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Apologies if the info is here somewhere, but I struck out searching.


1) Any recommendations for a Mooney-savvy CFI in the DC area (or close enough to make a day of it)?  I'm new to this coast and will need a flight review soon. 


2) There are a couple of MSCs near here, but I would be interested in any PIREPs since I'm also going to need an annual next month.


Thanks in advance,




"Seth" Chiming in . . .


Welcome to the area and welcome to MooneySpace.


Mooney Savvy CFI:  There are some good instructors in the DC area, and I know John (N4352H) probably has some good contacts up at Frederick, but I'd have to say the best Mooney instructor I've flown with in this region is Paul based out of Freeway, W00.  The phone number for the flight school is 301-390-6424.  Paul has flown in all sorts of Mooney aircraft and owns a Piper Seneca.  I'm pretty sure he'd love to have an opportunity to fly the twin out to you, but it probably makes more sense to head to W00 - he may even drive and meet you somewhere.  Whenever I've flown with him, it has been from W00, and I've always learned something.  Freeway Airport has a short and thin runway surrounded by obstacles inside the SFRA and up against the FRZ - as long as you can operate out of a 2400 x 40 with trees at one end and power lines at the other, you should be fine.  If you do not feel comfortable, PM me and we'll figure out an alternative - I'm based about a 10 minute flight from there at GAI (Gaitherburg) with open approach paths and a 4200 x 75 runway - I'll send you my contact information in a PM.


As for Mooney shops:


-Again, W00 - Frewway.  They are an MSC and do good work.  I've had them maintain both of my Mooneys (I had a 1967 F model and then upgraded to my current 1983 M20J Missile 300).  They can be pricy, but they do really good work.  Tommy may be the best Mooney A&P in the region.  Bruce, Chris, everyone there I know I can depend on anytime.  www.freewayavaition.com  301-262-6544


-Weber - LNS - I have not used them yet, but they are also a great MSC according to many on this board (including John - N4352H).  I have been to the sports bar / cafe at this aiport many times.  They are located in Lancaster, PA.  www.henryweberaircraft.com (717) 569-2691


-Air Repair in Easton, MD (ESN) - Alex (Skybound) on this board uses Air Repair out of Easton for his current and former Mooney (M20C now M20K).  He's been pleased with them and I've seen the owner come out on the weekend to help him when there was an issue with his aircraft at pickup - they stand behind their work.  They are not an MSC and work on a lot of Turboprops and Jets (big falcon shop) in addition to their piston clients.  www.airrepaireaston.com 410-822-2999



We have a decent sized mid-atlantic contingent of Mooney pilots on this board - NJ Pilots often organizes get togethers - we're looking forward to meeting you.


Take care,




I would recommend myself for a CFI in the DC area depending on where you live.  I work full time with Lockheed Martin Flight Service and part time with a flight school at JYO (if you have any SFRA questions, please feel free to ask).  I started in an M20D many years ago, moved into the M20B model for a very short time and now in a partnership in a M20R based at HEF.


While getting worked on, I always now use ProJet Aviation based in JYO for the Ovation.  I've been working with them on many flight school, corporate aircraft, and now my partnership aircraft and they are fantastic.  Their pricing is more than fair and they never have had problems with any Mooney specific problems that I bring.


I'll send you a PM just in case you haven't located a CFI yet.

  • 2 weeks later...

Seth - thanks for mentioning Air Repair.  I have been a customer for over eight years now.  As you have mentioned, I have been very pleased with the personal care and attention they provide to their customers (the manager and owner have come out to meet me at the shop on the weekends or after hours multiple times when I would come in to pick-up or drop off the airplane).  They have gone out of their way to make sure that I would be ready to fly for a scheduled trip.  They are also competitively priced and are very fair when it comes to billing hours.


Sonic - Please don't hesitate to PM me if I can provide additional information or make an introduction.



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