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Everything posted by manoflamancha

  1. Is it possible to fly at low power settings safely without damaging the engine? Like for example 30% power to save on gas and still get 150-170 knots in econ cruise.
  2. Get a Maule or Cessna 210. Your dogs won't fit in a Mooney.
  3. That makes sense and I'd finance the new engine and pay cash for the Bravo. Still, considering that a new Ovation or Acclaim sell for close to 800k, the Bravo is way cheaper for similar performance and almost on par with far more expensive turboprops and twins. It would be nice to visit Montana and Vancouver on weekend trips.
  4. Right now I am planning 50-100 hours a year since I want to finish advanced ratings and do some traveling across the country. I have 280 hours right now and half way through my instrument rating. I plan to finish my instrument and commercial ratings in the plane. I know the transition to a much faster plane like the Bravo has its quirks coming from flying Piper Arrows and Cessna 172RG but hopefully with a good Mooney instructor it is possible. I looked at older Bonanzas but for 100-150k, a Mooney Bravo seems to offer the best performance bang for the buck on the market right now. Scott
  5. I am shopping for a 1990-1994 Mooney Bravo and wanted to gather average yearly operating costs to budget for fuel, insurance and MX. I know the TIO-540 Lycoming is an expensive engine so wanted to gather realistic budget to put aside after purchase. Scott
  6. 252 or Bravo is way I would go and thats what I am looking at right now as well.
  7. Sweet Bravo! Is it still for sale? Ping me if so, I am interested. Scott mixxalot@yahoo.com
  8. Hi all, I am looking to meet fellow Mooney pilots here in San Diego and southern California for fly outs. Right now, I am considering either a 252/231/Bravo as my Mooney purchase. Prices are pretty good right now. At first I considered other models outside of Mooney but a newer Mooney is faster and less expensive than a Cirrus, Cessna, or Bonanza. Scott
  9. I decided to pass on the plane which is still for sale. I'd rather just pay a little more for a legit Ovation or Bravo than a Franken-Mooney!
  10. Gorgeous Bravo! I was originally looking at 231/252K but now considering Bravo or Ovation. Figured I would rather spend more for my first and last airplane than buy a lesser one and have to deal with selling or trading up.
  11. Cool well its between a Mooney Bravo, 252 or older Ovation but no frankenplanes.
  12. Agree in buying from Jimmy Garrison he is one of the few reputable straight shooter brokers around on Mooneys. If I don't find one locally to buy in San Diego then I'd consider buying one from him. Plus it gives me excuse to visit Skyport Redbird and have real Texas BBQ brisket and get some actual IFR weather.
  13. Most brokers I've dealt with are sleaze balls best to buy private party. Look up the aircraft owner and contact directly.
  14. For the asking price one can buy a nice 252 or older Bravo in decent condition with useful load for 2-3 pax.
  15. For me the deal killer is poor useful load. It makes zero sense to have 84g tanks with room for one person.
  16. Thanks I'll pass on this Frankenplane and keep looking.
  17. Thanks I'll be careful since according to the seller it was completely rebuilt after the hurricane. I'm looking at others since I really want an Ovation or Bravo not a Frankenplane.
  18. Well it would be an incentive to lose weight and date thin women I'd need to get to 150lbs and date a 120lb lady
  19. As a single guy most of my flying is just me and one friend. Would you still consider this plane or keep looking?
  20. Looking at this Mooney it's being marketed as an Ovation that started life as an M20L and had STC updates firewall forward: http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20R-OVATION/1988-MOONEY-M20R-OVATION/1400203.htm is this a good deal or a Frankenplane that I should avoid? It's in my neck of the woods here in San Diego. How much is it really worth?
  21. Is the Bravo mod to the TLS the same as the wet head engine upgrade?
  22. I'm open to either a 252, Bravo/TLS or older model Ovation.
  23. I'm a big boy myself and you'd fit better in the long body Mooneys like Ovation and Bravo. Those are my first choice for a Mooney even though more expensive than an older J or 231. Still for near turbo prop performance a used Mooney is way less expensive than a new Cirrus or used turbo prop.
  24. I am looking for a Mooney to buy in southern California.
  25. Considering that the Bravo cruises easily at 200kts this is a good deal for near turbo prop performance.
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