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neilpilot last won the day on August 4 2015

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About neilpilot

  • Birthday 05/29/1950

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    Germantown TN
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    former M20E & M20C

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  1. What makes you think that there was "runway ice and slush"? The reports I've heard indicated that wasn't the case.
  2. A good landing is any landing you can walk away from?
  3. Becky & I visited with Andrew & Andrew several times over the past few years, whenever we found ourselves in the UK. Our most recent visit was in September which coincided with one of his many recent hospital stays. Throughout the past year, both Andrews made the most of the time they had left together. Sad to see him go, but I suspect he's still flying high....
  4. That's very different from my understanding. As I understand the process, IPA is specifically intended to address dissolved (or, more correctly, soluble) water in the fuel. Water solubility in fuel is decreased at the much lower temperatures experienced at altitude, and if no IPA is present to keep it in solution those very fine ice crystals can then form and block fuel flow.
  5. No, they do not separate into 2 phases. IPA and water are completely miscible.
  6. ISO Heet red label (98.5% IPA). Do NOT use the yellow label mixture. https://www.amazon.com/ISO-HEET-28202-Fuel-line-Antifreeze-Injector/dp/B000V4HC7Y/ref=asc_df_B000V4HC7Y?mcid=a7f90c5b0a333890a1896238d69ce243&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693070740373&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14016037813370839869&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013529&hvtargid=pla-681301671595&th=1
  7. Don't love the CO detector - a false sense of security.
  8. Why did the SWA flight into Tampa divert to FLL? I would have expected it to climb and, if necessary, request another entry for the TPA approach.
  9. Agree. Also alcohol introduced into induction air will not help to dissolve ice crystal blockage in fuel system
  10. Several of the replies above imply that the action of carefully sumping your tanks would have prevented the issue. While it's obviously good practice to remove free water, there is ALWAYS some soluble water in Avgas. Water solubility changes with fuel temperature, and the warmer the fuel the higher the dissolved water content. Dissolved water will not appear in the sump, and is distributed throughout the fuel tank. As you climb into low temperature conditions, the fuel in your tanks cools. If sufficiently cold, the dissolved water comes out of solution and forms very fine ice crystal suspension that can collect in, and eventually bind, the fuel screen/filter. If you're lucky, these crystals will melt as you descend into higher ambient temperature, as I suspect was the case for JM. IPA, even in the form of Red Label HEET, is the most effective preventative measure for our Mooneys if you plan to fly into relative extreme cold conditions.
  11. You replied to “Crew”, not support team
  12. @PeteMc just to be clear, we're discussing the Women's Air Race?
  13. Have you considered joining Becca’s crew?
  14. Some US cities also have electric buses. We visit Martha's Vineyard every fall, and for the last 2 years have noted that many of the buses are EVs. They've even installed inductive charging pads at a few of the bus stops. I think their inductive charging stations are mostly a feel good exercise and a waste of grant money, since the bus is over the pad only a short time and receives little or no kWh input.
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