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I was recently in contact again with Mooney and a reasonable solution to ADSB is close and seems it may be affordable..They would take the GTX330 and add a software upgrade to the GTX330ES model for about $1200, then do software changes to the display and most likely add a remote waas gps unless you go crazy and get the full waas pkg..I'm not sure based on my info if that was just 1090out or in also...

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Thanks for following up and keeping on top of this. Being in your same situation, I really appreciate it !!

I assume WAAS approaches would not be an option with the remote WAAS gps unit, and would need to 'go crazy' and get the full WAAS pkg to get approaches.

But the news is encouraging


I'm pretty sure that's just out,  In will cost you way more and take more gadgets than just the transponder.


I misunderstood the topic "older plane"  . Mine is a 1967 M20 E

no gps, no displays of anything. I do have a mode c transponder .  


This can't be correct , is it?

"The Garmin G1000 costs approximately $50K. "

Of course it's correct, it's Garmin. But there is no STC for our Vintage models. Just as good, since there is no WAAS upgrade available for G1000 units shipped before Big G made them WAAS capable. I'm not sure if the $50,000 includes install or not, but it certainly does NOT include your required panel reconstruction.

I'm not ready to spend the value of my whole plane to replace half of the panel. Are you?


Of course it's correct, it's Garmin. But there is no STC for our Vintage models. Just as good, since there is no WAAS upgrade available for G1000 units shipped before Big G made them WAAS capable. I'm not sure if the $50,000 includes install or not, but it certainly does NOT include your required panel reconstruction.

I'm not ready to spend the value of my whole plane to replace half of the panel. Are you?


I don't have the bucks to have an all glass cockpit installed but if I did and wanted it, I don't think I'd think twice about installing it in my "vintage" Mooney.  After all, since 172's have G1000's surely our vintage Mooney's would be as worthy.


I was only referring to those planes made from 2005-2007 with th stec and even if it's only out the cost should still be reasonable..I'll use my stratus for in until or if they get and affordable WAAS conversion...think that will be pricy..our SVT was 10 amus


I was only referring to those planes made from 2005-2007 with th stec and even if it's only out the cost should still be reasonable..I'll use my stratus for in until or if they get and affordable WAAS conversion...think that will be pricy..our SVT was 10 amus

Can't speak for the other "vintage" guys, but I was shamelessly trying to hijack the thread!


Check out L3 Avionics Lynx NGT1000...  Lists for $2,521 and complies with the ADS-B out mandate; it hooks up to existing mode C and S transponders; it may require a control panel that lists at $1,223.  After all, you just need to be "out" compliant.  Looks like this is my way around it...

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