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    Liberia (West Africa ) and Mesa AZ
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  1. Just put the LASAR point on, they were 45 the pair. Quite cheap in respect to aircraft. I have jack house jacks, so they hopefully will not bend.
  2. Finally found the leak(s) - Closure Notice Thanks for all the input guys! I had probably told you that the leak had plagued me for some time. And to make matters worse, I am in the States on leave about twice a year for 3-4 weeks, so I am always pressed for time. Anyway, with the leakage I had what I think was a combination of leaks. The oil return hose rubber elements were leaking, but not much. That was taken care when the engine mounts were changed. (see above). But there was still a substantial oil leak. More engine washing and inspection by me and my trusted mechanic told him that the oil pressure line fitting to the prop governor was the culprit. That was easily fixed with Teflon. Admittedly I was sceptical, but after return from two hours flight, there oil leak was gone. I was very happy indeed. Now all I have is a little oil mist inside the gear housing, but it barely moists a paper towel when wiping. The horrible streaks on the belly have gone, and with them the anticipation that the engine might have something horribly wrong with it. Flying is much more relaxed now! I really have to thank my mechanic (an old hand), and we had a few beers to celebrate. Chimpanzee
  3. The oil is in the nose gear housing, on the inside of the gear doors an on the gear linkage. Overfill might be a factor, (I run between 5.5. and 6.5), will attempt to go with Hank to run between 5 and 6. However, overfill should show on the belly and not inside the gear housing I think. I will check the breather line for cracks / holes and the fuel pump vent line as suggested. Norbert
  4. To the more knowledgeable: I have slow oil leak in my 20 C that drives me nuts. I have oil in the front gear housing, on bot sides of the gear well and trailing along the bottom of the fuselage. My oil pressure is stable, the oil usage seems normal too. Here is what I have done: First, I though it was a problem from the retrofit angled oil spin adapter (ECI), so the gaskets at the accessory housing were changed. This did not seem to make any appreciable difference, so I sprayed the engine down, ran it according to piloto's instruction (thanks man !) and checked. Small leakages from three of the oil return hose connectors, and a runner on the back of the oil pan. Had all four rubber return hose connectors changed, as well as a new pan gasket installed. Run-up be mechanic confirmed no leak. Flew it four two hours and again had oil in the front gear housing (less than before however). Now I am lost for an explanation. The engine seems dry. Is there any possibility that the oil comes from the breather line and is somehow ducted into the gear housing, giving the impression of an engine oil leak ? Puzzled Norbert
  5. Time to report. I put the E-drive in there and so it has been a massive improvement over the old one. Nice and smooth start. As for the tach cable it has been an uphill battle. The inner cable from Spruce was too short, Next try local tach shop. Put it in, started the engine, inner cable defect. So, in the end I ended up with the new outer cable from the tach shop and the old inner cable. Should probably have gone digital... And getting the cable through the firewall was a "££$$$%&^*
  6. As my starter is somewhat lacking performance, i want to replace it during the annual with another. I am leaning towards Hartzell X - drive or E - drive, but there seems to be a fitting issue with them (specifically the E -drive). My bird is an M 20 C 1964. Unfortunately I cannot go over and look, as we are currently on two different continents. But as I would like to pre-order this from Spruce so I can keep my downtime to a minimum during my leave and get some more flying done. Same question applies to the Tach cable. i know it is kinked and needs replacement, but is it 36 Inch long or 46 Inch. Again stock M20 C. Any input welcome. Cheers Norbert
  7. Quite happy with my Insight G1 (absolute basic). However the smaller version that I have is a little hard to read from the left seat when mounted on the right. Would go for the 3 1/8 inch version if I were to do it again. Oh, and forget the highly touted auto - lean function, might work with injectors, but not with my naturally aspirated banger. cheers
  8. just wanted to add another chimp photo...
  9. However what is the target EGT ? I haver heard it referred to but what actually is the value or how do I determine it for my C model with O 360 engine? Thanks to my Insight G1 monitor, I can see both EGT and CHT. Cheers Norbert
  10. FIrst get a good quality switch. That rules out Radio Shack ! Mine came with Radio Shack on it and they constantly broke. I switched to the Sigtronics Microswitch offered by Spruce. It is actually an Otto Switch, so you could get it from a different source, but depending on the distributor the prices are around the same as Spruce. Drill a whole size of the switch in top of yoke, then a smaller canal through the yoke handle to the bottom and another 90 degree offset hole. Solder sufficient cable AWG 22 to the switch, and pull the cable through the conduit. A little tricky (pulling through with safety wire (fishing line) helps. However, before you pull the cable and set the switch put a heatshrink around the bottom of the switch, otherwise on of the tags will make contact with the yoke and you have interesting radio effects.
  11. Hi, if you still have them what price do you think of ? please email to squawknorbert@Hotmail.com cheers Norbert
  12. If still available, I would like to get the mp/fuel pressure. 150 plus shipping acceptable? please respond to squawknorbert@Hotmail.com cheers Norbert
  13. I had the G1 fitted about a year ago. I left the stock CHT unchanged and operational since the probe is mounted at a different position from the G 1probes. It still shows temperatures, but generally lower than the top cyinders show on the G1. So, I am afraid that it was actually mounted on a rather cold cylinder. Anyway the stock unit can't hurt as back-up. Otherwise I am happy with the G1 but should have taken the larger diameter. I should have also realized that the highly touted lean feature is only really valuable if you have an injected engine with GAMI injectors, Overall I am quite happy with the unit, especially with the bar presentation.
  14. Hmm, don't all those Katanas that schools like CAE use have Rotaxes ? They should know a thing about them. Cheers N
  15. As my 63 C came with screen only, I had the ECI angled adapter mounted on it. The spin filter sits about 15 degrees offset from vertical. Most of the oil drains, and the remaining mess can easily be contained.(Need to try the absobent pad though). Best of all: My oil change interval is now 50 hours not 25. cheers N
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