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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. MooneyBob

    Shinny spinner

  2. I speak Czech , Slovak ( yes, they have two different languages) Polish and Russian language.
  3. Since the English is my second language ( I didn't speak a word 10 years ago) I have to listen carefully and I am not afraid ask for "say again". I use the flight following every time I can on my VFR trips and I listen to Live ATC in my car all the time. I have Sportys IFR communication app and Comm1 CD which is great since it is interactive. I am getting there. I know it will be more difficult under pressure but I am working hard to get there.
  4. Yes . Aluminum de oxidizer and purple stuff.
  5. I have polished my spinner today with the California Custom product after I got some advices from the forum. I took my literally 8 minutes. It worked so fast and easy that I hope the chemicals will not disintegrated my spinner. See before and after.
  6. One instructor owns the Mooney and he is adventurist and he has a lot of actual IMC hours. Good for real life experience sharing. Second one is very methodical, book smart, theory based and " close traffic " kind of guy that will not tolerate 50' altitude deviation. I will keep them both busy and make proper adjustment in my training as we go.
  7. I have created my excel spreadsheet where I have some power settings I found on internet, next to it I have MAPA recommended setting and next to it is blank space that I will fill out during my first flights to get it as accurate as possible for my plane.
  8. I will definitely deliver the message. I stop at the school almost evey day as I like those folks very much.
  9. I have two instructors at KBLM I worked with before. I will use them both probably as it will give me more flexibility and time windows.
  10. Does it make any sense to use different top and bottom ones. Something like top massive and bottom fine wire? Would it be even good for engine? Just curios.
  11. I did a lot of studying that I really enjoy. Reading is my thing. I have passed few practice written tests with good results and I have built pretty nice home simulator that I am shooting approaches on. My idea is to keep it simple and focus on ILS, LOC and VOR approaches. I will make " inoperative" my ADF so I don't have to use it on my check ride since I am not going to use it anyway. I will get a GPS approved for IFR but I want to wait until after my check ride. Again for simplicity reasons. I hope this is the right approach to get proficient with VOR and GS and pass the check ride. Then I hope to use the GPS most of the time as those approaches are popping up everywhere. Anything wrong with this picture? Any advices or points I should really focus on? I hope to get it done in few months, weather and schedule permitted.
  12. My engine is a little rough when taxiing around 1000 RPM. I was told it could be spark plugs. I am going to change them even if it is going to cost me few hundreds buck now. I think I would pay more for them and everything else including hotel overnight stay if I got stuck somewhere because of bad spark plug.
  13. How much is AV gas down there?
  14. Hmmmm. This topic is one big hmmm.
  15. Same here. I am ready to pull the trigger now. What exact model number of the plugs I need for my 1977 M20J with IO 360 A3B6 engine? Thanks.
  16. Congrats. I had to quit my full time job since I got my Mooney and discovered Mooneyspace.
  17. I have read every single word so it took me a little longer the 5 minutes. I also use the ADS-B all the time so I tried to answer as accurate as possible.
  18. Definitely next year.
  19. Wow. We are talking about main gear brakes. Not the front one. :-)
  20. Brian, You are right about a lot of things. We all hope they will find the plane soon and it will clear innocent from suspicion.
  21. My exact procedure is: After magnetos check I lower the RPM by 200 and wait a little. I increase the MP a little to see if the RPM stay stable and the oil pressure doesn't drop drastically. That would be indication on massive oil leak from the governor. Then I cycle the prop 3 times all the way back slow enough to get around 300 RPM. Before all that I make sure my oil is warm enough to move the needle. Again, I am new to my Mooney and I was told to do that this way by my instructor / Mooney owner.
  22. I have 3 blade prop and drops definitely more than 300 RPM before I bring it quickly up. If I hold it longer back I would see probably 500 RPM drop.
  23. Ok. That's what I found about the Red Box. The problem is that my POH says to lean 100F rich of peak at 75%. Now what? Is that because the power decreases with the altitude? At 8000' your max output is less than 65% so you can lean whatever you want? Red Box = No Fly Zone At and below about 60% power, there is no red box. Put the mixture wherever you want it. At about 65% power or so, 100ºF ROP to Peak. At about 70%, 125ºF ROP to 25ºF LOP. At about 75%, 180ºF ROP to 40ºF LOP. At about 80%, 200ºF ROP to 60ºF LOP.
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