In my opinion, the philosophical basis for neglected items is fairly simple. It falls right smack in the middle of the : “it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it” mentality. It’s no different than the prevalence in ownership of four wheel drive vehicles, a tv in every room of the house, 4,000+ square feet mansions for two, the flying off of the shelf ED medications, or you fill in the item and someone thinks they win if they can lay claim to being able to do anything because they’re “equipped”. It’s part of a mindset that I loosely call the global consumption model. Until midlife, accumulation of crap is seen most often as symbol of success. After midlife, midlife is not always recognized by the accumulator and, thus, the accumulated items become: “I’ve been doing this for forty years or back when I learned to do….” stories that is nothing more than an exercise in futility of trying to stay relevant in an ever-advancing spectrum of time. Goals and aspirations are great, but contentment is still a virtue. By the way, I’m beyond midlife…