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Everything posted by manoflamancha

  1. Hello my fellow Mooniacs What are your thoughts on the 231 aircraft that have had the 262 mod? Worth it or risk? How are parts availability? I found one for sale and information below http://www.mooneymart.com/modifications/100MMA.php
  2. Thanks I'm taking my Mooney CFI with me and he is over six feet tall so if he can then my friends can! Most of the time I fly solo or with a friend so that allows me to get one. The one concern I've found with most of the used 231 on the market is that most do not have the Merlyn automatic waste gate or turbo intercooler to better manage engine temps. To add these would cost $$$ and time.
  3. Great thanks, I'll probably need to eventually add an IFR GPS like a Garmin 650 and GTX 327 mode S transponder.
  4. Awesome thanks guys! I wanted a 252 Rocket or Bravo but 231 is turbo and half the price. Maybe in few years save up and trade up.
  5. Hi all, I'm looking to do a prebuy on a nice Mooney 231 for sale in Fort Worth, Texas. Looking for recommendation to do a thorough prebuy in the area before purchase. Thanks, Scott
  6. Thanks! Likewise if I had the larger budget a Rocket/Bravo/252/Ovation would be at the top of my shopping list. Looking for a nice 231 in my price range.
  7. Pics we need to see the hot tits on your 231 sorry was too hard to resist!
  8. You might check the Rocket website for fuel burn estimates. They have a chart that estimates it I think it is around 20-25gph if memory is correct. Good luck on the commercial checkride that's crazy fun to do it in a Rocket! Have instrument approaches and holding patterns been difficult in the Rocket? I'd imagine flying at 50% power yields something like 150kts making for a very fast approach speed!
  9. It's sad really because I almost never meet an old airplane that I don't like. Almost sad to see them rotting when thousands of folks could be discovering the joy of flight instead of gridlock in expensive SUVs and mini vans. GA has turned into world for the uber rich 1% in the future when $20 billion of biz jets can be sold every year to 2000 super rich versus 20 years ago GA made $2 billion a year selling 20,000 single piston aircraft to 20,000 middle income American families. That and folks prefer being herded like cattle into sardine can seats. I had to fly commercial recently and the seat was half the size at least felt that way when an obese woman hogged her seat and creeped into mine compared to a Mooney seat.
  10. True it's tough finding an older single piston aircraft with a later IFR Garmin GPS and decent autopilot. Many will be scrapped perhaps in 2020 or sold at major discount or sit rotting with the FAA ADSB mandate.
  11. That's why I'm having tough time buying. I'm looking for Turbo charged for high altitude Garmin 530W or 750 GTN WAAS GPS Decent two axis autopilot like STEC 55x or Century 2000 or KFC 200 Mode S transponder The few planes with these are selling for way more $$$ than it would cost me to put brand new avionics into a used 231 or 252 Mooney
  12. If you are flying over the Rockies you really want a turbocharged Mooney with higher ceiling. At least from a safety peace of mind. But if most of your flying is below 12000' then better to save on a F or J model. The J is newer than the F but not that much different except for electric gear versus the old style manual Johnson bar gear.
  13. I would go with turbo charged M20K or 201J with turbo charging.
  14. Meh, it looks way too much like a Cirrus or Panthera design to me and not like a Mooney!
  15. China ironically could be the savior of GA as they are cash rich and have the pent up population and demand to produce lower cost single piston aircraft. I've noticed a shift at local California flight schools now running Chinese training academies full of students from China training for their licenses!
  16. Agree well at least it is a step in the right direction somewhat affordable new aircraft is what we are hoping for. In the meantime a used nice turbo Mooney 201J works for me.
  17. I'm looking for either a 231 or turbo 201J as budget does not allow for a 252/Rocket/Bravo.
  18. I'm waiting for Mooney to bring back the entry level 201J for less than a new Cirrus SR20 or Cessna 182. That would great for us normal folk who are not part of the 1% club.
  19. Sweet rocket if my budget allowed I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately right now my budget is limited to something under 70k which means an older 231 or turbo 201J model.
  20. Hi Jack, Send me a PM with specs and photos I may be interested and not that far from you even though I am in Sacramento a short flight to VNY. -Scott
  21. I've always preferred dating thinner women under 150lbs. Makes for easier W&B calculations. With a Mooney, I can demand a thin non- obese woman without appearing superficial If I had a Bonanza or 182 would not be so lucky.
  22. Awesome thanks guys! Only downside to the Bravo is high time engine and a new Bravo engine costs 50K plus so need to factor that into the offer. -Scott
  23. Here in California between the constant traffic and cops, it makes no sense to own a fast car as you really cannot enjoy it. Now if I lived in the open Nevada or New Mexico desert, sure owning a Ferrari would be fun since can drive it fast and open it up on the freeway. I'd much rather own a fast plane that I can use and enjoy.
  24. Agree best to maintain decent W&B to avoid accidents. Yeah I'm ok with a Mooney being a 2 person airplane. Most of the time it's just me or a friend and being able to get places fast is what I want.
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