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Everything posted by TWinter

  1. It's really just simple math.. Home Upgrades + Airplane Upgrades = Happy Marriage/Relationship. Follow this simple formula and you will both grow old and happy together You and the airplane that is............
  2. I worked in small towns as a rookie and later in big cities during my career. Trust me when I say a cop in a small town working a midnight, or the late shift won't mind the conversation. In a small town the midnight shift can be a pretty long night if it's slow. You will probably make a new friend, offer to show him your plane, maybe turn him into an aviation buff. He's just another guy at work doing his thing... Tom
  3. Or this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009LQG64S/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Used this for a couple years as a drop in on my E..No it's not, but it worked excellent. -Tom
  4. I think we have it figured out...The yoke shafts at the linkage connection are way short and the angle was different not allowing the linkage connection. The guy I bought from said they were the correct ones for the conversion..guess what?,,nope. Some of the pics I posted above were just from different positioning thinking we were doing something wrong. We were just trying any possible configuration. Here is a picture of them unattached. Look at the length of the "dogear" as we call it. It's about 1/2" +/- shorter than yours. Not enough room to allow the linkage to connect or allow for full deflection left and right. Yours are much longer allowing for connection and the angle is slightly different. Problem figured out. I'm not sure if the (J) uses these shorter ones and the Es, Fs etc use ones with longer "dog ears", but I think everyone will see what we ran into in these pics. Maybe save someone this problem in the future. Just the wrong length. Problem explained, not solved yet, but explained. Hopefully, solved soon. -Tom
  5. Thanks..that's about what I needed to hear today..Only reason I sent the other ones off early was because I didn't want the MS member to have to wait an extra month for them until my shop was ready for the new ones to get installed. No lesson, just trying to help a MSer get his installed early and not wait..my mistake, it will all work though. Got to have faith Might have it resolved... Finally. -Tom
  6. I've called a few times..No answer. Actually just got a hold of him..He has some from a 67, but sure if they are the same as 73.
  7. Alan,

    Do you happen to have any E model yoke shafts? I need some badly. I bought a new set of Yokes that came with shafts and they do not fit correctly.

    If you have any and could help me out that would be great. Let me know.




    1. Alan Fox

      Alan Fox

      I will check the hangar tomorrow..

    2. TWinter


      Okay..Thanks very much.

    3. TWinter


      Do you know if the earlier years were the same or was there a difference in the 73-74 Es verses the earlier models?




  8. After another few hours at the shop this morning and double checking it looks like I was sent the wrong shafts ( I guess you would say I got the shaft). I think at this point they are going to retro-fit the new yokes to the original E style shafts if we can find some. Anybody have a good source for both shafts. I sold my originals with my old yokes..go figure my project is on hold until I find the shafts. Been down since July and now to have the shafts be the only hold up.. Just my luck. I'll start making the usual calls to Maxwell, Lasar etc.. If anyone has a set or knows of a set please let me know.. I just want to get back in the air at this point. -Tom
  9. Okay thanks..cell is 731-612-7233 or email at tpwinter@bellsouth.net Thanks.. Mike gave me some info and I'm heading over to the shop first thing this morning and see if I can figure them out. The actual pictures of how the linkage and rod connects under the dash would still help. -Tom
  10. Mike, Got the drawing..Replied and asked a quick question in email. -Tom
  11. I'll take a look..
  12. Just spreading the old with the new..The new yokes had the new style so I went with that on the panel.
  13. Yes, There is a block that goes in the center and then a bolt through it. Then the swivel goes in, but when the center bolt is installed it restricts the deflection. Does this even look like the co-pilots side? I've been looking through the web and manuals and there are no good pictures to get an idea. I wish I had better pics. They called me late in the day and we were all frustrated. Still looking.
  14. Still able to determine what I need to see..It almost looks like he is reversed and what he has labeled as co-pilots is pilots..Just need a real picture or clearer idea. This shaft I brought home looks to me to be the pilots side, but is labeled as co-pilots..Still looking..any help is appreciated. I'm at a standstill until this is squared away. I'd settle for any picture of the yoke shaft attachment.. -Tom
  15. The shop called trying to get the new shafts installed on 41M today. Ran into a snag and can't seem to get it squared away. I need this favor pretty quick as this is what is holding up 8 weeks of non-flying. I tried to reach out to the guy I bought them from and no joy on return calls. When all else fails you call your Mooney brothers/sisters. I need a picture and or clarification of the shaft mount under the dash. The old yokes were sold and the manuals are not very clear on this. The shop looked at it and I looked at it and I'm a bit stumped. If someone could snap a picture ASAP or tell me what looks wrong in the attached pictures I would be grateful. I might even be able to fly again soon. When we put these in we are not getting maximum deflection. We were working on the co-pilots side. The shop says the guy I bought them from had them mislabeled as far as pilot and co-pilot, but we have tried every configuration and can't seem to get it sorted. We get movement further on one side vs. the other. As they say what's wrong with this picture. Co-pilots side. We've removed the standard E model and are attempting the J model style. I'd even settle for a picture of your set up. No Mooney's at my field and this is not something they do all the time. Just binding up and even the holes for the yokes are vertical position and not horizontal. What say you experts?. You may have to cock your head to understand the photos, but if you are answering I'm sure you know what you are looking at? Help and any photos please? This first pic is laying on the passenger floor looking up and to the rear. As you can see the thicker shaft is hitting the frame tube with the block in it (closest to my thumb). Picture 2 shows the same from a different angle. The bottom picture shows it best..hitting the frame tube at the notch. The last is the shaft itself. Does this even look correct as identified as a passenger side shaft? Just trying to answers as quick as possible. Thanks Sold my old shaft to a forum member..don't have anything to reference to.. -Tom
  16. Dad is retired Marines, younger brother retired Navy and for me, I retired from wearing the "Thin Blue Line", keeping people safe during the night in the "Hood". - Tom
  17. Slow progress is better than no progress. My shop will need to focus on installs and not photography. The glare from the pictures is awful. Here are a few pics from early this morning. I had hoped for completion by Tuesday, looking more like the end of the week. Still lots of tweaking to do as far as lining up the panel. After 8 weeks I'm just happy with any forward progress. -Tom
  18. Finally got the call today that if all goes well over the few days 41M should be ready to come home next Tuesday
  19. My shop is usually slowest July-Aug.. I don't think there is actually pricing differences. I think there is a difference in the deals they may offer and how hungry the shop is for work. At my shop there are a lot of annuals starting September. You also have the installs from the new stuff people saw at Oshkosh or new products rolling out, usually takes a few months for people to get the ducks (and funds) lined up. Most flying families don't want to be without their planes during summer holidays so guys will wait and put their planes in late summer or fall when vacations are pretty much over. If had to guess I would say the best install deals are mid summer. Just my thinking..then there is the possibility I am total wrong in my thinking process -Tom
  20. Went to check on progress...Looking good. Right side of the panel is in. The left side will go in tomorrow. Hopefully have some pics. The bad news was that one of the Aspens was actually defective from the factory. The shop sent it back and we are waiting for the replacement to arrive. Should just be a extra couple of days..Just goes to show you even something brand new can have a problem. My shop has done several Aspen installs and this was the first he's ever had that was defective from the factory. I guess better that we find out now vs. in the air. -Tom
  21. I purchased a very nice Phantom Drone last December in the winter. Man, flew the crap out of that thing............................... For at least 10 minutes. Then I lost visual and it flew away..Looked for it for a week all over the neighborhood. One thing I observed is the white drone blended nicely with freshly fallen snow. It's now September...still looking for it.. lol
  22. I love my E and finally have it the way I want it, however, I might have considered a longer body Mooney, but since it's usually just me flying alone or just Sheila and I the E fits our mission well. When I bought mine I was "very very" lucky. I had a very lackluster pre-buy done (friend AP and we just did a quick look-over) I had no Mooney background and the A/P had little Mooney experience. I bought it from a guy from New York that I did not know and actually found the plane on EBay and also listed in Controller.. I feel so lucky that I found one that had a good maintenance history and no gremlins. I bought mine before discovering MS. I've learned a lot here and heard some terrible unfortunate horror stories from buying experiences. I would have certainly had a much more thorough pre-buy done. For a while I really thought about looking for a long body Mooney, but I know every nook and cranny of mine. I've even helped work on it under supervision. I just wouldn't want to learn all the in's/out's of a new purchase and take the chance of the "unknowns". Feeling very lucky how it has worked out. -Tom
  23. Shop says they are wanting to get caught up and plan to work all weekend. Owner told me he expects to have 7741M back together and ready for me by next Tuesday...Time get excited. Stopped by yesterday and the tanks were sealed up, right side panel is installed. It's all coming together...finally. If they get it back Tuesday it will have been 8 weeks under the knife. Now hoping to be able to go the Mooney Homecoming. .A long time in the shop, but lots of work was done. -Tom
  24. There will be two Aspens in the center. To the left of them is the MD93 (timer/USB), below that STec 30 AP, far right on pilot's side is 2nd VOR. The middle is the GTN 750, to the right of the 750 is JPI930 and the old refurbed KX radio below. -Tom
  25. Cleanest place in the house while I let the clear coat dry She wasn't real happy about it either..lol
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