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Everything posted by steingar

  1. Rotorcraft, even gyros, are really expensive. Even the kits are expensive, I suspect both rotorcraft were more valuable than many of your (damn I miss saying "our" Mooneys). I'd be shocked if both rotorcraft weren't carrying quite a bit of insurance. These aren't ultralights, even though they're flying the ultralight field. I am so sorry for the OP, that is truly horrible thing to happen at a fly-in. Very glad the OP and his family weren't hurt, and very sorry that the accident victims were. I'll bet they were part of the show, there's a pattern these aircraft fly to do landings at the ultralight field. I think there's going to be some examination of procedures.
  2. I would only want one to buy one to purchase one of my books who really desires one. But my eyesight is declining, I can see it (pun intended). I will not be a danger to others. Gotta hang it up now. Perhaps I can pick it back up once my eyes get fixed, but I'll never be able to afford a Mooney again.
  3. ...is so full of shit his eyes are brown. Turned over the keys last night. Declining eyesight and finances forced the sale. I am a pilot no more, and I will never fly a Mooney again. Mooneys will always have sweet spot for me though.
  4. I'd not own a Bo for any money right now. Textron doesn't make those tail feathers anymore. They're made out of Magnesium, so you're going to have dissimilar metal corrosion no matter what you do, and Magnesium corrodes easily. No way, not touching that.
  5. I wasn't insulted at all about the buyer. Like I said, I suspect he got deployed. Even if he got scared off, or whatever that's fine. Sux for me, but that's life. I was insulted when the mechanic insinuated that I was trying to pull a fast one. I have done my utmost to represent my airplane as honestly as I can. I'm not shy about its squawks. I suspect the airplane isn't going anywhere before Spring. I think winter a crap time to sell an airplane.
  6. The mod that makes a J faster is long range tanks. You get there faster when you don't have to stop.
  7. Nothing whatsoever wrong with a KLN94. Easy, intuitive to use, cheap to update and works great. I love mine. Yeah, WAAS would be nice, but if I really need WAAS for my flight I ain't flying.
  8. My buyer did just that, though the mechanic gave a rather negative report, I think he thought I was trying to pull a fast one. I am a bit insulted, as I try hard to be up front about whatever squawks I know, and the buyer will hear how a mechanic squawked the bladders. I don't want anyone to feel cheated ever. I suspect there is something more going on with my buyer, as he doesn't answer his phone and the messages are full. He might have been deployed (military contractor) or something else could have happened. I don't think he just "walked away". All that said, I think I will get a deposit next time. And I agree, airworthiness stuff is on me, other stuff on the buyer. I'll happily take an airworthiness squawk off the asking price.
  9. The mechanic said they were at the end of their service life at 25 years old (maybe even a bit older). There is nothing whatsoever wrong with them other than they're old. I figured someone here could address this. I think my buyer has bailed, so back up for sale she goes. Getting a deposit next time.
  10. Among other things the bladders, said they were at the end of their service life. Is this a thing?
  11. I am in the same boat as the OP. Everything has gone up but my paycheck, that and my eyesight is starting to go. I'm out before I become a danger to myself or anyone else. A prepurchase inspection will take place in my hangar on Saturday.
  12. Leaving the luggage door unsecured is bad, landing in front of your friends with the thing open is really really bad. My CFI did the same thing in his Bravo, ripped the door off. Thankfully that was in happier days and he was able to get a new one.
  13. I actually don't see the big whip. The doghouse is just sheet metal, any competent A&P could fabricate one. Mine's a mess, but fixing it is a long way down my list of priorities, and it doesn't matter anyway. My Mooney will soon be in the hands of another.
  14. I fold paper dragons all the time. I can't take credit for this one, but I did fold one just like it. Folded before I had an airplane, and I'll fold after mine's gone. I even fold paper airplanes.
  15. Only Mooney wing to break outside a thunderstorm.
  16. When I first got the Mooney Mrs. Steingar hated it. Wanted our old Cherokee back. When I got her back from DC in two hours her tune changed mightily. She liked when I got her to central Michigan in two hours. She really liked the quick day trips to the islands. She offered me her Social Security to keep it, but I wouldn't do it, not fair. Mrs. Steingar worked for her retirement, I'd not jinx it for my airplane. She's up for sale, got a guy coming to look her over Saturday. The Mooney, not Mrs. Steingar.
  17. Buy it, fly it and then take a saws-all to the airframe and sell the engine. You might come out ahead.
  18. I was going to say relief tube.
  19. If your Mooney goes into a spin after a just off the stall break it needs to be rerigged. Properly rigged Mooneys don't spin quite that easy, they couldn't be certificated if they did. And yes, I've done power on and power off stalls to the break every year in my Mooney at BFR time, and I'm probably the worst pilot on this site. When my instructor asked me if I wanted to do a cross controlled stall I said no frickin' way.
  20. I think the long body Mooneys have an honest to gosh limitation in slips, read it here somewhere.
  21. Another vote for Bob Norman from he who is Steingar. That said his strip is short-ish, very occluded, very narrow and not in the best of shape. I've landed worse, but I also did my worst ever landing at that strip, which is written up somewhere on this site. Bob is busy just like everyone else. The OSU shop stopped fixing GA aircraft except for those from the flight school, so all the shops around Columbus are ultra jacked. Shops out of town are just normally jacked. Good luck.
  22. Local clubs said they wouldn't take a retractable, insurance was too much.
  23. While I'm certain their many missteps have contributed to their membership decline let's not forget that the pilot population has experience a considerable decline in the last 30 years.
  24. Used to be local news stories were just that, local. They were often poorly written and full of mistakes, but few saw them. Now local stories can go nationally and internationally thanks to the World Wide Web. Han't improved the writing or the reporting any. I've noticed that things get marginally better when you climb up the food chain.
  25. First, I quit AOPA for something rather meaningless. The had one of the older Internet forums, they closed it for farcical reasons. Granted it was over moderated and rather dead, but I still liked to go there once in awhile and it was the only thing my rather expensive dues were doing for me. That magazine covered just about everything everyone else does, and the writing was pathetic. As far as folks not liking transponder free traffic, I suppose that outlaws these guys.
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