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On 3/26/2016 at 7:28 PM, markazzarito said:

This is the location i have found to work best. Cheers!


I used this method for a while.  1 positive is you can use the roof vent and direct the air to the back of the iPad, keeps it nice and cool.  I moved mine to the yoke because 1 - I found it did obstruct my view a bit. 2 - It get in the way entering and existing the aircraft (I use the middle bar with my left hand to pull myself up and for support when lowering myself into the co-pilot seat)


Don’t have a picture yet, sorry.  Just got it set up last weekend.  My 20E still has the original glove compartment on the right side.  MGF makes a nice (yet pricey) solution that mounts there.  I used that system along with the cooling dock to mount my new mini there.  I like it because it mounts tight against that empty section of panel.  It does not interfere with full motion of the yoke, blocks zero square inches of window or windscreen, blocks no instruments, does not extend above the top of the panel, and can be angled toward me and slightly down to fight glare.  For my flying it seems to be ideal. I’ll send a pic if that option interests you.  


I got a soft cloth holder for an ipad mini built by the “Ultimate Kneeboard” folks then just clip the top hem into a old-tech yoke clip used to clip-in NACO charts, it works just fine.



Many ways to skin this cat, but I find that putting an iPad, and before that, paper charts, on my lap, or up high or off to either side, is hard to read, can be tricky lighting, and requires substantial head motion, which causes vertigo. Not fun at night or in the soup on a bumpy final approach. Stuck to a window blocks a lot of important peripheral view. On the other hand, positioned on the yoke horizontally and properly adjusted, my blended lenses allow fast focus,  the iPad mini blocks nothing I need to see, and can easily be part of my scan. The x-back clip keeps the box nice and cool, with the air vent aimed at it.


Thanks for the welcome. I fly a 231. Here is my low budget ipad technique. I can’t figure out how to orient the photo. My main concern is space and simplicity and this fulfills both goals. I saw a really nice Mygoflight yoke mount but it was $148 and it requires a really neat yet bigger ipad holder. It seemed that if I got that setup it would hold the ipad up and away from the yoke more than I would like it to. I am short so I slide my seat to the most forward stop and I don’t want any ipad hitting me or snagging on anythingD28C3E4C-B4C5-4438-9D5B-61832745AE26.thumb.jpeg.2c07bbfeb5f8cf81659905ad35a032aa.jpeg


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