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Htwjr last won the day on November 11 2016

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    Florence, SC
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  • Model
    '67 M20C

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  1. Which CHT probe do I need for a 67C? Does anybody know what resistance the probe should read at different temperatures? Thanks
  2. I have a 67C and the steering on landing is getting worse. With the plane on jacks the nose wheel does not seem to have any play front to back or side to side. There is play left to right in the steering. I have read Maxwell’s 8 second article so yesterday we leveled the plane to check following Mooney’s instructions. The front axle centerline was 7/8” forward of the plumb bob line. I don’t understand how it could be that far off or how adding a shim to the rubber discs could help move the axle to the rear. It appears to me that as the front discs compress the wheel moves up and to the rear. How does adding a spacer move it to the rear?
  3. I have a '67 C and would like to replace all of the scat hoses What sizes and lengths do I need to order? Thanks
  4. I had an uncle that was pretty wealthy tell me do not finance things that depreciate. I have tried to follow his advice and it has served me well. I am not sure an airplane depreciates though if maintained properly. I had another uncle that was a pilot tell me when I was young and used to fly with him some " Son if it floats, flies or frigs...rent it." I am 0/3 following his advice. I can relate to your position as my daughter is in her third year of ob-gyn residency. I will echo the prior advice to live below your means. It is much better to actually have money than to act like it. I am sure you will be fine. If you are smart and hard working enough to make it through med school and residency I am sure you can handle airplane finance. I would recommend to find a plane that someone else has already upgraded with most of the stuff you want.
  5. Congratulations on the C. The best value in general aviation. My C had the inertia reel shoulder harnesses when I got it and they seem to work great. I hope to not find out if they actually work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I have always enjoyed trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Sometimes it works out and sometimes not. I bought a ‘67 C with about 350 hrs since factory reman engine but more than 20 years prior. I was concerned about the engine also but I have had the plane 7 years and put another 250 hours on it without any metal showing up in the oil filter. As others have said I would get it checked close for corrosion but I would fly it until the engine started making metal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I like the poetic note. I hope that you enjoy the new new plane as much as she obviously did.
  8. As for the bad experience with motion sickness, get her some trans-derm scopalomine. I go offshore fishing and I cant make myself get sick using it.
  9. I replaced my old green crazed side windows a couple of years ago myself and used 3/16 solar grey on the front and dark tint for the rear. Not only does it look more modern but is noticibly cooler in the summer heat.
  10. Looks like Clark Griswald parked that plane.
  11. Congrats on the new C which I believe is the best value in general aviation. It cannot be beat for speed, efficiency, simplicity, useful load and price.
  12. It is not just the running ones that are dangerous. My mechanic was standing in front of a plane facing forward talking with someone and rested his arm on the prop when it started. He was not injured but talk about a close call.
  13. I used Maxwell's method to find the leaks on my C but rather than just patch them I stripped the leaking areas before resealing them. That has been about two years ago flying from a grass strip with no problems. I would probably fix them again if necessary but I don't think I would want to try a complete strip and reseal. I would probably take it to one of the professionals for that.
  14. Mooney on the Mooney
  15. Man with corona virus seeks woman with lime disease.
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