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kmyfm20s last won the day on September 13 2020

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    M20S 310Hp

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  1. Rich people leverage their money, poor people leverage their money too far:)
  2. I have used these people in the past. They were great! https://www.usaircraftfinance.com/
  3. Looks like Mike would do 3 point take offs also. So I guess that’s what he could have been doing also.
  4. I think a lot of use are having a hard time believing our overbuilt Mooney wings can actually fail and taco up like that. Something really bad happened up there and hopefully there is enough clean wing spar left to do the analysis. Sad deal, RIP pilot and passengers!
  5. It doesn’t look like he even got his tail lifted off the ground before lift off. It sure seems like he would of aborted the flight as soon as he wasn’t able to do that. Really sad seeing this! edit: I see in the last post he was in a 400 hp turbine. Probably used to not having to lift the tail.
  6. I bought 6 new Continental NiC3 coated cylinder and had them dropped shipped straight to Lycon. Lycon ported, polished, flow balanced the cylinders and refaced all the valves and seats. Im hoping this will overcome some of the problems people have been experiencing. So far only 100 hours on them.
  7. I won’t be able to make it but looks fun!
  8. No problems after the power conditioner was installed.
  9. Use the app rentalcars, I did a quick search and they had cars.
  10. My Ex-wife drove off with the fuel nozzle still attached to the car at the gas station not once, not twice but three times. Don’t be the 3 time person:)
  11. Glad you delayed your flight. I flew from Missoula MT to San Diego on Tuesday, a day earlier than planned because of weather your talking about. One of the more uncomfortable flights I have had in years. Consistent light and moderate turbulence from Salmon ID to Las Vegas. The higher I climb the greater the head wind with no relief of the turbulence. I wanted to land Elko NV for a break but the surface winds were bad enough I opted to continue on. I also had the great fortune of head winds on my flight there the week before but at least it was smooth. This year in general has been a bumpy year of flying with lots wind.
  12. I use a medium size clip and a note pad. I prefer pen with metal clips instead of plastic ones so they don’t break as easy.
  13. It looks like a different week will work out better to get a group together.
  14. I will be at our place in Lolo for a week and was going to fly over Glacier one morning for some sight seeing. The weather is looking great! I thought some people in the area might want to get together. I can do any day between the 3rd-8th. I assume the weekend would work best for most people. Seeley Lake (23S) or Ferndale (53U) looked like nice turf strips for a meet up. Let’s see if @john buhrman, @Mufflerbearing, @merlin, @AH-1 Cobra Pilot, or @PeteMc have any interest. I will be in Montana just about every other week from now on so if those dates don’t work we can try another time.
  15. I’m going to be flying my plane up in MT next week. I walked Seeley lake(23S) strip last week and looked like a nice turf strip to to land on. If anyone interested in meeting up there next week let me know. Weather looks great so far. They also have on field camp sights with plenty of firewood for those interested.
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