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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. Looks like it was pried up. Not sure what could have caused it but I can't imagine you wouldn't have noticed it while getting in or out of the AC. As it's pried outwards it seems unlikely it was an inflight event.
  2. It seems reasonable to hypothesize a more aggressive fuel may be fine for freshly sealed tanks but would cause old, weak sealant to fail. MY Bravo never leaked a drop until I had the paint stripped. After inspection, Eddy advised the sealant was susceptible due to it's age. I'm more concerned about the paint damage. Most AC will leak sometime. Big difference in resealing a 30 year old tank with unknown life expectancy prior to G100UL and resealing and repainting. Alibi, I'm not wading off into the "drop in replacement" waters. I understand the position.
  3. 850 with no wind is doable. Westbound typically means significant headwind up high or slower down low. Either way, 850 Westbound isn't something I'd plan on ROP. LOP helps dramatically but not all Bravos care for it.
  4. AOPA only supported the ADSB mandate after receiving assurances from the FAA that it would not be used for anything but safety and navigation. Seems like this is a reasonable bill.
  5. Thanks to all for responding!
  6. I'm planning on taking the IA exam in May and I'm looking for advice regarding preparation. I used Baker's years ago for my A&P. I tend to do well with written test and have had success with self study aides such as King Schools so I'm wondering if time at Bakers is wise. Thanks in advance.
  7. I have it and love it! For me, the heads up display mounted on the glare shield is a must. During the landing phase it's just where it needs to be. Fly the blue doughnut with a cross reference to the airspeed indicator for on-speed landings regardless of weight. Extended, aircraft in the landing configuration. No. For me, the AOA is useful for landing at different weights. By myself with 45 minutes of fuel is a much slower approach than landing with folks and baggage at maximum landing weight. No buyers remorse!
  8. Wilkerson makes great tires and is a fantastic, multi-generation, family business. Lots of folks land here and use our courtesy car to haul tires.
  9. I've had the manual on two different Mooney and like it. Manual allows you to feel how much pressure your applying. The install is simpler as well.
  10. I run similar power settings to @fritz1 and see similar results. My commute has shortened so I don't fly as high as often with typical altitudes of 9-10K. Most days at 75% I see 174-176 TAS. Last time I took a longer trip it was summer time with 196 TAS at 75% at 18K. I also have TKS. I've been told TKS cost 10 kts. I'd argue that only holds true if your not in ice. I see an increase of about 2 kts per thousand feet over 8K. I've also been told to expect 200 @ 18K @ 75% in a non-tks Bravo.
  11. I have the KFC150 with a GI275 driving it. My installer left the King Alt. Preselect the panel and I was told the GI 275 would not drive Alt preselect.
  12. I installed two GI-275s in my Bravo. Removed the entire vacuum system including the backup pump system in the avionics bay. All said and done, Gained 42#s in UL! And yes, G5s won't run the AP.
  13. Wilkerson Tire is a great company run by wonderful folks. Lot's of pilots fly into our FBO for a Wilkerson tire pickup. Let me know if I can help.
  14. Quick update- It’s out! Three days of heat cycles, penetrant, tapping, and rocking back and fourth finally did the trick. Thanks again to all that offered such great advice.
  15. Great advice. Will do.
  16. All, thanks again for the comments. I concur penetrants and pipe threads are a long shot at best. No joy with the 6 point crows or line wrench. Just not enough room. I’m going to give heat a try. I’m not really concerned about the fitting. I have another. More concerned about the accessory case. If corrosion is the issue there is no way to tell what will give first. Odds are it will be the fitting. Low probability the threads will be damaged in the case but if they are it won’t be a good day.
  17. Can’t get it around the corner unfortunately. I’ll try a low profile wrench.
  18. Thanks for all the replies. Yes, it’s a 45 with a flare on the hose end and pipe threads on the case side. Flats are still good. 3/4 end wrench has just a tiny amount of play.
  19. All, I’m working on an AEIO320 with an AN822 -8N fitting that is seized in the accessory case. I’ve tried all the usually tricks while practicing the “do no harm” doctrine. Over the past couple of days I’ve been applying penetrating oil, tapping, heating….. No luck. Hoping someone can offer a path forward. Thanks in advance. Happy Thanksgiving!
  20. I hadn't heard the justification. That's interesting. Do you know if the test were done during the timeframe folks were running the Bravo per the POH? 1750° TIT and associated high CHTs? That would seem logical. Running the more conservative values as recommended, I don't see my engine running particularly hot. Oil temps are never above 195° and CHTs average 365 with #6 the hottest at 385°. I assumed the 25 hour recommendation was Turbo related. Seems like running oil through a screaming hot turbo would degrade it faster. But then again, oil temps in general are reasonable. Thanks again for the info!
  21. Thanks, I'm familiar. I practice 25 hour changes on our Turbo 182 as well. My point was even engines that haven't had an oil change in over a year with 60-70 hours on the oil returned normal labs. This includes Acidity and Solids. Crazy considering how black the oil was coming out of these high time changes.
  22. I prefer 25 on my Bravo. That being said, I've had aircraft in the shop with 60-70 hours and a year since the previous oil change. I run labs on all of my oil changes and have never had one come back with oil out of spec. Specifically, TAN has never been high. Not advocating higher time oil changes, just offering another data point.
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