUSGs1jHKvk5bpqAcUsbQXMhM5zVV3ZoSx9OCu4WPvTq8JEd93oT7BJCOfvnT_qyvKWszdz5puLTJBIugs8adF1zXSWoDigW2xe6QblOj66pBbDEtqW2awdbeHTvGF3S_bm5UfITJQNRWr0StGG2XKamAPtBojJgdYKibcKIQB6T8qp0k9rWnOC7qSXojPy-oJ4Pi7C6K71cjdubAgl-0jd9vQmKu2RMNfag.vxup1BVf0muHQCMpXEpNmyhVDnbEEWbpOhi0IGVBcEs&dib_tag=se&keywords=meguiars+ceramic+hybrid+wax&qid=1727930006&sprefix=McGuire+ceramic%2Caps%2C327&sr=8-6 makes so much easier to keep clean.
  9. You guys are doing great work. We were hit hard, but not near as hard as as close as 15 miles north/west. We did get power back today. KMRN and NC27 are also organizing and moving supplies westerly. In case anyone wants to contact them .From the club email yesterday:The NC27 relief effort is very active. Anyone interested in flying or donating supplies to the Helene affected areas in western NC, please contact John Carlton at 304-543-2726 or Ben Proffit at 828-292-5829.
  10. Why did I purchase a Mooney? At my airport. Told by Lynn (AGL)at the time it may be the best kept F on the planet. price was reasonable. Owner had open checkbook policy. Served all my mission parameters. But mostly I just loved it. And fwiw it was a 148kt tas aircraft But alas all things come to an end. Now a V35B driver.
  11. F model,is a GREAT airplane. Just sold a very nice one to move over to a VTail. Part of me ,although small part, regrets that decision..
  12. Maybe applies here, I have heard it said, ‘Good judgement comes from experience, Experience comes from bad judgment “.
  13. Just sold a 67 F. TAS 148kts, 10.5 gph, 640lb payload w/ 64 gallons. As someone said earlier, you have to work very hard to get it out of balance. And compared to equally equipped J’s, probably a $30-50k savings.
  14. I’m not always the straightest, but this helps keep me out of trouble.
  15. As a F model owner w/ a similar setup, this looks like a really good deal! I don't think I would part w/ mine for that, assuming pre-buy is good. Someone is going to be really happy.
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