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Everything posted by SkyBound

  1. Elliott Seguin is coming to Mooney Summit X to talk about Test Pilot Awesomeness! Do not miss his keynote - there are just a few more days left to register.
  2. Elliott Seguin is coming to Mooney Summit X to talk about Test Pilot Awesomeness! Do not miss his keynote - there are just a few more days left to register.
  3. Listen to this fast-paced podcast episode featuring Dan Bass, Josh Kunz and Alex Gertsen to get excited for the upcoming Mooney Summit X! https://justplaneradio.com/2024/09/just-plane-radio-9-7-24/
  4. Listen to this fast-paced podcast episode featuring Dan Bass, Josh Kunz and Alex Gertsen to get excited for the upcoming Mooney Summit X! https://justplaneradio.com/2024/09/just-plane-radio-9-7-24/
  5. Do you prefer Bose A30 or the Lightspeed Delta Zulu? Thanks to our generous sponsors, you don't have to play favorites -- both are available for bidding on the Silent Auction. Visit www.MooneySummit.com for the full agenda, registration and hotel information.
  6. Performance at the Mooney Summit is now part of Ernie Halter's official summer schedule! You do not want to miss this talented singer, songwriter, pilot and Mooney owner's performance at TPF on Airport Day. Ernie will also be presenting on the "Anatomy of a Gear-Up" on Safety Day. Listen to his newest hit single Rock Your Wings on Spotify
  7. Be sure to follow this thread for exciting announcements and speaker, sponsor, raffle and silent auction prize highlights over the next couple of weeks leading up to the 10th anniversary of this amazing safety event. We kick-off with a video invite from one of our passionate Planning Committee members, Alex Skijus. Alex is a new Mooney owner and attended the Summit for the first time in 2023. There is still time to register, but only a few days remain to reserve your hotel room at our highly discounted rate of $189. The hotel cut-off is September 4th.
  8. BOOK YOUR HOTEL NOW! Only a few days remain to book your hotel. The deadline to receive the highly discounted rate of $189 per night ends on Wednesday, September 4th. Click on the hotel names linked below to reserve your rooms: Westin Tampa Waterside will be our headquarters hotel, it is a short ride to both TPF and TPA and is connected to the American Social where our Banquet is being held. Rooms are also available at the Tampa Airport Marriott, which is convenient to those flying into Tampa International Airport (TPA) commercial and is just steps away from the conference space in the terminal. For more information on the Mooney Summit X please visit our web page www.MooneySummit.com We (Dan Bass and Alex Gertsen, your Event Co-Directors) can't wait to see you in Tampa in September!
  9. Thanks for the suggestion Mike. We now have X and YouTube set-up as well. X: https://x.com/TheMooneySummit YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfqOQE4bnjQguWBmTqFMBmg Please follow-us! --Alex
  10. If you missed taking advantage of the early registration rate of $149.00 for Mooney Summit X, which expired July 31st. Here is a special opportunity for MooneySpace members to have a little more time to take advantage of that special rate. Use coupon code MooneySpace to register by August 7th. Here are the links to the registration, agenda and hotels with additional details to be found at www.MooneySummit.com. Please do not hesitate to DM me with any questions. We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can in Tampa in September. --Alex
  11. Hello MooneySpace Friends, If you missed taking advantage of the early registration rate of $149.00 for Mooney Summit X, which expired July 31st. Here is a special opportunity for MooneySpace members to have a little more time to take advantage of that special rate. Use coupon code MooneySpace to register by August 7th. Here are the links to the registration, agenda and hotels with additional details to be found at www.MooneySummit.com. Please do not hesitate to DM me with any questions. We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can in Tampa in September. --Alex
  12. Mooney Summit X agenda has been posted! Please take a look at the number of exciting speakers and subject matter experts coming this year to present and at so many owners and pilots sharing stories about their Mooney adventures and experiences. Please take a moment to register now, the early bird registration rate of $149.00 is ending on July 31st. Finally, do not delay getting your hotel room, we have a limited number of highly discounted rooms remaining in our block. All the details can be found on www.MooneySummit.com. We (Dan Bass and Alex Gertsen, your Event Co-Directors) can't wait to see you in Tampa in September!
  13. If you'd like to keep up with us on social media, we have created a couple of new entities: Please join the Mooney Summit Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1139241093970055/ And follow @TheMooneySummit on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themooneysummit/ Our website remains the same www.MooneySummit.com. Please take the time to register before the early rate ends at the end of July and do not delay to reserve your hotel room at the highly discounted rate, there is only a limited number of rooms remaining. Thank you. --Alex
  14. Ryan, So excited that you and Katherine are joining us at Mooney Summit this year and can't wait for your presentation about your 9,300 nm Alaskan Flying Roadtrip! --Alex
  15. We have secured the room block at the Westin Tampa Waterside for $189 per night. You can book your room at the link below: https://book.passkey.com/go/MooneySummit The Westin will be our headquarters hotel, it is a short ride to both TPF and TPA and is connected to American Social where our Banquet is being held. Please DM @DanM20C and me with suggestions for topics, speakers and activities you'd like to see at this year's Summit. If you are interested in being involved with the planning, let us know as well. Looking forward to seeing all of you in Tampa. Best, Alex
  16. Thank you for the compliments @NewMoon! Looking forward to putting together an even better event in 2024 for the 10th anniversary of the Summit. --Alex
  17. Mooney Summit IX has kicked off with the Tampa Air Traffic Control Tower and Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facility.
  18. The hangar for Airport Day at Peter O. Knight Airport (TPF) and the Event Space at Tampa Int'l Airport (TPA) are all set-up and we are ready to welcome attendees to Mooney Summit IX! Special thanks to our generous airport host Hillsborough County Aviation Authority and our sponsors and exhibitors.
  19. Dan and I have arrived in Tampa and are beginning the set-up for Mooney Summit IX! We have an amazing program planned for this year! If you have not registered, it's not too late to jump in your Mooney and come join us. Also check out the Silent Auction this year - you do not have to be present to win. --Alex
  20. We are exactly one week away from the start of Mooney Summit IX! There is still time to register at www.MooneySummit.com. The Silent Auction is now open as well with so many great items to bid on this year. https://app.galabid.com/summitix Please also take a moment to review the agenda where you will find links to sign-up to show off your Mooney and to submit topics for questions and discussions during the Pilot/Owner Forums. If you have an exciting experience you'd like to share such as a trans-continental adventure or lessons learned from an incident, sign-up to present. Fly safe...We look forward to seeing you in Tampa!
  21. Today, September 22nd, is the last day to reserve hotels for the Mooney Summit! Westin Tampa Waterside will be our headquarters hotel, it is a short ride to both TPF and TPA and is connected to American Social where our Banquet is being held. Please use the link above to reserve your room at a highly reduced rate of $229 per night for the Summit attendees. Please note that this rate is sold-out for Friday night, October 6th. We are also offering room options to those who wish to stay at the Marriott Tampa International Airport at TPA. It is connected to the passenger terminal where the Safety Day sessions will be held and is also convenient to those who might be traveling by airlines. Please use the link above to reserve your room at a highly reduced rate of $175 per night for the Summit attendees. We look forward to seeing you in Tampa in just a couple of weeks! --Alex
  22. To all on this thread, wanted to make sure that you saw that the Mooney Summit is on for this year - October 6-7, 2023! We are excited to return to Tampa for the second year. Thanks to our gracious host, The Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, our fly-in will be at Peter O. Knight Airport (KTPF) and our Safety Day will be held at the newly built, state of the art conference center at Tampa International (KTPA). We have speakers from the NTSB, NATCA/FAA and other industry experts. Full agenda and details are on the website - www.MooneySummit.com. Note that today, September 17th, is the last day to register at the discounted rate. We look forward to seeing you in Tampa! --Alex
  23. Hi Tim, We hope you can join us for the Mooney Summit this year. KFGU is on the way back to Minnesota for @DanM20C. I don't want to speak for him, but expect that he would enjoy your company for the flight back. Today (September 17th) is the last day to register at the discounted rate if you haven't already. www.MooneySummit.com --Alex
  24. Listen to Dan Bass, Alex Gertsen and Scott Ashton talk about Mooney Summit IX on Just Plane Radio episode that aired Sept. 16, 2023.
  25. Today, September 17 is the LAST DAY to register at the discounted rate of $149. Registration will go up to $199 after midnight, Eastern Time. Review the agenda, raffle prizes and register at www.MooneySummit.com. We look forward to seeing you in Tampa! --Alex and Dan
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