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Everything posted by toto

  1. At the risk of a minor threadjack, I will point out that Garmin determined early in the GFC500’s certified life that they had produced a bunch of bad servos and they had a quiet recall of the affected units. We had a GFC500 installed in the Piper right after the STC became available, and the AP started the pitch oscillations within a few months. Garmin replaced all of the servos at their cost, and the problem has not returned. I have to wonder whether some of the affected aircraft have the “bad” servos installed?
  2. Former hangar mate stockpiled AV-1 before it was taken off the market. So I still have 30+ cases in my hangar, but it isn’t really used for anything. It’s basically just a conversation starter at this point
  3. If you want full synthetic oil, I know a guy
  4. For anyone who has Kindle Unlimited, all of Busch’s books are included for “free.”
  5. @BSrigley might have some insight into the plane’s flying habits. I think he was a former partner in this ac?
  6. When I read this, an ancient 1L synapse fired that said “Palsgraf”
  7. I think he was talking about Dan Bass:
  8. Agree with A. It’s pretty unusual for an airplane engine to crap out at cruise, and if you have enough fuel to reach better weather in one direction or another, this doesn’t sound especially risky to me. It would be far riskier to depart with low ceilings for a 5nm radius around the airport and then fly 300 miles of CAVU than to depart VFR and fly over 300 miles of low ceilings with a conservative approach at the other end.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's the same thread I linked in the previous message
  10. Looks like the utility company is updating via Twitter: https://twitter.com/PepcoConnect/status/1597013698287063040
  11. Probably the same as this one from the safety forum?
  12. I wasn’t able to find one at LASAR that looked like my stock one. If you have a link, I’d much appreciate it
  13. Here’s what my bent one looks like:
  14. The one I have is just a flat circle of metal.
  15. Yeah .. I’m not quite that handy. I’m sure I could fabricate a circle of aluminum somehow and drill some holes, but all the stuff I’d have to buy to produce one would likely cost me several times what it would cost me to buy one. (This is aviation, so who knows..) I found some years-old MS links to purchase these, but nothing that was still working.
  16. I had a screw come out of the left main inside dust cover, and the cover flapped around enough that it’s no longer flush. I replaced the missing screw, and it’s working fine - but I’d rather have a completely flat one. I found a bunch of aftermarket options online - “hubba hubba” etc, but really just want a current source for a simple flat white aluminum dust cover with three holes. Does anyone sell these?
  17. Just type the “at” sign and you’ll get a pop up list of usernames. Type the first part of their username after the “@“ and you should be able to select it.
  18. The two things that come immediately to mind are third-party autopilots (which would not apply to OP) and datalink devices. Third party autopilots require a GAD43e and have limited functionality, and datalink I think basically doesn't work unless the source device is a Garmin brand. (I'm far from an expert on these interfaces, so happy to be corrected on the interoperability front.)
  19. Not according to Garmin. The resolution for each 10.6” unit is identical.. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/29441-g3x-touch-certified/?do=findComment&comment=494091 Do you have details on the CPU?
  20. If it were me, I’d be interested to know where the insurance breakpoints are, and spend some time building targeted time while the annual from hell is remediated.
  21. The G3X Touch was announced for certified aircraft in 2019. It would be nice if they had announced significant upgrades at the same time, but I think the general expectation is that Garmin will support a unit for 20 years after introduction. I haven’t ever really understood the display differences between the G3X and the G500. People always say the G500 is better, but the specs are identical.
  22. Slightly OT, but it looks like Aviation Consumer is going to be doing an upcoming feature on the 231…
  23. Yeah, this is a topic that we've spilled a lot of ink over. @carusoam can probably come up with the best threads. For my money, I'd cut the panel. I have a strong dislike for maintaining legacy analog avionics, and I would *much* rather eat the bigger cost and do it all at once than suffer death by a thousand cuts with maintenance on the old crap. Look for posts by @PJClark. He had a very similar panel to yours, and ended up with a gorgeous setup using a G3X and GFC, but keeping the JPI. Get the G500 if you want to interface with third-party hardware. If you're going all Garmin, the G3X should be plenty. It was born to drive a GFC.
  24. Curious little bit of trivia: You can exercise instructor privileges on BasicMed, but a DPE must have at least a third-class medical.
  25. (Privacy) There's something a little bit uncomfortable about sending personal medical information to the government, and one advantage of BasicMed is that you're working with a doctor of your choice, who shares no medical information with any third party, and submits nothing to the government. (Health) Aside from the privacy benefits, the argument for BasicMed is that your PCP will understand your overall health much better than someone who sees you only at renewal time, and will be in a much better position to determine your fitness for flight. (Duration) For anyone with a two-year third class, it also doubles the length of the medical. But it's actually a year shorter than a third class for those with a five-year medical.
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