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Found 9 results

  1. I finally took the plunge and upgraded my panel. It all started with a failing KFC-150 and the desire to upgrade to a GFC 500. This of course drove replacing the attitude indicator and HSI. And for a "little more," I could go to a G3X 10" panel. So...I went with a nearly naked panel with the G3X touch, a G5 backup, GFC 500, but kept my GNS 530W and 430 navigators. Attached are my before and after pixs. I am now flying as much as I can to build new IFR habits around the new avionics.
  2. Morning all, New to these forums, but I am looking at installing a pair of G5's in my Mooney as a less expensive glass cockpit solution. Unfortunately, everything I have found on the G5 indicates it will not have a glideslope for an ILS approach. However, I stumbled upon the Part 23 AML STC Installation Manual today. Here is the link: http://www.chiefaircraft.com/pdf/G5INSTALL.pdf In this publication, it clearly states in Paragraph titled VOR/LOC/GS Check "This test is only performed for installations that have an HSI installed and interfaced to a VHF navigation source. Check the VOR, ILS, and Glideslope functions with ramp test equipment. Operate the equipment according to the test equipment manufacturer’s instructions. Adjust the RF signal to a level adequate to perform the test. Select the appropriate HSI source as required by the VHF navigation source interfaced to the G5 HSI." It then goes on to describe the acceptable amount of glideslope deviation for the test. Basically, does anyone actually know if the Certified G5 will display glideslope from an ILS?
  3. Just a PIREP... I thought I would share some pictures of the Aspen PFD MFD Max upgrades. I also have a G5 so a pretty good comparison of color and clarity side by side.
  4. Asking for a friend...... ’86 M20K, had a Aspen EFD1000 Pro installed; no additional battery besides the internal. This replaced vacuum-driven King KI-256 ADI and a KI-55 HSI. Since these were the only remaining vacuum-driven items on the plane, vacuum system was removed. Legacy airspeed, altitude, and turn coordinator were all retained. A G5 was installed as a backup attitude source. Now learning this may not be a legit installation because the STC for the G5 doesn’t allow its use as a backup attitude source (the G5 apparently isn’t TSO’d in this installation; only TSO’d as the backup to a TXi), and the STC for the Aspen installation requires a TSO’d backup attitude. My question—Has anyone gotten a field approval for this (or a similar) setup?
  5. What should be included in a Garmin G5 pre-flight checklist? Thank you!
  6. HELP- I am doing a mini upgrade to my Cessna 340: having professionals add engine monitors, an aspen, a G5 on the FO side, and fixing the autopilot. While they are doing that, the wife and I have been keeping ourselves busy with the upgrades we can do: new carpet (kit from SCS) new fuel cap paint, O-rings new placards and circuit breaker panel lettering new leather like interior (we actually did this ourselves) all new seats (we skinned the 30 year leather off the old ones and had an upholstery shop do these) new paint (and some new pieces) of the plastic trim window covers and now we are replacing all the external screws around the windows (under mechanic supervision) because they are rusty (this is actually kind of a pain to do) What suggestions do you guys have that an owner with limited mechanical skills but good energy and enthusiasm can do while his plane is being upgraded. I probably have a few more weeks of working time. FREE STUFF (and some that will be posted on Ebay) I have the old (one year old) carpet. I bought the "lightweight" kit from SCS last year because it sounded like a good idea. It was too light weight for me. If anyone wants it, it is free for the taking- just come get it. It is actually a fine product- just not robust enough for my application. Plastic window covers. I have four of these- not sure which windows they cover. I know know how to fix these but when I first bought the plane I went to Osh Kosh and bought new ones during a buying spree. They do need repaired but it can be done easily. Free- come get them. And they I will list on Ebay the myriad analog instruments I removed. Tach generators, what I call Mercedes type twin cessna instrumentation, airspeed indicator, altimeter, turn co-ordinator, etc. If anyone knows of something they want just email or call me. They are all located at KLOU. I'm going to post on the twin cessna and POA as well.
  7. I have owned C-FSWR for over 12 years now, and I have finally committed the resources to putting her in the /G category. Clarence found a great price on a GNS 480 for me while he was at Sun'n'Fun and brought it home last weekend. As many of you already know, an E model does not have a lot of panel room so if I want to keep two CDI's, one of them is going to have to be part of an HSI. See pic below where the HDG bug is driving the autopilot enroute to Wichita from St. Louis with the TNL 2000A monitoring deviations before switching my one NAV radio over from Vichy (VIH) to Butler (BUM). These are the anticipated changes. DG goes. Narco 810 goes. TNL 2000A goes. Move the Narco Mk 12D down to allow the GNS 480 to sit just below the audio panel. All good. So which HSI works with a 480? Lots do, but not a lot of them are simple plug and play. KCS 55 or STEC 180 or Collins ProLine. Varying in price from less than 1 AMU for a Collins to 4.5 AMUs for the full King system. Ouch. If I want something to help in terms of GPSS, it really has to be an electric one with software guts. Bunch of advantages: off of the vacuum pump; good battery life in the event of an electrical failure; GPSS and roll steering; works with my STEC 50. Only one choice at less than 8 AMUs. Garmin G5 for 3.5 AMUs. So that is what I am doing. Has almost everything an Aspen has, but even with one as an HSI and one as an EFIS (AI), the boxes cost less than 6 AMUs. I know, I know - installation is another matter and these two (480 and G5 HSI) will cost me nearly the value of the boxes to install them. Sheesh. But soon I will be equipped for travel in the 21st Century. In case anyone wants to raise it, the KR 97 stays. We still have NDBs in Canada. When I get back from Thailand in May - C-FSWR goes into the shop for a combo avionics installation and then to Clarences for its annual. When I get back from a bunch of places in Asia in June, she will be ready for heavy duty practice. I will post updates.
  8. Hi all- We're about to do a G5 HSI install, keeping an existing Attitude Indicator and the vacuum system that drives a century autopilot. I was looking at the vacuum setup and noticed that the vacuum suction gauge comes off a second AN port on the DG. The attitude indicator lacks a similar additional port. I'm gathering accouterments for this part of the installation. I'm thinking the most simple acceptable way to do this is to measure the suction from the line on the vacuum regulator by using a barb reducer hose adapter from 3/8 ID to 1/4 ID and then capping the second orifice on the instrument air filter. Before I have a discussion with my IA - this sound about right? Picture below to illustrate what I'm talking about. My SN seems to not be well illustrated in the parts catalog - otherwise I'd use that instead of a hand-drawn picture. But... whatever works. Thanks for the advice -Brad Edit: Brain fart removal.
  9. I'm thinking of pulling the stratus esgi set out of my aircraft to replace with a garmin 335/345. My eventual plan is to install 2 garmin G5's and eventually a GTN 6##. As far as I can tell, the only way to do this without putting more holes in my plane is to replace the stratus with a garmin acceptable gps source? I'm guessing this sounds like an incredible waste of money? Ami I crazy? Oh yeah I already own a garmin gdl 39 3d. seeing as how I refuse to buy any apple products so can't use foreflight.
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