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slowflyin last won the day on March 26 2022

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About slowflyin

  • Birthday 11/23/1965

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    KBKT, Blackstone, VA
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  1. @EricJ I'm not an RF guy but you comments match my thoughts suspecting drift. I'll see if I can find a spectrum analyzer to take a look. Only, one transceiver. Yes, we are actively looking for a MX170 or even a proven KX170B to help run this to ground. Thanks for you comments!
  2. I have an unusual challenge with a Decathlon I recently purchased. It has the original KX170B and Sigtronics Intercom. When transmitting some listeners hear 5x5 and to others it's completely unintelligible. For example, my son was doing some pattern work and the local Tower Chief calls my on my cell to advise my son's transmissions are unreadable. We had flow the AC home as a flight of two and didn't have any com issues so I was surprised. I turn on my Icom handheld and can hear the aircraft just fine. Not perfect, typical noisy cockpit, but no issues understanding. I walk over to the base of the tower (it's a small 50' tower) and I can hear what they hear via the loud speaker. They were not exaggerating, completely garbled. I turn up the Icom handheld so they can hear what I hear and were all scratching our heads. Simultaneous reception, one 4x5 and one useless. On a subsequent flight I picked up a Yaesu handheld to listen in and was surprised to hear terrible coms. Turned on the Icom and things sounded fine. It's almost like the Icom handheld might be receiving a wider bandwidth. Both the Tower and the Yaesu were reminiscent of a transceiver that was tuned one digit off freq. Reception in the AC from all transmitters is fine. Thoughts?
  3. Same Went to Jimmy to look at a 252 and left with a Bravo!
  4. Fist let me say, all these prices our insane! That being said, comparing rebuilt to rebuilt, or OH to OH, the delta isn't as significant in airplane dollars.
  5. Since we were comparing an Encore to a Bravo, the continental TSIO360 engines aren't cheap either. 90k rebuilt and 100K new for an Encore engine. Crazy how expensive things have become!
  6. Regarding UL, my experience as well. After a panel upgrade, I was able to remove some Charlie weights as well as the stand by vacuum. 90% of my mission is two up front. When I have four I leave some fuel behind. When I fly with my Bride we often fly max range. I have never been full up with three passengers in any AC and flown max range. I own a Skylane as well. Same experience. All that being said, the 252 is a fine aircraft. I'd be proud to own one!
  7. They did not have a contractor in my area (VA). It wasn't difficult to install. Most any good erection crew could handle it.
  8. I purchased a Higher Power door for my last hanger. https://www.hpdoors.com 65x18 23K. This door does not place any vertical loading on the header of the building. Therefore, I was able to order a "standard" building with no additional engineering or design work from the building OEM. As I didn't pursue it, I can't say how much savings. I can say, my contractor is a second generation gent that does nothing but metal buildings and he told me the custom headers can get very expensive and can add to the lead time. Again, no data. As far as skinning the door, I ordered it when I purchase the siding for the building. Insulation as well. Something to consider is product liability insurance. I'm sure it's sky high for the door OEMs. Giant doors hanging of very expensive aircraft.
  9. Some of the questions were difficult to answer as it really depends on the situation. For me, I take all the available information and try to apply reason in a courteous manner. When the airspace is busy it becomes a interesting challenge. My last flight I chose straight in final. It wasn't particularly busy but there was one AC in the pattern doing touch and goes and jump plane had just kicked a load out. Without the jumpers I would have crossed midfield for the downwind. Instead, I adjusted my approach speed to time my arrival so I didn't inconvenience the gent doing tough and goes, avoided the chutes, and worked my way in before the jump plane. A little bit of coms work and everyone had a nice flight.
  10. This works for me as well.
  11. Thanks to all! Not to concerned, more a curiosity.
  12. I found this in the oil screen (non-filtered AC) during a routine oil change on a O200. Readily sticks to a magnet. Any thoughts from the brain trust?
  13. Aside from all the techniques, I found keeping my mags in top shape and installing a high speed starter had a significant impact on my ability to start reliably.
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