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TonyK last won the day on September 23 2019

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  1. We had a pretty good neighbor parked right in front of us all weekend.
  2. I will be coming in Friday morning and camping in VAC but coming in with my 172 since it meets the "vintage" requirements as opposed to the much newer 1974 Mooney F
  3. Hi Dennis, There are several Mooneys based in SFB. Are you on the SW or SE ramp?
  4. PM sent to get you on the track. One item on the airplane itself. The Apollo units are just about boat anchors now. If you have any issues with them you won't find anyone who can repair it.
  5. Happy ending and at least the news didn't call it a Cezzna type aircraft.
  6. This is how I did it. With the crows foot it took about 5 minutes. After spending hours trying to contort my arm into the space and depositing the requisite blood sacrifice.
  7. +1 for Turo. I just used the service in Baltimore. It was very easy and the car was far better than a fleet car.
  8. My opinion is that a 2hr flight is a 2hr flight if you are time building. The real problem with the Mooney is the distance you can cover in that 2hrs. Yes you can slow it down and not go far but you won't. Speaking as a owner of a 172 and a F getting caught out with a airplane that won't start or penned in by weather puts the retrieval in another state which starts to be a burden on whoever you have to call to come get you by car. My son is working his way through his ratings and I am dreading getting the call which will start a multi hour road trip. Also there is a large delta between the all in operating costs. The 172 with its fixed gear and simplicity is infinitely more affordable to maintain and insure than the Mooney. All that being said if you are going to hang on to the aircraft for a long time and can afford it....buy the Mooney
  9. Pilot / owner only onboard. According to the news no life threatening injuries. A mostly positive outcome. https://longisland.news12.com/faa-single-engine-plane-crashes-into-lake-in-warwick
  10. One thing for SnF this year if you are camping. My son and I attended the winter fly in this year and the early morning wake up call from the Amazon jets was a little rude. No problems with the grounds as they are flat and sandy with good drainage. Masks and precautions were in play and we felt they were doing all they could with the high density of people.
  11. The Ti boat ramp is directly across the lake from my old house. Happy it ended well and sorry I missed it.
  12. Congrats on the new to you. If you ever find yourself up at Sanford and bored stop by 23 on the SW ramp I would love to check out your new bird.
  13. He wants to fly as a career choice. I suggested he take up a respectable profession like playing piano in a whorehouse but he wasn't having any of it. Next steps for him are doing his commercial and twin. Then GO GET A JOB! He works at a pretty busy FBO at SFB and has been networking with every pro flyer that comes in. He will be on the Mooney insurance in a few weeks. I wanted him to have his IR before I did that.
  14. My youngest finally got a chance to finish his check ride. I was listening on liveatc and watching on FlightAware my heart was flipping.
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