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Everything posted by SkyBound

  1. We are excited to welcome Bruce Landsberg, Vice Chair, NTSB as the luncheon keynote speaker at the Mooney Summit taking place October 6-7, in Tampa, FL. Fly into Peter O. Knight Airport (KTPF) for the 9th iteration of this valuable safety seminar that brings the Mooney Community together. Only five days remain through September 15th to reserve your hotel at the highly reduced block rate and to register at the early rate of $149. Please visit www.MooneySummit.com for all the full agenda and all the details.
  2. Hi John, We are not at the Tampa Theater this year. On Saturday we are going to be at the newly built, state of the art conference space in the terminal at Tampa International. All of the Safety Day sessions will take place there. In the evening we'll be back on Harbour Island for the Final Banquet at American Social which is on the river and right next to the Westin, our HQ hotel. --Alex
  3. Westin Tampa Waterside will be our headquarters hotel, it is a short ride to both Peter O. Knight (TPF) where everyone is invited to fly-in and where Airport Day will be held. The Westin is connected to American Social where our Banquet is being held and is an easy drive to Tampa Int'l (TPA) - the location of the Safety Day seminar. Please use the link above to reserve your room at a highly reduced rate of $229 per night for the Summit attendees. We are also offering room options to those who wish to stay at the Tampa International Airport Marriott at TPA. It is connected to the passenger terminal where the Safety Day sessions will be held and is also convenient to those who might be traveling by airlines. Please use the link above to reserve your room at a highly reduced rate of $179 per night for the Summit attendees. Discounted hotel rates will also be available only through September 15th.
  4. Thank you @carusoam , I have attached the wingtip photo. This is slightly outdated as I have since had the Whelen LED strobe/nav light combination installed. --Alex
  5. James - thank you for your posts. I am excited to see that Whelen just came out with the LED replacement for the wingtip recognition lights. All - I have the newer wingtips on my 1979 M20K, but my airplane doesn't currently have the recognition lights. I would really like to add them as I find it always challenging to see the taxiway edges at a lot of the airports and believe these will be helpful for both recognition as well as when taxiing on the ground. They should be able to be fitted into the standard Mooney Wingtip that I have, right? Is there a piece of housing or other hardware that can be purchased? Has anyone done that? Any insights that I can share with my mechanic? I presume there is a way to wire them with a three-way switch that would have 1) ON steady 2) Wig-wag 3) OFF positions? Anyone familiar with such a device that would work with these LED lights? I appreciate any insights from those who have done this or are planning to do this. Thanks. --Alex
  6. Thank you for posting this James. I am taking advantage of the rebate to update my 10 year old Whelen PAR 36 lights. --Alex
  7. Another vote for Weep No More. I recently had my tanks resealed and Monroy extended range tanks installed there. Paul is a hard worker, his craftsmanship and attention to detail are incredible. Paul genuinely loves what he does and that comes through in the results. I highly recommend. --Alex
  8. Hello Fellow Mooniacs, I had a few takers PM me so far and wanted to remind others to send me a message about this unique opportunity we are offering to the Mooney community for a complimentary registration to NBAA's Virtual Convention this Wednesday and Thursday. Please send me a PM and I'll provide you with the discount code to use. --Alex
  9. Hey Anthony, Got your PM. I believe we met at Mooney Summit. You are right, Seth and Alan were the troublemakers we were hanging out with. Best, Alex
  10. NBAA would like to offer Mooney Pilots a complimentary registration to attend the upcoming Virtual Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (NBAA-VBACE). There will be a number of educational sessions on safety a few of which will have a single-pilot focus, over 150 exhibitors and a number of other exciting activities and events. Multi-Platinum Entertainer and Pilot Dierks Bentley will keynote the event on the first day. Please PM me for a complimentary registration code. There is also an opportunity for type clubs to gather for an event in a chatroom or host a virtual meeting on Zoom or another platform for Mooney Pilots. Let me know if there is interest for MooneySpace to have a virtual gathering at VBACE and I can share more details and strategize on how we can structure that. I hope to see many fellow Mooneyspacers at the event. Thanks! --Alex
  11. Thank you @Sethand @mooneyman and others who have contributed to this initiative! It is a unique and powerful experience during the pandemic for GA to be able to recognize healthcare heroes and first responders. Unfortunately they did not find anyone for these legs and had to fly commercial up to PIT and were forced to skip the intermediate stops at RDU, ORF and RIC. —Alex
  12. I am assisting the Spirit of Liberty Foundation with pilot coordination for Operation Thank You - Relay in the Sky they are sponsoring to honor healthcare professionals and front line heroes. Here is the link that explains what they are doing in more detail: http://spiritoflibertyfoundation.org/portfolio-items/the-relay-in-the-sky/ They are looking for assistance for the following legs: October 22 – RDU-ORF October 23 – ORF-RIC October 23 – RIC-PIT Is anyone interested and able to help? They are looking to confirm up to three aircraft per leg and pilots can sign up for one or more legs. You can contact the can contact Dwight Wait, Director of Flight Operations directly at (619) 540-2680 or at flywait1@yahoo.com Thank you so much for any assistance you are able to offer. --Alex
  13. I am assisting the Spirit of Liberty Foundation with pilot coordination for Operation Thank You - Relay in the Sky they are sponsoring to honor healthcare professionals and front line heroes. Here is the link that explains what they are doing in more detail: http://spiritoflibertyfoundation.org/portfolio-items/the-relay-in-the-sky/ They are looking for assistance for the following legs: October 26 – BOS-PVD October 27 – PVD-HFD Is anyone interested and able to help? They are looking to confirm up to three aircraft per leg. You can contact the can contact Dwight Wait, Director of Flight Operations directly at (619) 540-2680 or at flywait1@yahoo.com Thank you so much for any assistance you are able to offer. --Alex
  14. Great thinking @carusoam! Thank you so much for posting the visual of the route. Life is a bit boring right now otherwise I'd post more than once a month. @carusoam the relay will be coming through NJ the last week of the month if you'd like to fly a leg. Thank you again for your help this evening. --Alex
  15. I am assisting the Spirit of Liberty Foundation with pilot coordination for Operation Thank You - Relay in the Sky they are doing to honor healthcare professionals and front line heroes. Here is the link that explains what they are doing in more detail: http://spiritoflibertyfoundation.org/portfolio-items/the-relay-in-the-sky/ They had a mechanical today and need assistance tomorrow (October 9th) flying the torch from Jefferson City, MO (JEF) to Des Moines, IA (DSM) and then on to St. Paul (STP). Is anyone able to help on short notice? You can contact the Chairman – Richard Rovsek directly on his mobile this evening or early tomorrow morning at (760) 587-2000. He is on Pacific Time. Thank you so much for any assistance you are able to offer. --Alex
  16. America's Operation Thank You - Relay in the Sky has kicked off taking off from San Diego to honor Healthcare Heroes and First Responders with stops all across the country and culminating in Washington, DC. https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/americas-operation-thank-you-to-honor-health-heroes-first-responders-for-pandemic-efforts/509-0a7627b4-2e30-4189-81d2-5054b02cd12b There are still a few slots available if you'd like to sign-up to fly a leg at the link below: http://spiritoflibertyfoundation.org/portfolio-items/the-relay-in-the-sky/
  17. Ron, Air-Mods and Repair, a Mooney Service Center at N87 has an individual who works at a high-end car dealership doing detailing during the week and washes and waxes airplanes on weekends. You can contact Air-Mods and ask for Shane 609-259-2400. He will coordinate the wash and wax appointment for you and provide a quote. Good luck and post pictures of your newly shined airplane! --Alex
  18. @gsxrpilot - what a great idea! could you share other locations where you’ve mounted both inside and outside? Thanks. —Alex
  19. Note that the local municipality does not have the authority to shut an airport down for health reasons. The FAA must approve it. See this recent guidance from FAA Office of Airport compliance: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TRfyvLfeZ6kbxG7xOO1bu4Nx97B729FZ/view --Alex
  20. My 1979 M20K has Century 41 (not 21) with an autopilot disconnect switch on the yoke. See attached photo.
  21. Congratulations! I own a 1979 M20K as well. Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming experiences and adventures. —Alex
  22. Thanks for sharing your insights. What altitude/MP/RPM combination do you use to get 155 kts at 9.0 gph?
  23. Bill's Air Center at KSMO is great. They work on Mooneys. If you PM me I can put you in touch with the owner of the shop and a Mooney pilot who has their aircraft annualed there. --Alex
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