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Bravoman last won the day on November 10 2016

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    M20M (former) 2013 Mirage

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  1. I’ll never forget the time I commented to Joe Cole how pretty a 90s something J model was that was sitting in his shop on which he had just completed a prebuy inspection. It “failed” the inspection and was rejected by the buyer due to advanced corrosion in the tubular structure caused by mouse urine.
  2. All you’re missing is the sweet tea and collard greens!
  3. Cole Aviation is not that far away. If it were me, I would call Joe to determine the best way of getting the plane to his shop so that the inspection and repairs can be done correctly. In my opinion, having the repairs done properly at a respected MSC will also help the provenance of the aircraft after an incident like this. Joe is a pilot, and he also sometimes travels to AOG aircraft.
  4. As I recall from my Bravo days, which I reminisce upon fondly, I didn’t want to be much over 75 knots over the fence unless in gusty conditions. I always shot for between 70 and 75 depending on weight, runway length, etc. It was the sweetest landing plane I ever flew.
  5. Trying to get too fancy can end up with disastrous results in an otherwise totally survivable situation.
  6. How does something like that happen? Was the pilot distracted ( or not paying attention) or somehow loose control?
  7. My guess is in the 700s to low 800s by the time you get out the door fully equipped and with tax tag and title. How much are the 206s?
  8. There are different dynamics at play now then say the early 2000s when there was a big run up in prices. The desire to avoid the airlines and folks who aren’t pilots buying planes to be able to do that as well as travel on their own schedule, and fewer airframes due to attrition and limited production. My crystal ball says that prices will continue to run for a while and when the market settles back some it might be as much as 30% off the highs but I don’t think we will see 2018 prices ever again.
  9. Even in today’s dollars that’s something less than 300k. They would fly off the shelf if they could be purchased new for that now.
  10. The hours to miles comparison/analysis is interesting. As to automobiles, I have heard from reliable sources over the years that manufacturer recommendations to change oil at 7500 or 10,000 miles is driven more by environmental concerns, i.e. the EPA than what is truly good for the motor.
  11. As an aside, it is also important to change oil every 25 hours when running a turbo charged engine. Although a little bit anecdotal, I believe that that goes far to help reaching TBO without having to change cylinders or do a top overhaul.
  12. Even if was doable somehow insurance wise, no way in a million years would I ever put a Bravo into a rental fleet.
  13. Which autopilot does she have?
  14. Eric, if you were referring to me, I am not stating a political opinion at all. I am stating facts. If it is not the policies of those that govern where the OP lives that are causing airport closures and the fuel supply to be turned off, what else can it be? I can tell you with certainty that we don’t have such problems down my way. And I don’t think it is the difference in the weather.
  15. The problem is is that you cannot discuss this in a vacuum without bringing politics into it. The closures and the problems that the OP started this thread about regarding the pending unavailability of fuel are driven by those who govern (and of course those who allow them to govern) and the policies they enact. I don’t think there is much utility in discussing a problem without discussing the root cause and potential solutions.
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