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    San Diego
  • Interests
    aviation, golf and travel
  • Model
    Looking for early Bravo/TLS/252/Ovation

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  1. A hangar home on an airpark is my long term dream as well. Nothing beats taxi and take off from your place without the need to drive to an airport. Unfortunately, these are few and far between in CA, NV, OR and AZ and super expensive.
  2. Thanks, right now I am working out the prebuy and paperwork. Should be fun and LASAR has 3" rudder extensions to help me fit more comfortable. I figure with that and seat cushion, flying will be great.
  3. Of course I'd rather have a 252 or encore but it's double the cost of a 231 even after factoring a new or reman engine, and for that money, I'd get an older Ovation or Bravo.
  4. Congrats on your new J, Andy! Lovely plane quite a showstopper. I love the 201J and was initially looking at one but since I fly a lot to high density airports, wanted turbo in spite of higher cost. If you ever come down to San Diego, I'd be happy to grab lunch at MYF. We have a lot of good places to eat on the field and its a short flight in your new J from STS. I actually did my PPL checkride up there with Benedict at STS before he retired. Nice area. Once I have my new Mooney, I plan to fly up there to go wine tasting and visit friends up north. Scott
  5. Sounds like a game plan- I will coordinate schedule with best option. Right now priority is get prebuy done to make final go/no go decision. Plane is beautiful and flies great and the seller is honest and willing to work with my work/travel schedule as well.
  6. Thanks I agree and will schedule the prebuy.
  7. I think most of the annuals have been done at Crownair so have to check last few logs.
  8. So I'm looking to finish up the offer and paperwork on the 231 and need good recommendation for a solid Mooney shop in San Diego. Seller had work done at Crownair so would prefer a different shop to inspect it for the prebuy. I flew it already and seller agreed to fix major squawks and airworthy items or discount price. I'm hoping and praying the major stuff is in good shape but did budget additional funds for maintenance. Fortunately I don't need to update avionics other than eventually comply with the 2020 ADSB mandate but since the plane has Garmin 530W and 330 GTX transponder, the update is less than without these avionics.
  9. That's my lucky hope. Now to get prebuy done and paperwork.
  10. Engine has 1500 hours with a top done 140 hours ago. I think TBO on the 231 stock engine the TSIO-360-GB1 is 1800 hours. Making it TBO would be a dream giving me extra time to fly and put in extra funds.
  11. Agree Sherry is awesome. Unfortunately they let another DPE in the area keep his rating and without naming him, he is a real piece of work who definitely should not be one. It's all politics.
  12. Thanks plane has both a Merlyn wastegate and intercooler so hopefully these are still viable and don't need replacement and can be used with new engine. Even though turbo costs more, from a safety perspective out here west, it's safety peace of mind flying to places like Tahoe, Vegas, and New Mexico with high density altitudes and mountains.
  13. Thanks both good options. Was considering a Bravo but deal is good on the 231 even if I have to put another engine in her still less.
  14. Thanks I'm wondering what new Continental engines fit the Mooney 231 and pricing? I plan to keep me new baby long time and factor new engine would be ideal over a reman, used, overhaul one. I had trouble finding this on Continental website. Plane is gorgeous and faster than a new or used Cirrus or Bonanza at half the cost.
  15. Sorry was stupid Apple iPad autocorrect lol. Mooney instructor of course. I have a good financial advisor already :-)
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