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  1. Congratulations Brice on getting your IFR rating. I was at the airport when you contacted ground and switched frequencies to listen to your clearance. Set your personal minimums and stick with them. It can be very challenging in real IMC so leave yourself an out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Thank you for your help. It was good meeting you in person. Like I said, we need to set up a Mooney flyin some time in the near future. How did Sunday go?
  4. I have not revisited it for awhile but I would appreciate a screen shot if you don't mind.
  5. I am usually at the field on weekends. We have visitors this week but I am hoping to fly to Casa Grand for the flyin this weekend. If we can meet sometime I would appreciate it.
  6. Can you post your finalized W/B so I can see where I am still going wrong?
  7. I have used Kurt Campbell out of Falcon Field for the past three years. He use to run Transonics that was located next to the Commemorative Air Force building. My ignition switch failed again today so I had to give him a call. Fortunately, It did not happen at St Johns today. His team is mobile and can go to Deer Valley where I am now located.
  8. Hang gliding is on my bucket list. Thank you for sharing.
  9. Here are my rides. I wish I could say both Mooneys are mine but the one on the right is my M20E.
  10. Where did you end up going for your annual?
  11. USAF/USANG 1976-1986 Forward Air Control/Communications
  12. Having the chance to share the experience of flying is incredible. I have flown Patient Airlift Services flights and wanted to share today's Angel Flight mission to Camp Courage. The young men who flew with me were very appreciative and seemed to enjoy themselves. I can't help myself and have to serve as a tour guide as well.
  13. The structures are referred to as covered tie downs at KDVT and Falcon Field. As you drive up you should see the reporting information you need on the end of the covered tie down. Unlike Falcon Field, Deer Valley does not have reporting positions strategically placed at various spots around the airport but does have reporting points located just prior to the taxiway. My area is near the Phoenix Police and is R6. I usually try to give them a little extra quick information if they have a moment. My covered tie down area is really quiet so I do taxi into my spot as far as practicable. I pull it into its final resting spot in the coral by hand. I have seen many pilots do the same.
  14. After a few times of disconnecting my passenger's seat belt, I adopted a new technique I refer to as the roll over. With my thumb facing forward on the release mechanism, once released, I roll my hand backwards to the top of the bar as it passes past the seat belt latches. I then roll my hand down to the grip as the bar moves forward. Once latched, it allows me to place my thumb nail into the locking mechanism to ensure the gear is locked. It works well and yes timing is everything!
  15. Please add me as well. I would like access to the link.
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