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Skates97 last won the day on March 20 2024

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    1965 M20D/C

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  1. Not sure what it has to do with timing an approach, but if you don't make power adjustments to compensate for varying winds you will not stay on the glideslope.
  2. These are my settings in my 65 M20D. They get you close and then adjust for wind as @Pinecone mentioned. I don't add flaps until after breaking out and then slowing to 100 (Vfe). Approach Settings.xlsx
  3. I haven't, but in Southern California and flying to AZ/UT/CO in summertime I am looking for as much heat reduction as possible. I do the same. If you cut the foil bubble wrap the same size as the window it will just stick in there without any velcro. I have pieces of it for all the windows when it is parked outside on a ramp and often leave the back windows in while flying in the summer. A roll of this stuff will last forever. For the windscreen I did have to put two pieces together with aluminum tape and have it split in half down the center to make it easier to install/remove. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Pro-Space-16-in-x-10-ft-Radiant-Barrier-Bubble-Aluminum-Foil-Reflective-Insulation-RBQP51610/328322967
  4. Also as Oscar mentioned Josh with aviation101 produces great videos. Granted he does it professionally, but he does a great job of telling a story. Another guy is SoCalFlyingMonkey.
  5. Do you have a camera setup that is pulling audio and also charging? I have a NFlightCam cable to get the audio from the radios. When I also had the charging part of the cable plugged in I had a buzzing in the background but if the power cable is not plugged in to charge the camera there is no background interference.
  6. I wonder how it would have been different if it was sliding across cement or grass and not snow. I think the snow helped it along to slide past where the wings/fuel/fire stopped.
  7. Different video, looks like it lost the right wing almost immediately on touchdown.
  8. Just flat stainless steel. I replaced my original as about half of it had been shaved off at some point in the plane's life... https://lasar.com/tie-downs/pma-tail-tie-down-ss-tie-down-tail?rq=tie down
  9. The UV dye is great. One trip around the pattern after adding it and a black light will point it out.
  10. I agree with Andy. Make sure that all the connections for the probe wires are done correctly with a star washer in between the terminals. I've had my 900 for almost 5 years and 700 hours without issues along with the CiES senders and an 830 for years prior without issues. The only hiccup I had was a fluctuation in the MP which was corrected with a snubber.
  11. I can second Art Craft. They were amazing to work with and did a great job. If you want someone to design a scheme they work closely with Flight Lines Design https://www.flightlinesdesign.com/ who helped me come up with the paint scheme for my plane. It gets compliments everywhere we go and won an award at Osh in 2023. Full Art Craft Review: https://intothesky.com/2023/01/17/art-craft-paint-review/
  12. Yep, whenever we visit KPOC my takeoff plan includes "If there's a problem immediately after takeoff our best option is the reservoir..."
  13. Very limited options...
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