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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. What happened when you flew out of your current region? Just looked like you flew off the edge of the world?
  2. I do like the maps and functionality of the g3x, but I actually prefer Foreflight. I keep FF updated on both my phone and ipad so i have a backup. For my gtn xi, I just have the standard ifr database, and for the g3x, I use the free vfr database (which is the same as ifr but no approaches). The free vfr database comes with obstacles and terrain. The ifr database on the gtn has all the approach information and FF obviously has the database, maps and charts. So for the price of the minimum ifr database and FF, I feel that the system is pretty robust and I have a reasonable number of backups.
  3. According to Don, they consulted Mooney engineering before the conversion and Mooney agreed that the single puck conversion was acceptable since the original Bravo had a higher GW and single puck. It’s never simple or as clear as we want with these things…
  4. True. Thinking that you did sufficient ADM and actually doing it are different. Probably why we went with personal mins to begin with, but they can get superfluous, overly restrictive, or just plain unwieldy if you actually think it all through in the first place. Oh, and you need an accurate estimate of your own abilities which is probably the most difficult part.
  5. That little one on the inside of mine goes down and empties underneath right next to the main air oil separator drain. Where does your smaller one go?
  6. Possibly, but Cole has been maintaining it since…
  7. The previous owner remembers the discussion with Maxwells about the brakes being an option but not available at the time. He said Maxwells was clear they were optional, so maybe they have an updated drawing? I have put in a note to them to get some more info on it. I have pretty good documentation of everything, but I don’t have that Mooney “drawing” being referenced.
  8. Yeah, there's several drains down there for sure. I'm slowly tracing them all. I was just surprised that both air oil separator drains went down there.
  9. I guess I'm asking, but why add them? Are you saying they are required and were missed when they did the conversion?
  10. Nevermind, I wasn't doing a very good job of reading the IPC. It's 600414-001 and is indeed $1000 and out of stock...
  11. Thanks. Interesting that Maxwell did the conversion and signed it off. Maybe double puck isn't required by that?
  12. I took a closer look at the separator today (getting ready to help with annual in a couple weeks)... the breather line from the top of the engine comes into the separator, then the main drain at the bottom goes down under the left side to exit below the pilot's feet. Then there's a smaller line coming out the side of the separator also exiting the bottom of the cowl under the pilots feet. Is that an alternate drain? And if so, what is the "separator" doing with the separated oil? It seems both of it's drains go back out under the cowling? Or does separated oil go back through the main breather line?
  13. Do you guys happen to know the part number for that "cloth" boot? I don't really want to replace it at $1AMU, but mine has a tear along the upper side that is about to go past the clamp. Also, how the heck do you not destroy these boots putting the cowling on? It's not a fun experience!
  14. Are these double puck or single? How would a layman know?
  15. I do think it’s useful for a newly minted (or less than current) ifr pilot to have some good numbers to assess their plan. It’s harder for them to do the full adm conceptually. But once you’re comfortable looking through all the ins and outs of the adm, personal mins become less helpful. Say 750’/2nm/15kt xw plus not imc for cruise… it’s got to be something that they can actually use until they figure out how to consider the whole picture which is more complicated than PMs can encompass.
  16. I do think it’s useful for a newly minted (or less than current) ifr pilot to have some good numbers to assess their plan. It’s harder for them to do the full adm conceptually. But once you’re comfortable looking through all the ins and outs of the adm, personal mins become less helpful. Say 750’/2nm/15kt xw plus not imc for cruise… it’s got to be something that they can actually use until they figure out how to consider the whole picture which is more complicated than PMs can encompass.
  17. Definitely get up to speed on how the insurance works vs the “self insurance above a certain value”. With an airplane it doesn’t really work that way. Insure for its actual value or they will total it, pay your low $$ and salvage it while making money. Insure too high and they’ll pay to fix what should be totaled and you’ll have a plane with significant damage history. Tread carefully here.
  18. Yes, logbook entries are always an interesting exercise in translation. After the conversion, the previous owner hit a traffic cone taxiing and elected to do a complete overhaul, so everything was OH as an SB engine after this. I’ll look closer at the brakes next trip to the airport.
  19. You have to be careful with Garmin's compatibility charts because it sometimes looks like G5s will drive attitude autopilots... there's a check mark in the box as "compatible"... But the fine print says that the G5s will provide a heading for the AP. G5s won't provide the actual attitude source. You need the GI-275s as @LANCECASPER says.
  20. Just to show what I'm looking at with my "low MP"... it's one of those things you might not notice without digital engine monitors. It's definitely there, but is it significant? I went back through the engine data through Nov 2023 (which is farthest back I had). It looks like it's always been ~38.5" on takeoff. It's impossible to tell what happened on climb before I owned it because the previous owner climbed at reduced power. However, initial takeoff MP is still the same as the oldest data I have. This is a full power climb I did a couple weeks ago and you can see it slowly degrades through climb. It started close to 39" on this one and I have all 3 forward during climb to 12,500'. It ends around 37.5".
  21. My plane also has a garmin eis but my oil temp probe is a jpi probe. It’s in the primary spot next to the oil cooler. My plane is new to me, so I’ve still been getting use to it, but I haven’t seen the oil above 140 degrees yet, albeit in cold winter flying. I wish I had an answer to your questions. Im going to try covering some of the cooler and see if that changes my oil temp.
  22. I believe you, but here’s the logbook entry from Don Maxwells. Brakes aren’t mentioned, but I haven’t looked for them specifically in an earlier entry.
  23. So here’s an interesting one now that everyone is talking “dual puck”… DMax did the Encore conversion on mine in 2021 and the logbook entry refers to “the single puck Encore conversion, re Mooney Drawing…” I haven’t looked specifically at my brakes yet, but is there a single puck conversion?
  24. Thanks, that’s an interesting observation because my oil temp has been pretty low this winter. Im going to block off part of my oil cooler this week and see if that makes a difference, so I’ll keep an eye on the mp as well.
  25. What eventually solved your issue? Was that the one i read about where the intake was constricted and closing down incoming air near the filter?
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