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AH-1 Cobra Pilot

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Everything posted by AH-1 Cobra Pilot

  1. The “death wobble” get to you?
  2. With our VW Jetta TDI you can add 10 to those numbers.
  3. When I was in the training command, a drunk sailor tried to steal a T-39. He burned up a starter on the first one, but got the engines started on the second jet. He originally tried to steal a T-47, but found out they had an ignition key.
  4. What might your insurance agency say if it ever gets stolen? "You made it so a thief did not need the key?"
  5. I would give it no more than 50% chance to fit on the first try. Be ready to modify the file or sand/cut some plastic. There are soooo many variables between printers, slicers, plastics, filaments, etc.
  6. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2533353/Forget-Super-Size-Me-Man-loses-37lbs-lowers-cholesterol-eating-McDonalds-three-months.html https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1333994/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl
  7. You should go to India. I was shocked by how fat the people were in the middle-class areas of town.
  8. One of these will simplify getting the plastic to the right spot. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HM4133L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. I do know of a place that will rent seaplanes, but not in Florida. They are also one of the only two GI Bill Seaplane schools and have a restricted student list. https://www.jberaeroclub.com/contact.html
  10. That is a very easy 3-D print, as long as you can make/obtain the CAD file. I have been testing pieces that replace the old units, letting you put in eyeball vents so I, and others, have leftovers.
  11. Did you deliberately make the stitching go in opposite directions?
  12. On my J, I have two control knobs on the panel; one labeled PANEL LITES, the other RADIO LITES. I think the RADIO lights up my two CDIs via rheostat and turns ON the backlight for the flaps and trim. The PANEL uses a rheostat to adjust the brightness of the under-glare shield lights. Your E may or may not use a similar system. If you have a similar knob/switch, your lights may be connected either to the ON or rheostat. Many people have had the issue of transistors blowing. Since the rheostats have several terminals, the ON position may still work, while the rheostat does nothing. My blown transistor is in an impossible-to-get-to place, so I have had to jury rig an alternative.
  13. In 1960, Cessna made 69 of them. I presume the airframe of the 172 was different enough from the 175 to try this combination. It was, (as I recall), 8 kts faster and carried 100 lbs more than the standard 172 and had a constant speed prop.
  14. I was a part owner in a Cessna P-172, (GO-300 vice O-300). We had an auto gas STC and did have sticking exhaust valves more than once. I was told, (hence, hearsay evidence only), that the original engine had bronze valve guides, (and newer versions had steel valve guides), so they needed the lubricity added by the extra lead, (4:1, Avgas vs leaded auto fuel). We never noticed valve seat recession, but were not looking for it, either. Next time I talk to Todd Petersen, I will ask him about this.
  15. JD made a series that had diesel, gas, or propane in 40 hp, as I recall.
  16. I do have ETA switch covers, now. PM me if you want some. As old as most of the original plastic switch covers are, they are likely to be very brittle, which will make them susceptible to breaking when you try to remove them, regardless of how you do it. The Klixons in my 'J' were really brittle, and those covers are more robust than the ETAs.
  17. PM me and let me know what you need/want. I have both Klixons and ETAs; they both look like this.
  18. I am betting you are correct. The whole situation reminded me of this one, where the guy lies about being IFR capable as well as stupid piled on more stupidity: and this one, (about 6 minutes in): and at least one more of these videos.
  19. In the summer, spray planes are a much bigger threat. Take a look at KOLU. The spray planes operate from the SE corner of the tarmac. Unless the winds are strong, they will regardless of wind direction, take off 32 and land 20. Fortunately, most of them use the radio well, are smart and polite about other traffic, and I have never seen anything close to an incident, at KOLU, at least. At any rate, keep this in mind any time you are in spray plane country and season.
  20. I tried lots of different techniques, and found them all to be substandard. The only one that I thought acceptable is laser engraving the lettering.
  21. Judging by your "states I have visited " map...
  22. I have ETA switch covers available. PM me if you are interested.
  23. ABS dissolves in acetone. That might be preferable to MEK.
  24. Just watch the first few seconds of this clip and the car body rise.
  25. Well, at 40 mph, the acceleration on the rim of a 27" diameter disk will be over 3000 ft/s2, and at 20 mph it will be 1/4 of that, so without figuring the mass of the tire tread in contact with the road, I would still call that a significant difference.
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