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Hey are any of you guys out near this aircraft? It is listed on Barnstormers and a guy at work is considering it. What do you think? Anyone know anything about this bird?


Mooney M20C


MOONEY M20C • $21,995 • FOR SALE • 1963 M20C, 2858 TT, 1812 TSMOH, 205 STOH, 120 hours on new 3 bladed Hartzell, poor paint, original interior, KX-155, KX-125, KMA-24, AT-150, Alcor EGT & CHT, Aerospace Logic digital fuel quan. Within the last year, new vacuum pump, overhauled generator, 500 hr magneto inspections, new ignition harnesses, nose gear steering horn. New pilot & copilot side glass. Currently in annual until January 2013. Oil analysis performed July 2012. Great flying airplane & economical, but need to upgrade a to 6 place. • Contact Richard Urban, Owner - located Hillsboro, OR USA • Telephone: 503-927-5621 . • Posted November 22, 2012


Hard to see how you go wrong... even if you parted it out,,,

When they start paying people to take planes, I'm all in! Might not be long the way things are going.


I don't know.........the first OH was at 1000 hrs, has had a top OH and since then.......my guess is a prop strike! In annual until January?? Without seeing log books........I would not be comfortable with that engine. The radios have some value......but to me ....this plane looks like a potential money pit.


Several good reasons for the price

1. Shotgun pilot panel

2. No panel mounted GPS

3. Generator not alternator

4. Not well equipped for IFR as far as I can tell 9it would make a good IFR trainer)

5. Poor paint from the photos it appears that you could put some elbow grease into the paint and get it looking decent but planes are very photogenic

6. 1963 model

I had looked at a B model several years ago in the same price range but it had a Garmin 250 GPS and 201 windshield.

However, if you are not flying IFR and you are looking for something to build complex time in I think this would be a good plane from what is presented in the ad and it will get you there faster than a C172. Furthermore, someone with some time and money could make it a project and turn it into a nice very capable aircraft. IMHO I’d start with the pilot panel and radios i.e. get a 430 or equivalent in there then worry about comsetics.


You just can't beat a plane to death like it is supposed to be a J-Model with everything perfect, when it is clearly an older aircraft that is priced at $20K. And it would make no sense to get into the discussion of an offer where the seller had to agree to a pre-purchase that included everything that was found to be corrected prior to the sale. It is a very cheap aircraft for probably a good reason. And that's OK.

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Stick a 496 on the yoke, some seat covers on the seats, and cruise around the country VFR at 140 KTS burning 9 GPH with one or two of your closests friends, for 20k. You've even got a sufficient, minimalist IFR panel with a glideslope if something goes wrong. Really, with that panel, I wouldn't have a second thought about flying IFR to bust cloud layers and land at airports with vectors to an ILS. Sure, you want to have more, particularly a certified backup nav radio, but it's fully sufficient, especially with a 496 and an Ipad with geo-referenced plates as a backup.

Why not? When the first big repair bill comes, you can then decide if you want to scrap it for parts, sell it at salvage value (which is probably about 20k) or pay the repair tab. Turn the pre-buy into an annual and find out for sure.

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If the buyer is looking at this plane "knowing" that it is a project, then all is good. If the buyer is looking at this plane because $21K is his budget...........this is one hell of a can of worms to open!..........Just sayin'


Stick a 496 on the yoke, some seat covers on the seats, and cruise around the country VFR at 140 KTS burning 9 GPH with one or two of your closests friends, for 20k. You've even got a sufficient, minimalist IFR panel with a glideslope if something goes wrong. Really, with that panel, I wouldn't have a second thought about flying IFR to bust cloud layers and land at airports with vectors to an ILS. Sure, you want to have more, particularly a certified backup nav radio, but it's fully sufficient, especially with a 496 and an Ipad with geo-referenced plates as a backup.

Why not? When the first big repair bill comes, you can then decide if you want to scrap it for parts, sell it at salvage value (which is probably about 20k) or pay the repair tab. Turn the pre-buy into an annual and find out for sure.

You are rigth inroute IFR no problem and even appraches.

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For a person that does not want to spend a lot of money up front it would be a good deal. Cheap airplane to buy and fly. I still don't understand why early model Mooneys are so cheap. You could spend two to three times as much for an airplane and not have anything that will be faster or be as economical to fly. I mean, you could spend twice as much money for a B or C model that may be nicer looking or have better avionics. But is still not going to fly any differently. For the price of a Cessna 150 you could have a Mooney. Maybe not a nice one, or one with the latest avionics. But still a fast fun economical airplane to fly.


Having purchased this airplane's twin last May I can stress that you should get a good pre-buy. I knew what I was getting into and after a $5k annual that was finished two weeks ago I am truly satisfied that I bought a good airplane to build time in. It has an antique panel complete with an RNAV that is barely readable. I plan to do all types of VFR flying for a year or two and use it as an IFR trainer. Eventually I'll upgrade the panel - but by then we'll all be using iPads and Nooks to navigate anyway!

I say - Buy it and fly it!

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