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Everything posted by toto

  1. The "retrofit" is a replacement actuator? I've heard of zero pilots on MooneySpace doing this - is there actually an available aftermarket actuator that does not have a NBS?
  2. I know that it’s not all that practical for someone who flies a Mooney every day, but I’ll +1 the float rating. I got mine in Alaska, and it was one of the best experiences of my flying life. Alaska itself is unspeakably beautiful, and it’s just an unparalleled wild playground for aviators. With a float plane, you have a safe landing spot pretty much anywhere, and you almost always have the sky to yourself. If you want the best possible alternative to a flight review, it’s gotta be the ASES
  3. There was a nice short article about the single engine ATP in IFR magazine a while back. Worth a quick read. https://www.ifr-magazine.com/technique/atp-the-ultimate-ipc/
  4. Definitely do not need ATP-CTP for ATP SE.
  5. I’m no insurance expert, but I suspect they would much rather pay for a GU than pay out injury claims. The ones that hurt the insurance companies are the ones where you land an otherwise healthy aircraft gear up. If it’s going to crash one way or the other, your interests are aligned - you both want the fewest injuries possible
  6. Fascinating. I had no idea that this was a thing.
  7. I don’t think I knew there was a battery in the 750 … is it just like a little CR 2032 to keep the time?
  8. Anyone have the Wordpress login?
  9. I guess it depends on whether the people making the merch are the same people running the online shop. If they’re separate, then the shop itself is nbd.
  10. Weird. This is still linked from the main mooney.com nav menu. I always figure that since it’s linked from mooney.com, it must benefit Mooney Intl in some way. Who knows. Anyway, would be good to have a continuing source of “official” merchandise, since there’s an awful lot of “unofficial” merch out there.
  11. And for ATP cross country, you don’t need to land. Just fly >50nm from origin.
  12. Couldn’t tell if this was a successful turnback or something else - in any case, it sounds like they were able to walk away.
  13. It’s probably also worth noting that the FAA handbooks are the official source of information for the knowledge tests, and ultimately every company that is producing an online learning resource is just organizing this information in different ways. If the FAA publications are updated, the online test prep companies change their content to match. And you should find every answer to every knowledge test question in the FAA publications.
  14. By the way - the second video is the better/longer of the two, but YouTube won’t allow embedding that one for some reason.
  15. No doubt. I can’t imagine the army of mechanics you would need to get it in the air, or the untold hours of maintenance that an hour of playtime would require. But it looks like a blast
  16. Jared Isaacman owns it now. It’s gorgeous. https://youtu.be/1Gk4c1fCtBg
  17. For whatever it’s worth, I use these guys for my CFI renewals. They’re very old school, with a video recording of a classroom presentation. But I actually find it more interesting and less boring than standard webinars. https://www.aviationseminars.com/online-test-prep/
  18. People tend to say that Sheppard is the best course for passing the written test. I’ve never used them, but I’ve never been super impressed by any of the test prep courses tbh. I normally use a combination of the ASA software and the FAA books. The FAA publications are free, and the ASA software has a decent test bank for practice.
  19. As much as it might be fun to squeeze an F-35 into my hangar, the lack of luggage space makes me reconsider it. Put me down for a Super Cub on straight floats. And a turbine LX-7 to get me from my hangar to somewhere near the water.
  20. Do we have unlimited funds?
  21. I was kind of excited about this for a while, but it appears to have been discontinued. http://www.approachaviation.com/html_pages/flexalert.html It’s disappointing to have a fully modern panel with a primary annunciator that’s frozen in time.
  22. 1970 M-10 Cadet (nee Ercoupe), looks like it's already sold. https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?listing_id=2412022
  23. Looks like a gorgeous C model. I have a J model Mooney and a PA-28, and my one recommendation is to get a ride in a Mooney before you make any sort of a decision. The seating position is much different between the Piper and the Mooney, and while most of us here on MS love the Mooney ride, it isn't for everyone. A 300 mile trip is cake for either plane, and a half hour savings probably can't justify the switch on its own. As with most things in aviation, this is more a "want" than a "need" question
  24. Looks like a broken link?
  25. This is definitely the point where you say: Wait, how many years till I can actually buy this stuff? $400+ is a lot of money for a sticker with a picture of a fuel nozzle on it.
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