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Found 15 results

  1. This Veteran's Day weekend, an M20J went down in the marsh short of the runway at Northeast Florida Regional Airport (KSGJ). Two were on board, the pilot and a nineteen year old passenger. Reports of "mechanical failure" from the pilot to first responders and the media were conveyed. The mishap occurred Sunday morning, November 10th, 2019, shortly before ten o'clock A.M. There were mild to moderate injuries to the occupants. Just a heads-up for the community and spot to add any additional information that might trickle in over the next few days... Important to learn from others misfortunes. Best wishes to pilot and passenger.
  2. Trying to do a comparison of a typical "normal" (if that even exist in our world) cost of an annual on a M20E or more recent M20. If you care to share the cost of your last couple of annuals, I have my spreadsheet running. If major work was done beyond the normal during the annual, new Garmin 430W installed, etc, it will skew the results. A good friend tells me that a Bonanza annual will run 2 to 3 times more than a Mooney. I find that hard to believe. Look forward to replies.
  3. I am looking for someone with a M20E or more recent who would show me their airplane. A demo ride would be great, I'll pay for fuel. Or, fly into KVRB and I will buy breakfast. Thank you! Jose Gibert Vero Beach, FL
  4. I'm a new member looking to buy a 1993 201 and need a prebuy, then likely some planned work resulting in an annual. I'm new to this but see Daytona is a good option and it is reasonably close. Other recommendations or wisdom? It's a low time airframe and for some years never flew. I would also like to be put on the southeast Florida email list as well. Scott
  5. Hey all, I need some advice... I met a Mooniac today, he showed me his airplane, we took a flight around the patch, I was hooked on the spot. The airplane is Punta Gorda based. The owner wanted to use his guy, of course, but I insisted we have a third party look at it and he agreed. I'm looking for a Pre Purchase Inspection in the Sarasota, FL area. Sarasota Avionics lists themselves as pre-buy inspectors with Mooney experience, but I mistakenly believed that there was a MSC in Sarasota. I'd rather not have it done in Punta Gorda by home field mechanics, etc. I don't know where else to take it. Daytona seems a bit far, although for the owner that wouldn't be too far of a flight. I've heard sketchy things about Premier in KFXE, so I'm not sure where to turn. I'm definitely open to suggestions... I also wonder what one would expect to pay for a thorough pre-buy inspection? I'm mechanically savvy, but I don't know the inner workings of a GA engine nearly well enough to attempt this sort of thing by myself...
  6. Hey Everyone, I may be relocating to the space coast area. (is Melbourne part of space coast?) Looking for some information on what Hangar rent is in the area. I will be living in Melbourne and be working at the Melbourne airport. But I'm sure the airport Hangar are probably out of my price range. Any information about hanger rent for airports in the area would be appreciated.
  7. Florida Mooniacs, I have a story to tell you about a great FBO. I had a lunch meeting scheduled in Cape Coral, so I called the FBO (Base Operations) at KFMY yesterday and let them know I would be coming in and needed a rental car. I followed that crazy cold front down the west coast and arrived at Ft. Myers as the clouds were dispersing. When I pulled up to the ramp, the line guys flagged me over to a tie down spot and helped me push back and tie down (I had pre-arranged shutting down at my parking spot because I will no longer allow a tug to be used on my Mooney). While I was unloading, one of the guys brought my rental to the plane and offered to help with my bags. These guys were waiting for me and did exactly what I had requested the prior day. I went into the FBO building and changed for my meeting, signed the rental documents and was off to my appointment. When I returned, I got to spend some time admiring the building. There is a full scale replica of a P51 hanging in the lobby, a T6 out front and numerous memorabilia relating to WWII (Page field was used by the United States Army Air Forces Third Air Force for antisubmarine patrols and conventional bomber training in the B-24). The restrooms are clean as a whistle, there is a pilot gift store, a snack room, lounge and the pilot's recreation room even has a pool table. Everyone was polite, accommodating and made me feel appreciated. They also have free cookies and make hot dogs every Friday. Oh, and 100LL is only $3.65 (self serve) and they waive any tie down fees even if you do self serve, try finding that at any of those fancy east coast airports. Page is the most convenient airport to Sanibel, Captiva, Bokeelia, Cayo Costa and Pine Island sound. If you are looking for a weekend getaway or a month long vacation, there is no more beautiful area in Florida. So don't delay, fly on down to KFMY and say hello to the nice folks at Base Operations.
  8. Hello, I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I moved to the Daytona area a year ago. I am based at KOMN. I spend most of my days at the field instructing and working on my planeand making airplane noises. I am a CFI,CFII. MEI here. I Currently own a 65 M20c. I bought this neglected bird a few months ago. It sat outside untouched for a few years. But the overall numbers were good all low times. And the previous owner did the major (engine,tanks) repairs before he had some medical issues. I had to send out the carb it was clogged. A few days later I had her running. That was a major hurdle. Then it was onto the next item. I have a fresh panel being built. It will be sporting a Garmin 430, Stratus ESG, dual cdi, ps engineering audio panel and a jpi 900. Keeping the steam gauges till a later date. While that work is being conducted. I took on the daunting task of replacing all the firewall insulation. The plane had the eyelids removed and placed on with a few screws. Water manage to get in and sit on the floor. Luckily no carpet installed. I should have taken the hint from the upholstery shop on the field. What a pain. But now all that is done and man what a difference. In the next few weeks it should make its first flight in 2+ years. Well that's just a little about me. I look forward to bouncing around here for a while. So if you see me on the field stop say hi. I would love to talk. Jason
  9. As I have mentioned in another post I am moving from NJ to Florida - Naples area. I have a current partner in the plane but he doesn't even have a PPL yet. I would possibly like to transfer his share to a new partner(s). Testing waters. The share will be in the $50k area. Depends on my partner's good mood. I bought the plane in December 2013. It had new IO360 A3B6 engine installed in 1999 with only 485 hrs. ( I was aware of the engine low activity risks). I have put 470 hours in three years with no major problems. No money spared to keep it in good shape. I fly the plane at least couple times a week. Here are some facts. I will post some pictures as soon as I have the current ones. 1977 Money M20J always hangared. All kind of mods. NDH TTAF ( not sure as I don't have logbooks in front of me) cca 3000hrs IO 360 A3B6 Engine TTSN 953hrs POH 100 hrs. Paint 1999. Still probably 8/10 Interior - DIY Airtex, new carpets and side panels, repainted plastic panels, new seats leather upholstery - 2014 New starter, new mechanical fuel pump, new electric fuel pump, new tires, Spent $ 6500 after buy - new brakes and rotors, new rubber discs and a lot of other things. Spent $ 13,000 on last annual - rigging, POH, prop governor ovehauled, mags overhauled, resealed tank, etc. Panel: Electronics International CGR 30P engine monitor with all primary and secondary functions. No old gauges. GTN750, GDL88, Flightstream210, Sandia 340 back up AI, Century IIB autopilot coupled to the GPS, Strikefinder,
  10. I'm looking at a 201 up in the Crystal River area. Anyone know a contact for a pre-buy? Bruce
  11. So, this system never progressed to be more than Invest 93 but it's still pretty wild to be sitting right in the eye of this big low pressure on the NE coast of Florida. My poor Mooney is tied up outside but I battened it down earlier tonight. It's just getting a good bath to wash off the two weeks of salty air! Check out the wind barbs between St. Augustine and Fernandina Beach. The eye is right over us at the blue dot. Pretty cool.
  12. Hello all there,iam a miami area pilot and have been flying for a few years now.I am part of a club with 172s and a 182.Guys i was introduced to mooneys and it was love at first sight.im driving 1.5 hours to a club that owns a 201 and im flying from there.I love it,but its kind of far.Ia by any chance here a miami area,proud owner of a mooney willing to work something out?I either want to buy one in partnership or work with someone that already owns one.im a MAPA member and im loving it.Thanks to all
  13. Hello all there,iam a miami area pilot and have been flying for a few years now.I am part of a club with 172s and a 182.Guys i was introduced to mooneys and it was love at first sight.im driving 1.5 hours to a club that owns a 201 and im flying from there.I love it,but its kind of far.Ia by any chance here a miami area,proud owner of a mooney willing to work something out?I either want to buy one in partnership or work with someone that already owns one.im a MAPA member and im loving it.Thanks to all
  14. With Florida's rainy season back upon us, I wanted to get some other opinions on what people use as their flying criteria in the summer. The vast majority of my travel is between Orlando and Miami, departing in the morning and coming back in the afternoon. Obviously this return trip puts me in the prime time for afternoon thunderstorms. My travel schedule is very flexible most of the time, so I can adjust my travel days to line up with what the weather is saying and avoid the known bad days. Lately I have developed a rather irrational fear of getting caught up in a thunderstorm and coming out the bottom as a non-flying hunk of metal. I think it really took hold when the PC-12 went down last year near Ocala with what was first attributed to an unsuccessful encounter with a thunderstorm (which has since been revised to bad flying when the autopilot disconnected for some reason - a topic unto itself). I say it is irrational because it becomes almost paralyzing (flying-wise) at times. I understand the importance of good risk management and use ADS-B weather enroute, so its not that I feel I'm flying by the seat of my pants. So my questions to others are: 1) How do you use the information available to you to determine the thunderstorm risks when you are 8-10 hours out of taking a flight (or a return flight). 2) Do you let the normal afternoon patterns in Florida deter you from flying in the summer? I am not talking about tropical disturbances or anything like that. I have found that over the past 3 years my summer flying drops off considerably and I think it is subconsciously (and now consciously) the thunderstorm issue. 3) Have you found yourself in a thunderstorm before? If so, how did you get yourself in it and what did you learn from the experience? 4) Do you feel confident that ATC in Florida has the understanding and equipment to keep you out of thunderstorms?
  15. N1916Y, M20D, Master, s/n 211, original config fixed gear/fixed pitch prop, restored, 2270 TT, 70 SMOH, new prop, new O&N fuel, new Airtex interior, O/H'd firewall forward, new LASAR panels, Aspen Pro 1000 PFD, full Garmin stack including 430W, SL30, mode S, ADS-B, EDM 930 engine monitor, 406 ELT, Tanis engine heater, sealed battery, LED nav landing and anti-collision lighting, will ferry, checkout and conduct new annual with sale....nothing needed to add to this aircraft for years. Based CYSH & KPGD. Over $75K invested(not including labour) $60K. RonM ronmacewen@hotmail.com http://www.trade-a-plane.com/detail/aircraft/Single+Engine+Piston/1964/Mooney/M20D+Master/1770409.html
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