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Thanks Hank. You are right. This is an older photo. Washers were put on lower engine mounts to correct this at last annual.


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On 5/3/2018 at 4:22 PM, Albatros said:

Ok, got some issues here on my M20C.

If you could get it to Maxwell (KGGG) he is an expert on Mooney dimensional issues and could rapidly diagnose and most likely correct the problem.

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On 5/5/2018 at 9:14 AM, HRM said:

If you could get it to Maxwell (KGGG) he is an expert on Mooney dimensional issues and could rapidly diagnose and most likely correct the problem.

Sent Don Maxwell email week ago with all measurements and photos. Still waiting on replay.


Time to dial a phone? Got one of those old rotary devices?  :)

In some cases, the aviation world hasn’t caught up with new Technology...  

call on phone first, then follow-up via email with details...

Working with the Oracle of KGGG is an incredible experience...  Spring must be a very busy time...

I also got out the POH for the M20C...

  • Prop Clearance is shown as 9-1/2”
  • Prop Diameter is shown as 6’ 2”
  • Clarence’s Prop data shows 74” or 6’ 2”
  • There is also a measurement that indicates the distance between the front tire and the mains, in case you are looking for something not set properly....

Where did you get the 10.5” prop cleanace value from?  Sounds like you might have set yourself up for a bit of a wild goose chase?

Something to keep in mind...  Prop clearance is the result of many settings and the vagaries of the environment... If you have all the settings properly made at annual, prop clearance is what it is...

If I were to measure my prop clearance... I would start with...

  • a giant level parking space... measured because this is that important... 
  • a level on the seam, from the MM... adjusting following the procedure...
  • swing the prop to minimize the clearance...
  • take measurement and photo...
  • then let some air out of the front tire, add some to the mains...
  • take measurements and photo...
  • Do the same for full tanks and empty tanks...
  • measure the prop clearance at the top of the cowling and at the bottom of the cowling...
  • have somebody push down on the tail, how much movement do you get at the front wheel...?
  • Then set everything back to normal specs... and remove friend from the tail...   :)

Essentially, all your hardware doesn’t compress under weight.  But all the rubber parts are going to compress a lot... and unevenly...

  • Confirm proper hardware in proper condition...
  • measure compression of rubber disks in landing gear...
  • measure compression of rubber disks in engine mount...


PP thoughts only, got this data from 1976 M20C POH....

Best regards,


On 5/4/2018 at 11:52 AM, yvesg said:

Nose gear issue for sure. Look at this picture which is similar in angle to yours. We see the whole shock disk assembly. On yours it is not coming out of the wheel well.




I am tall man, so when I take a photo its bit strange perspective..  Here is the photo taken from windshield height.

1 hour ago, Albatros said:

and why the heck all my photos come out sideways once I download them to mooneyspace????

I think it because MS likes 'Landscape' over 'Portrait'.

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