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orionflt last won the day on March 20 2019

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About orionflt

  • Birthday October 23

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    Quakertown, PA
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  1. Welcome cruiserflyer, I bounce back and forth between Quakertown and Virginia, I'll let you know when I have my plane in Quakertown and we can go fly and talk Navy. Brian
  2. It was painted at strategic global in Rome NY.
  3. Was inspired by yours
  4. Took her up today, beautiful day to go flying and she flew great.
  5. Well here are some photos of the paint process and a peek as we finish putting everything back together.
  6. Where is the plane currently located? Brian
  7. Short body
  8. I may be getting my plane painted and I’m looking for paint scheme ideas. here is one I like.
  9. I miss coming out there, maybe Bob will get his legacy race ready soon. tell Pete he should qualify in second then finish the rest in first, not the other way around! Brian
  10. I'm not flying into the hurricanes with NOAA, but I am flying the same type of plane. they were short flight engineers so one of the guys I work with headed down to fly with them for a few weeks, I may get the opportunity in the future. Brian
  11. This plane use to belong to one of our MSers. Looks like it was sold earlier this year. Brian
  12. Columbia was a Lancair design not Cessna
  13. I do have the proper degaussing tool if needed, I thought I said that early on but I may have only thought about it and never sent that out. @DXB, don't attempt to electrocute your self next time I'll meet you at UKT. Brian
  14. I have a degaussing tool, I have used it on several mooney's including mine when I first got it. it does seem to make a difference on the wet compass but I'm not sure how often it needs to be done. I installed the SIRS compass in my Mooney and haven't had to degauss mine since, not sure if its because I changed out most of my old avionics or the SIRS is less affected. Brian
  15. Actually the D did not have a Johnson bar, at least not till the owners converted most of them to retractable gear.
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