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Andy95W last won the day on December 13 2024

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    Detroit, MI
  • Interests
    A&P, IA, ATP, CFI
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  • Model
    1964 M20C

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  1. It is probably not your instrument cluster. There are 2 fuses between the shunt and the gauge. They don’t normally blow, but the wires that attach to them often break.
  2. Actually, I didn’t either but I looked it up when these threads started. I wish it was like my car where I just put in the required octane and didn’t have to worry about it.
  3. @DCarlton- if you don’t mind- how much is G&N charging for your 54 gallon bladder kit?
  4. The fuel specified in the Type Certificate says “100LL or 100/130”. 100/130 is a specific type of aviation gasoline and is green in color.
  5. I never said a single thing about the STC process or whether or not the FAA and GAMI adhered to it. I specifically said that an STC permits you to burn a fuel that is not mentioned on the Type Certificate (just like the Peterson Autogas STCs from decades ago).
  6. Sorry to disagree, but I would say this is exactly in keeping with the spirit of the STC purely by definition. The Type Certificate for your airplane specifies the fuel to be used. For your 231, the TC requires either 100LL (blue) or 100/130 (green) fuel. To legally use something different, you have to deviate from your Type Certificate- by utilizing a Supplemental Type Certificate.
  7. This is the switch I installed in series with the yoke pushbutton in my last Mooney, a 1967 M20C. Having the on/off toggle and a functioning yoke switch is really the best of both worlds. Turn the toggle on and the PC works normally. Turn it off and the airplane flies normally.
  8. You’d be surprised at what we used to fly IFR in, and not that long ago either.
  9. You guys are the best. Thanks!
  10. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience in removing the speaker in an early Mooney, 1964 and earlier with the old style headliner. Possibly @takair or @cliffy? On a related note, does anyone know of a good replacement 4 ohm speaker that will fit (if I can get mine out, of course). Thanks!
  11. Dank je wel!
  12. The “National Coverage” was simply because it was a slow news week and the 24 hour news outlets had to find something to fill the time (otherwise they couldn’t sell advertising.). Now with other stories to report on and cloudy skies, this is going to go away. It’ll be interesting to see what remains after the stories are gone.
  13. I’m 59. My answer is No. Comparing my non-turbo M20C to a non-turbo Cardinal RG- my airplane is faster, flies better, and is less expensive to buy and maintain. The Cardinal is a nice, good looking airplane. But everything is a trade off.
  14. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/iclothwipes10.php
  15. All that junk on the battery box was an external power plug that was added in the 1990s. It wasn’t wired correctly and I removed it the first time I took out the battery box (ironically, to close up gaps in my doghouse behind the left upper engine mount).
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