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Hi to all,

I am working on bringing my vintage '65 M20E Super 21 back to life!

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It is now being repainted, gas tanks sealed, interior plastics repaired and painted, seats renewed and engine serviced...

After that the plane will be ready to fly, although I am thinking on refitting the PC system.

This was uninstalled by the previous owner, who never used it and just wanted less weight, but he kept all parts in a box.

I am not sure if I have all the equipment needed as my maintenance book shows some parts that I don't think have and I have some other parts that are not shown in the manual (?). Also, hoses were cutoff so this will need to be replaced.

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This is a BI-600 unit. It was on the panel.

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Alt hold unit. Not shown in the manual.

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Dynertial pitch control. Not shown in the manual either. Where do these go? How are these connected?

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Filters (2) are missing here. Anyone knows the p/n?

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And these are the diagrams in the book which show some parts that are missing and don't show the alt hold unit and the dynertial pitch control unit.

Any help? Thanks!


I think you have the components for a very capable Brittain autopilot system, far more than just the plain PC system!  Best to contact Brittain in Tulsa directly as they will supply the manuals and make any needed repairs for reasonable money.  They could even do an installation for you as well, but if you're in Spain that won't be very feasible.  :)


Lots of people are looking for the components you have too, so if you don't end up installing them make sure to post them for sale.

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I second the previous comment. I just picked up my 65 C from Tulsa after having the autopilot repaired and altitude hold installed and it works great. In your case, you already have the altitude hold. You can get their contact information by searching for Brittain Industries.


You should have 6 vacuum servo pots, one in each wing to control the ailerons, and four in the aft fuselage, two for the rudder and two for pitch control. The two for the altitude hold are larger diameter and are very rare, if you have them you are lucky.

All parts and support are available from Brittain innTulsa, they will send you manual as well.

It is a good autopilot and can be repaired for a fraction of any other system.



You should have 6 vacuum servo pots, one in each wing to control the ailerons, and four in the aft fuselage, two for the rudder and two for pitch control. The two for the altitude hold are larger diameter and are very rare, if you have them you are lucky.

That explains it!

I had been told that the ones inside the wings (for the ailerons) had not been removed, but as I saw four servo pots I assumed the big ones were the ones that go inside the wings.

Therefore I assume I have another two pots inside the wings (I will confirm this weekend, if I can) making a total of 6.


The gyro is mounted on a small sheet metal mounting bracket behind the pilots instrument panel. If you don't have them let me know, I may have a set.



Why pay labor to install 50 year old system? in that beautiful Super 21 I would install a new Stec a/p and sell that Brittain to me :D   :D  :D  

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The gyro is mounted on a small sheet metal mounting bracket behind the pilots instrument panel. If you don't have them let me know, I may have a set.


Couldn't find the metal mounting :(

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As you can see I need some clearing back there :)


You would benefit from an upgrade of your heading/Altitude hold controls. An Accutrak and or Accu/flite in addition to a smaller control box. Brittain and Ebay are your friend. The controls and servos for the altitude hold can be refurbed/yellow tagged by Brittain for a modest fee. Well worth it.


I found more parts of the system...



And something else that I am not sure if it has anything to do with the Brittain system, and is also disconnected.


The pendulum device is the magnetic flux detector, the second picture is the mounting for the remote gyro, not behind the panel as I suggested earlier, the black part is part of the system as well, have to look it up, I think the third item is a remote gyro for a remote compass mounted in your panel. My E model had one of the which I removed, the instrument looked like a directional gyro.



Seriously now,  after seeing all those components that need to be overhauled, calibrated and installed plus an upgrade of your heading/Altitude hold controls as somebody suggested, plus plus any unknowns,  how much difference in $$ terms can it be compared to the cost of a new Stec 30 w/altitude.?  Just sayin... 


I would guess that fixing up the Brittain will save 8-10 AMU vs. purchasing the STC and installing everything required for an STec. Brittain units are extremely cost effective. I had a wing servo overhauled last year for $124. What's it cost to OH an STec servo?


I would guess that fixing up the Brittain will save 8-10 AMU vs. purchasing the STC and installing everything required for an STec. Brittain units are extremely cost effective. I had a wing servo overhauled last year for $124. What's it cost to OH an STec servo?

First born child...

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I would guess that fixing up the Brittain will save 8-10 AMU vs. purchasing the STC and installing everything required for an STec. Brittain units are extremely cost effective. I had a wing servo overhauled last year for $124. What's it cost to OH an STec servo?


Perhaps if a Brittain system is installed and working perfectly maintenance costs will be lower and would be cost effective to keep it.  Still it is a 50 year old system.   An Stec 30 advertises for $11,749 installed and that includes the STC.  Don't know what will cost to bring the this old Brittain back to specs plus the installation but when all is said and done I doubt that savings will reach $8K.  


I went the STEC route even though I had the PC system. For me the challenge was getting together all of the components necessary to make it a true AP. Not to mention the time involved. That said, new AP prices have gone up considerably over the past 10 years. An INSTALLED STEC 30 will cost you north of $15k. My 60-2 today would be over $20k. From the guys who have gone the Brittian route, they seem to be happy with the performance and the support they have been receiving. http://www.chiefaircraft.com/st-sys-30.html http://sarasotaavionics.com/manufacturers/genesys-aerosystems Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


FYI I paid ~$5,500 for purchase and installation of the brittain altitude hold, repair of the b6 autopilot, and refurb/replacement of a couple of servos. This was a month ago. Your results may vary, but I wanted to provide a price point. Brittain's target is 10 years between services of their autopilot systems.

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