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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. I don't know about tornadoes, but I thought Nall accident report data has shown a decline for the past several years.
  2. LOL! Me, too....and $0.30 auto gas!
  3. Another Liquid Wrench fan. My wife would probably divorce me if I tried that Little Rock product...
  4. Hmm, free machining brass (360) is alloyed with lead. Guns need the lead cleaned out. Hoppes #9 is designed to clean guns... Just sayin'...
  5. Wow, that's really odd?? I rented their M20B for over 5 years before I bought my F in 2017; took some nice trips and they didn't have a daily minimum. Lou's a good guy. Maybe, like Paul said, you need to fly with their instructor for a while. You're welcome to PM me if you want to check out my F. I'm based at Brackett, KPOC (La Verne).
  6. This needs a couple million likes...the forum software doesn't seem to let me, however! I doubt our Founding Fathers every saw politics as a CAREER!
  7. I think it's closer to 100% when talking about pilots
  8. Nor worrying about if something broke when the last guy flew it...and didn't squawk it. And, all the adjustments and instruments/radios are EXACTLY how you left them.
  9. I rented for decades and thought many times about partnerships. But, I think finding good partners is like finding good tenants...hard to do and very painful if a poor choice is made. Plus, one of the big downsides of renting is scheduling...partnerships suffer the same especially if there are more than one other partner...every fourth year you get the plane for Christmas??? Or, Labor Day weekend? In the end you still need to have enough money for large unexpected expenses; sure it's shared but don't think entering a partnership can be done without a fair amount of capital. Finally, are your partners of similar financial means? I had a friend who had to get out of a partnership after his partners, with more income, wanted to upgrade... he couldn't afford it. By the time I was in a good financial position I decided I just wanted to be a sole owner. There's nothing like getting off work and deciding on an absolute whim to take flight without checking with ANYONE!
  10. I've never had a plane repainted so, this is definitely a peanut gallery comment: If you are familiar with paint on restored cars you need to admit defeat NOW! I've never seen ANY aircraft paint job come close to the quality of a good automobile refinish. In all aspects, I'm afraid. Your friend is going to need to lower his expectations, IMHO, if he is 'show car' picky. At the price for a quality aircraft paint job you would expect better...but, they're all 10 footers
  11. While I appreciate the sentiment, establishing who did it and getting them to admit it is HIGHLY unlikely. The obvious SUSPECT is whoever did the strip and seal in 2018. So, two years later the present owner is going to hunt down the PO's shop and get them to pay??? When I was younger I ran fools' errands and tilted windmills...not so much anymore
  12. Would the chemical used to strip the tanks attack the gascolator seal?
  13. Then I'm with Don; look for bad grounds on the gauges affected.
  14. I agree. It looks like some chemical/additive attacked the rubber; just doesn't look like 'normal' age...even 50 years. Like someone filled the gascolator with acetone and let it soak to 'clean it.'. Or, maybe did that in the tank? That might explain the brownish residue on the bottom.
  15. Yuup. BTDT. Pain in the ass, and not something you'd be happy about doing 'on the fly.' Would have made sense to design the volume/squelch knob on the 430/530 such that BOTH were variable. What a concept...but, I'm sure that would have added $5 in cost.
  16. Did you notice what the voltmeter was doing during all of this?
  17. I have a 430 and have had similar happen (And, my KX155 was fine). With the RX light on I think the auto squelch thinks there's something there. I really preferred manual squelch for those situations; you get to pick the cut-off level. The fact that it went away after 75 miles tends to support that a weak, but inaudible, signal was tripping the squelch circuit. It will be interesting to see if others report the same experience.
  18. Yes, hearing all of these horror stories makes me count myself as fortunate! As you say, we will see, but I would think claims will be WAY down this year because of the huge reduction in flying. We are always told it's all the claims, especially gear-ups, that are driving up premiums. If the rates go up significantly again, I'm going to feel pretty lied to, unless the renewal rate drops significantly. @Parker_WoodruffAre you seeing a major increase in owners simply not renewing?
  19. @gsxrpilot Excellent choice! 996TT is my daily driver. Most reliable car I've ever owned. Best bang for buck out there, IMHO
  20. WOW! That's nuts. Mine went from $1056 to $1197 and I can assure you I don't have close to your experience, and only have PPL/instrument. 1970 M20F with hull coverage of $70K and liability $1MM/$100K, NOT smooth.
  21. @M20Doc I know people like SS, but is there any reason cad plate would be preferable?
  22. Yeah, what with VORs being shut down, and no GPS, I'm looking forward to the resurgence of AN ranges!
  23. My plane had an old school OAT installed in the pilot side window, but the hole was plugged when the PO installed the Insight G3. I don't know how easy to see your OAT is in the windshield, nor the ergonomic ease of reading your new CGR-30C, but I sure wish I had the old OAT. They are so much easier to read than my G3. Maybe consider those factors before summarily yanking it out. You can orient an OAT gauge so that 0 degrees C is at the top; a quick glance and you can tell if you are close to freezing. Like setting your tach so red-line is at 12 o'clock (oh, wait...no one knows how to drive a stick anymore, nevermind)
  24. Nothing wrong with that answer! Thanks
  25. And, the point I failed to communicate, is that 10% is a pretty significant difference to me! IOW, an 0.005" diameter difference affects area by 10%. No idea if a 10% area difference makes an appreciable difference in flow in a tube with a large length/diameter ratio, but I would not just assume it's insignificant. If Lycoming supplies on the high side of tolerance, and brand "X" on the low side...
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