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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. Same, mine always shows less than 100% after a flight.
  2. I use @mike_elliott 's technique. When I'm instructing someone new on how to board, I add two things. One-don't touch the door. Two- stand on the wing walk and look down through the windscreen and grab the bar with your left hand. #2 is helpful. Otherwise, they fumble around banging the visors.......
  3. Two years ago, I bought a blank panel from either LASAR or Mooney. I'm pretty sure it was Mooney. It was very reasonably priced and had the beveled cutouts for the rudder trim and clock and all the switches. It just didn't have any of the six pack holes. We did have to cover the RMP and MP cut outs. I'll see if I can find the receipt.
  4. I can't speak to the ADSB reception, but I have a GDL51R mounted under the glare shield. Auto powers up and works great! Remote antenna on the glare shield behind the center post. It's barely noticeable. No issues for three years.
  5. Recently my left brake was slow to release. It happened a couple of times. A quick search of MS revealed others had experienced the same problem and that flushing the system solved it. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I hooked up my trusty pressure pot and began. At first, there was barely a drip. I'm thinking I've found the problem. It must be gummy, thick fluid. I persisted until finally a very slow, very small, but steady stream began to flow. I'm thinking, this is working. I sat in anticipation waiting for something nasty to emerge. Here's the rub. After approximately 30 oz of fluid (two water bottles) the stream never accelerates to what I'm accustomed to when bleeding brakes. IAW the MM is work the pedals, no change. Furthermore, the fluid looks great. A repeat on the other side returns the same results. Pedals are nice and firm and I'm yet to test taxi it. What have others experienced? Is the Bravo system restricted to a low volume when bleeding the brakes? If so, perfect, all is well. If not, inspections are in order for sure. I've got dual brakes without the shuttle valve. Thanks in advance!
  6. Gee Bee supplied me with new teflon hoses when I OH last year. If I remember correctly, he advised a pressure test is used to recertify them after so many years. I'm thinking it was ten. He's certainly your best source for information. Check Beechtalk, I think he still participates with those folks.
  7. I read @Pincone 's post as a comment on the "backup" system having a common, single point of failure with the primary system as opposed to an opinion on single point of failure items in general. I tend to agree with the thought process. My F model's emergency gear mechanism didn't have the vulnerability my M model has and that's unfortunate. Not the end of the world; all things in proper perspective.
  8. I'll be upgrading to WAT's G3. We have a resident expert. Calling @OSUAV8TER
  9. same
  10. Same- 12-year old's sports physical, doc reports clean bill of health. Paperwork says, "possible covid". Not a doc, not an anti-vaxer but my common sense says there is some F...ery afoot.
  11. Most dehumidifiers put out a large volume of air at a pretty good velocity. I'd say even if it's not sealed up dry air is forced down the filler tube increasing the crankcase pressure. A tight seal probably wouldn't move more air as the crankcase vent is relatively small. The rest of the dry air will fill the cowling. Seems like dry air on the exterior and all the assorted accessories would be a good thing.
  12. I used King and so have some of the guys that work for me. We have all passed with high scores. The classes are old and outdated but seem to marry well with the FAA test. Most of the younger guys we work with coming from the big university flight programs seem to use Shepard.
  13. An old friend once told me, "The only time you have to much fuel is when you're on fire!".
  14. I'll chime in on this one. XM advantages: Weather on the ground High-Res Radar Storm Cell data Cloud to Cloud Lightning Winds and temps aloft Pireps Tops Freezing level All that being said, over the years ADSB seems to have closed the gap and is a great product.
  15. Congrats! Well-deserved recognition!
  16. I disagree. Lots of owners trust a qualified A&P to swing the gear and do other checks. Some folks are hands on and some are not. I'm an A&P but I didn't fly to the West coast from Virginia to observe my engine on the test stand post overhaul.
  17. I'll chime in. I've flown several different AOA systems. For me, most had limited use. I finally took Mark's advice and spent the extra cash for the heads-up display. Wow, it was a game changer for me. Having the display above the panel in my field of view while looking at my aiming point made the difference. Easily 5 knots off my landings. Adding the Landing Height System smoothed things out even more. My son started flying my Bravo recently and there is no doubt the combination of the AOA and LHS has been a significant. Find the 3-degree GS, pitch to the blue dot (cross checking AS), manage the power to stay on GS, and pull to idle 4 or 5 foot off the deck. Smooth, accurate, and consistent. Finally, Garmin's Visual Approach is great for learning the site picture for a 3-degree approach. At some airports it utilizes the published visual some your results may vary. All of these tools have helped to present and engrain the correct sight picture. For me they are particularly helpful if I've been out of the AC for a couple weeks. For my son, they are accelerating his learning.
  18. I agree. I knew better than to use the 330. My error not referencing the most current parts manual. I had it but inadvertently opened the old one.
  19. I read the voltage/brightness thread as well. However, they were using a 28V bulb in a 14V AC for a dimmer solution. I'd be going the other direction. I'll read the older post again. Thanks for the quick reply!
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