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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. I've had an issue with the VOR check since I upgraded and now only have one VOR. Not every Airport has a check point and it can be done in flight, but with GPS a lot of flying is Direct or not exactly where you need to be to have a known ground fix - or be exactly over it. I'd love for the FAA to simply modify the Regs to allow for a comparison to a GPS with some know variable like is down with the VORs. Either that, or just make it a ground check when the other equip. is tested for IFR.
  2. Ummm.... Did you miss that this was a pilots group?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? OF COURSE it's going to get drawn out as far as possible! And then some !!!
  3. Actually... I never said I didn't get ABO , it's just easier to get it at the FBO and I never had a place to keep an O2 bottle. (That may change in the near future.) My position on this is that there is technically is no longer a difference when it leaves the plant since everything is created the same and shipped as Liquid O2. But I realize I was never clear that you have to know your Vendor/Source! It is quite possible for a welding supplier to have crappy tanks that they really don't clean or check. So you could be getting crappy O2, even though it started off all the same.
  4. Excellent! Sounds like the shop that did this Annual knew what they were doing. I recently moved, so I'm a little edgy on what's going to happen next year when my Annual comes around.
  5. Dated 2005....
  6. Okay, you peaked my curiosity. Are these dewars pressurized? If so, after the initial release is there a back draw of Air where the moisture then freezes before the interior of the dewar has anywhere close to enough time for the temp to rise to near water freezing level? Or is the moisture exposed to the super cold, so therefore you get "what looks like sand" at the bottom from the newly exposed Air? Same question if they are a vacuum, but the answer would seem more obvious.
  7. Yes, not disputing that.... But I have no way of knowing when the "Aviator's" O2 comment was added and and what the 2023 change was. It could have been in the original publication and just never changed. Also surprised for that type of document there is no change sheet. It may be there, but I didn't see it.
  8. I see your document was modified in 2023, but it is a crowd sourced document and I do not see a list of edits with dates. So there's no way to tell what was change or when. The original Doc was from 2004 and I suppose it was true that they still created different types of O2 back then. But I do not believe that it is still the case, it's just not worth it for them to make different grades do to the improvements in technology. They just make one and send it out to the distributors. And (can someone confirm??) I think that all O2 is distributed in Liquid Oxygen form and then converted back to Gas at the distributor. ADDED: To clarify my last statement... That means it's ALL the same stuff. Distributed to ALL as Liquid O2, so there's no way to distinguish one kind from the other. (Yes, you can test for moisture, but the vast most distributers it's not an issue.)
  9. Well, okay I didn't go into detail nor was I talking about that. My point was they don't "make" different O2 anymore. They may bottle it differently, hence my "different market" comment. But I didn't go into detail, so you got me there. But maybe you should check with your gas supplier.... Do they really do it differently for the different types? Most providers now have the same protocol for filling any bottle, so basically you can use any bottle.
  10. Not any more. Maybe for decades. Yes, years ago there was a cost factor in creating the aviation oxygen, but now days it cost them more create, store and manage the various types with the big implications if they give you the wrong one. Now days they just make one O2 and put a different markup on it pending which market it goes to. At least that's what I've been hearing for years at various seminars and seen in articles.
  11. HA! You and everyone else here... Go to https://plan.foreflight.com/ You'll need to log in with the same User Name and Password you use for your iPad/iPhone to log into FF. On the left side, Click on Logbook. ALL of your flights should be there. VERY SLIGHT chance they're not all there if the iPad didn't complete a sync. If you do not see any recent flights at the top, go to your iPad/iPhone and make sure you're connected to WiFi (you can use Cellular, but WiFi is much faster to react). Open FF and go into the Logbook and open a couple of different flights, maybe the last couple. (Purpose is to make FF sync the Logbook. You should see the latest flights show up in the Logbook on the Website. If not, click on anything on the left side (e.g. Map) and then go back to the Logbook eventually it should sync. Now look across the top and you'll see Entries - Drafts & Requests - Currency Summary..... and at the end will be EXPORT. Click on Export and then Export again on the next page. In your Download Folder you should find a file like: logbook_2023-07-01_02_12_57.csv Just save that file in a folder. If you have issues, FF *should* be able to recover your data. But for some reason they can't, you can take this file and IMPORT it instead of Exporting and replace what FF has with this backup. Odds are you never will, but it's nice to know you can if you have to.
  12. I'd be curious if the printout or CSV file could be generated from one of your other devices - which would have to be Offline. It wouldn't surprise me though if the file creation (for both formats) happened at the server and not on the device. So you may be able to see the data on your Offline device, but not be able to do anything other than view, add or delete to that local version. Guess they could allow for printing and file storage, but you'd think they'd force a sync to make sure it was the latest data before the process could execute.
  13. Up to date copies... You mean these devices have synced with their server or you REALLY HAVE COPIES? If synced, then you have nothing. If something happens to the data then your devices are going to be synced with the crap data. Appearances of cloud data on separate devices is not a Backup.
  14. Exactly!! I've had clients that were majorly burned by "the cloud" and all the protection it is supposed to give you. Don't get me wrong, for certain collaborations the cloud is a great tool to use!!! But to rely on other than the hugest 3rd parties and having very strict contracts with them so everyone knows what's being done and not being done, is just a disaster waiting to happen. (How many weeks has it been since you check the oil???? ) Every so often I pull down a copy of my FF Logbook. And then I grab a copy the 1st of the year. The old random ones I collected during the year are tossed and I have Annual copies going back. And yes, I randomly scroll back in time and double check the numbers to make sure the totals are always correct.
  15. Welll.... That's not really backing up. You're still at the mercy of the people managing the servers. In theory they are backing up, but you really don't know how often or what their Best Practices are. Also, the one that gets most people is that they may only keep backups for X months or a year. With ForeFlight and I would guess with SafeLog, you should have the ability to download a simple CSV file. This way if your data get's corrupt in some of the older data and you don't notice it for months or maybe even years, you have your own copies to fall back on if needed.
  16. ForeFlight is pretty straight forward on their import. Get their template and DO NOT delete or hide any of their columns or headers. And keep the Airplane section on top of your hours. But you can remove all of their Sample Data. Then just copy your numbers from your old Logbooks export to Excel/CSV for each of the appropriate columns and insert the data. And as @Pinecone said, if you've been flying for a while you will need to do some cleanup. I also had a number of Airports that no longer exist or the Identifier has changed. ForeFlight is also really bad about Legs or the order of various flights during the day.
  17. Living in MT this may not be as great a recommendation as for someone out east or in the south. But consider Mt Rushmore as a stop. I don't know that I would have gone there if we weren't on one of our X-US flights to WA and also looking for places to stop. And if you need a CFI(I) to do some training with, I can put you in touch with a MAPA Safety guy I fly with. I think he'll be in NJ this summer (he's transitioning to FL). And do seriously consider going to a MAPA Pilot Proficiency Program (PPP) in the next year or so. You'll learn a LOT about your plane and how to fly it!!!
  18. Brings new meaning to the term "meat grinder" if you do meat... er.... meet one of them on the runway!
  19. My rule of thumb would be to have your mechanic check it next time you're there, but no need to RUSH in. Until then, I'd trust the JPI. There are way too many potential issues with the analog tach. And it's not like they're showing a 300-500 RPM difference. I'd say the number is probably within the margin of error of the analog tach.
  20. You or the plane is at MMU? There's a Mooney Service Center 36 miles away at Trenton-Robinsville, NJ (N87). Give Dave Mathiesen at Air Mods & Repair a call 609-259-2400. He may be able to go to MMU or work out ferrying the plane to N87. https://www.airmodsflightcenter.com/
  21. Well.... Yes and no. If you're at a busy Non-Towered airport and you need to break off for traffic or you're at a Towered airport and they tell you to break off, you can still count it. But in general, yes, the FAA wants you to go to minimums whenever possible when doing approaches under the hood. They also "suggest" you do the Missed for practice, but it is not required to log the Approach.
  22. So I wonder if you could ask AI how long it would take to learn to do flight planning and if you'd get a realistic answer? I like the idea and I'm wondering if it would ultimately be AI doing the flight planning or if AI would learn to create better algorithms and then just write a better App for us to use. Is the current thought of those close to AI that everything will be AI in the future? Or is AI going to be used to create and occasionally Update Apps that we'd still use day to day. And if it's all AI, then when will the first Desktop AI computer be available??? And was the FAA calling the future ATC plan to eliminate the need for airways something like "Open Skies" or something similar? When can we put AI on that project?!
  23. Now that's a classic Crew Car!!!
  24. Yes, there are two and they are in series if I remember correctly. It has to do with the slope of the wing and how to properly measure the fuel since the bottom of the tank is not flat. I believe it is the impedance between the two senders that gives the accurate reading on the gauge. Also, if you're having funny readings or flickering in the gauges, look for a bad ground before you start tearing out the senders. I think they're a pretty basic system and don't usually go bad. But a bad ground will totally mess up what the gauges shows. Also remember they're only required to be correct at Full and down near empty. Maybe 2 gal remaining or something like that. (I'm sure someone will have the maintenance manual with the specifics.) And BTW.... Just moved to Spokane and will probably be flying over to Lake Chelan later this summer when a friend is out from the east coast.
  25. Something binding it up in the Trim Wheel housing? I had the pax seatbelt get it there once. It was buckled, but still loose enough that the slack just happened to slide into the housing along side the wheel and got pulled tight.
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