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MHemperly last won the day on December 22 2016

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About MHemperly

  • Birthday 03/23/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Henderson, NV
  • Interests
    spending time with my wife. Flying R/C airplanes and of course my mooney!!
  • Reg #
    Miss my E...
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  1. Yep! The chief took it out there! Really a fun jet!
  2. I’ve got a trip for work today to Colorado-California & back to VGT and won’t be back until later this afternoon. @xcrmckenna ill be at the airport around 9am if you want to come by and check out my work hangar. Mike.
  3. Sold my Mooney a few years ago (want to buy another one) but I fly these for a living now.
  4. Coming into VGT? I’m flying for a 135 based outta there, at the field all the time. If I can do it I’ll go out to Hangar 24. Mike
  5. Is this still available?
  6. Hey Roy! I’m working nights this week over by UNLV. I can possibly meet up with you one night before work. I’ll send you a text.
  7. Mike- check your PMs. :)

  8. Welcome back Roy! Hope you find the bird you want! I am also a local Las Vegas Mooniac! (Henderson specifically) I live 5 minutes from HND. While not a current Mooney owner (sold my E 2 years ago to save and upgrade) I am flying a Cherokee 6 at the moment. But I am actively searching for my next M20. If you need help getting around to see mooney’s I’d be happy to do that, schedule permitting. Mike
  9. You raise some good questions @carusoam. Should I find myself above the flight levels I’ll be leaving behind a Wife and two kids. I think I can trust her haha just really asking the question of who most pilots are going through to purchase a term policy. @kerry I thought about that... I let my membership lapse so maybe now is a good time to call and renew and shop through them? @Skates97 that’s exactly what I want the policy for. Enough to cover mortgage and some extra to buy my wife some time to get it together should something happen. @Vance Harral & @Parker_Woodruff thank you for the referral. I will contact them and see what they have to offer thanks guys for not only giving me some direction but also making sure I’m asking myself important questions Mike
  10. What are you guys doing for life insurance? I’m 33 non smoker and I’m in good health. What are your guys doing in this department that has good rates and no aviation exclusions? I’m a commercial pilot with SEL & MEL, Instrument and live in Henderson NV-sometimes this matters. Thought this might be a good topic. Mike
  11. There is vista aviation and Able Air. I’ve got a friend that has used Able Air and he hasn’t said anything bad about them. Vista is a Cessna center I think. Good luck Mike
  12. Thanks @carusoam! Im all about the slow plane jokes, no autopilot at that! Haha can’t wait to get another Mooney! It does feel good to do stuff like this that is Sandy’s new home in Nebraska Mike
  13. Last weekend I did a pretty unique flight. Not in a Mooney unfortunately. But I had the pleasure of transporting a sand cat to its new home at the Lincoln Nebraska Zoo. It came from the feline compound in Rosamond Califrnia. 24 hours of flying in a 48 hour period and VFR the whole way. Great trip I tried rotating the images on my iPad before posting and it didnt work. Sorry for the sideways photos guys! Enjoy
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