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Everything posted by mike_elliott

  1. Scott Ashton at Aerox is my go to for all things oxygen..Great guy, great supporter of the Mooney community He will steer you right scott@aerox.com full disclosure, Aerox is a sponsor of the mooneysummit
  2. It's the sweet spot of singles. The bad: UL could be better The Good: Everything else.
  3. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, We had good VFR weather for our last event, lunch at Williston. Six Mooneys brought 8 people, and we all enjoyed visiting and eating. Our next event will be this Saturday, August 10, at the Tiki at Fort Pierce (FPR). All events start at 11:30. Future events: August 10 Fort Pierce, (FPR). September 14 Winter Haven, (GIF). October 12, Flagler (FIN). Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. This year the Mooney Summit will be on September 27 and 28. If you would like to register go to www.mooneysummit.com Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  4. Alex Gertsen went to their booth yesterday and had a "come to the river" discussion with them. One of the Seattle Avionics guys called me at Alex's request to explain their NEW position after a week of blowback. 1) All lifetime subs will be honored and continue to receive chart updates with the existing legacy product. No product updates however will be forthcoming. What it is is what it is henceforth. 2) their new product will not have a lifetime sub nor will the legacy product lifetime sub be transferable. THis is a far more acceptable way of handling things than arbitrary EOL of lifetime subs. EOL of product developement and rolling out a new product with different pricing is ok as far as I am concerned, YMMV. Seattle Avionics in the past had sponsored the Mooney Summit with some lifetime subs and Alex and I felt it important to have them address their integrity posture having been associated with the Mooney Summit. We shall see what the forthcoming email says and what their actions are, but it sounds like they learned a FAFO lesson in short order. On another note, CFI's can obtain the new product for $25/year
  5. Sure wish I had both still! I'm fortunate enough to fly others quite often, DYL. Life ain't so bad...
  6. not taking it to Fairhope like we talked about?
  7. I wish I could, I gave it to a friend after I sold the Bravo and gave up my hangar
  8. I bought some non slip Phillips head #2 bits that don't bugger up the screws by slipping, and a nifty safety wire insertion thingie that looks like a long screwdriver to get that four letter word enhancement oil suction screen on an io360 re safety tied
  9. Alex, thanks for doing this. Any chance you can also set up a new group on X? I realize the old group there is now I accessable, and I'll take the heat for not keeping the keys close to the chest. The popularity of X and tic Tok are on par or exceed FB and instagram (imo) which should provide additional reach.
  10. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, We had great weather for our last event, lunch at Sebring. Six Mooneys brought 10 people, and we all enjoyed visiting and eating. Our next event will be this Saturday, July 13, at the Pyper Kub Cafe at Williston (X60). All events start at 11:30. Future events: July 13 Williston, (X60). August 10 Fort Pierce, (FPR). September 14 Winter Haven, (GIF). Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. This year the Mooney Summit will be on September 27 and 28. If you would like to register go to www.mooneysummit.com Ruth and I have sold our house on Lake Harris and moved to an over 55 community. Our new address is 1023 Nantucket Sound, Mt. Dora, 32757. Our phone numbers and email are unchanged. The new owners of our house did not want the trains, so they went to a friend who is building a garden RR in North Carolina. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  11. looks like allegiant "comfort class"
  12. Someone I know once did that, but was strongly cautioned that during discovery if things go pear shaped, this might just seal the deal for the plantifs, as it will be found out as most misrepresentations are.
  13. Congrats! I owned an F for around 15 years..great plane! you will love it!
  14. A word that should be known by all aviators, especially cfi's. don't fly off without it. This isn't your father's car insurance company
  15. McMaster Carr has UHMW tape in various widths and lengths. Great for those chafing areas on flaps, gear doors, cowl, etc
  16. Well done Byron. Starter adapter or armature bearing, Brandt?
  17. I had one in the bravo and it was flawless
  18. The io360 likes to settle at 6qts and seems anything above that, your better off just wiping it on the belly and avoid the middle man. Personally, I am not a fan of dumping oil full of combustion acids and moisture back into the engine like a separator does, YMMV
  19. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, In spite of some IFR weather in the morning, we had 9 Mooneys and 2 Pipers bring 16 people to Fort Pierce at our last event. The food and company were great. While we were there, Home Land Security showed up with a highly modified King Air which they showed us. The offered to answer our questions, but when the dust settled many were classified and got a “no comment” answer. I did find out however that they can read the name and hailing port on the transom of a sailboat at an altitude of more than 1,000 feet. Guess you shouldn’t relieve yourself over the stern (not a good idea for safety reasons anyway) or play around with your favorite squeeze in the cockpit. Pictures of their airplane below (I hope). Our next event will be this Saturday, June 8, at the Sebring Airport (SEF). All events start at 11:30. Future events: June 8, Sebring, (SEF). July 13 Williston, (X60). August 10 Fort Pierce, (FPR). Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. This year the Mooney Summit will be on September 27 and 28. If you would like to register go to www.mooneysummit.com Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343 http://mobile-webview.gmail.com/-1697368680/blockedhttp://mobile-webview.gmail.com/-1697368680/blockedhttp://mobile-webview.gmail.com/-1697368680/blocked
  20. here is the skinny....a 4 pt font gross negligence exclusion in the hangar rental agreement. Gents, read the fine print....
  21. I spent the first 20 or so hrs in the plane with Omar doing his transition training when it was new. He called me right after it happened, and later told me the security cameras clearly showed it being pulled and exceeding the tow limits. Mooney engineers left SunNFun and went to TMB to inspect, and concurred it was a result of lateral forces applied (vs mfrg defect, etc.) I previously posted a pic or 2 here of this gear. How the video was not entered into the record I do not know of.
  22. That just sux...Omar absolutely did nothing negligent that caused this gear collapse. I am surprised the video of the tug pulling the plane out of the hangar and exceeding the tow limits did not convince the judge it was a line guy mistake. The video exists I have heard.
  23. Don't over tighten the rocker cover screws, and make sure you use new star lock washers to keep them doing their job. I wouldn't suggest going against The guidance of not using loctite. Did I mention I never had a screw come loose that had loctite on it?
  24. Two words - Weep no more
  25. Scott, give Clarence a ring. Straight shooter, good guy, very knowledgable. Tri county aero pa24md@gmail.com He probably was the person maintaining it, and if so, it is probably a gem. text me for phone # but realize, he is probably under a plane and wont answer..
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