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  1. Power Flow exhaust for C model, brand new box never opened. Sold airplane before it got installed, new owner wasn't interested. $4700.00 Contact Doug@ 9312180361/ goterminal120@yahoo.com
  2. Put 400 HP in an Ovation and see if it can out run a Comanche. I’ve got a dollar that says it could.
  3. I flew an s-tech 30 for the first time this past week. I would still have my C if I knew that autopilot flew that well. I fell into the hype about how the s-tech is old technology and didn’t work very well. I was in a piper 180 on a gusty day, altitude was spot on and heading was corrected for wind with out wondering or harsh inputs. I was quoted 28,000 to install a gfc 500, 20,000 for the s-tech, if I knew then what I know now the s-tech would be in the panel and I would still have my Mooney. live and learn
  4. Shadrach is absolutely correct. There are common hardware parts and pieces that are one time use items, and there may be an AD or SB on a part requiring replacement upon removal, but for the most part the big pieces are not required to be inspected more than a visual if the engine is just being repaired not overhauled. Would be a good idea since it’s torn down, maybe but there is no requirement. Low time with no issues other than a crack in the case, I wouldn’t think twice about fixing or replacing case whichever is necessary new main bearings and hardware, and put it back together. If it wasn’t broken before it wouldn’t be broken after. You don’t get any time back but it is a bunch less expensive.
  5. I’m in Clarksville. Is the airplane here, or are you here looking at one somewhere else.
  6. I’m in Clarksville at outlaw.
  7. I have a 68 model C, two mags , stock engine. My take off fuel burn is 18.5 gph regardless of da. Field elevation is 550’. I had a hot #4 on take off, turned out to be exhaust leak. Took two look sees to realize it was leaking. Blowing right on the probe. For what it’s worth...and good luck.
  8. Im right down the river at tn77, I can get you in a J model for an afternoon if you’d like. Doug
  9. That is odd about the advance on the surefly. When I talked to them at OshKosh I got the impression it was a fixed timing other than retarding for start. As far as sterting on the electroair, I never said it couldn’t do it, simply relayed an experience. His starter couldn’t spin up fast enough. That being said, take one that can be started with it and use a not fully charged battery or on a butt cold day. I can’t say for sure but you may want that shower of sparks or impulse coupler. Results may vary
  10. A friend just did his first flight yesterday after electroair install. Ran great, but would not start without mag. The EI requires 50 rpm to come alive, apparently his starter couldn’t get it. FYI the surefly is not apples to apples to electroair. Surefly has no advance, runs just like a mag but with no points. As far as eating spark plugs, I don’t believe it. If your using the proper gap, they shouldn’t wear any more than normal. These things still aren’t pushing the power of auto ignitions and they go for thousands of hours.
  11. go to Smyrna, less traffic nice new fbo. All the amenities without the hassle. Nashville is fine, but if given the option I’d go to MQY. If your coming fron the North looking for cheepish gas hope over to m91.
  12. Checks in the mail David, Pictures don’t do them justice. Thanks so much.
  13. sarasota just did mine last august or september for 13 and change. that was with aoa,synthetic vision, and test flight. no ea100 but still wouldnt make up the difference. very odd
  14. I have a set you can borrow. Im just down the road in springfield.
  15. did you have carb heat on. for some reason the 0-360 in a Mooney runs realy rich with the carb heat on.
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