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Everything posted by 201er

  1. Easy trick for backcourse, just flip your HSI 180 degrees from the intended course and you're just flying a normal localizer
  2. Yeah but if you requested the approach a ways out, they just send you to a fix and on you go. Not a big deal if it was deliberate and planned.
  3. You couldn't see the ground?
  4. Given an airport with an LPV and ILS approach and the opportunity to select the one you fly, do you opt for the LPV or the ILS and why? Minimums for both are the same but which do you suspect is more accurate and safer? I bet most pick the ILS but are you selecting it merely out of habit or is it still superior to LPV?
  5. Great point! So what's the ultimate consensus? Does law enforcement have the right to search airplanes without a warrant based on FAA regulation? Any lawyers here? What happens if you deny a search? From what I heard FAA ramp checks are non-obligatory and can be turned down. Shouldn't it be the same if not even more so with local law enforcement?
  6. Oh and I forgot to mention, even looking at our own efficient Mooneys, how many times have you genuinely saved money using it? We love to justify to ourselves why we do it. But other than for pleasure or proficiency, can you even say that 1/4 of your flights saved you money over getting there by other means? For certain in some specific cases you can save time and money by flying your own plane, but it's pretty rare isn't it? Basically you gotta fly between 2 non-major cities 400-800 miles apart with every seat filled to justify it over using a car or airline.
  7. Seth, what makes you think someone who can afford and wants to get there by air tansit is going to want to end up on public transit? Also aviatoreb made a great point. How can people trust the service unless you can guarantee 7 day a week service, no excuses? When it comes to making it to work, it's better to be stuck in traffic but know you'll end up getting there than to arrive to the airport to learn the plane is broke down or weather isn't flyable. Insanely rich people can do this by helicopter. Then they really are saving time because they go departure to destination and pretty much direct. If you gotta drive to an airport, wait for all the other passengers to arrive and be loaded, fly, then walk to public tansit, then wait for it, then take it... what the heck? As I'm sure you know by flying angel flight, it's different when it's volunteer based. You have no problem to refuse, cancel, postpone or do whatever to the flight as you're not being paid to do it. It's strictly voluntary and I think a component that makes it safer. When you start putting things on a schedule with small planes, you're adding a lot of risk. I'd be glad if you could pull it off, albeit surprised, but I don't see how it could be made reliable and quick enough to justify it. Now a $50 helicopter service from DC center to NYC heliports would be interesting
  8. Useful load is shit on that thing for such a meager panel. When they're listing map lights and oat gauges as features, you know there ain't much. That thing has to be a steal of a price to justify it. Assume without doubt that it's gonna need a lot of expensive upgrading.
  9. Ok, if in fact he only did not use the threshold rather than the midrunway intersection, then I'm near certain he broke ground with enough distance and cutout ahead to make it. The suspicion is (and based on witness testimony from the complete report) that he flew too high of an angle of attack, effectively behind the power curve, inhibiting climb and eventually resulting in a stall. In other words the nose was pointing way up but the plane was going straight cause of the excessively high aoa (or for you lay men, he was going too slow).
  10. Why can't you go through the SFRA? Only the FRZ is off limits.
  11. 300nm? pft, what do you fly a skyhawk?
  12. NJMP members, New Jersey Mooney Pilots will be hosting a competing lunch at KGED on July 13th, 11AM.
  13. It's not about agreeing or not. If saving the government from fiscally destroying itself is a requisite for achieving funding for GA, then it's in AOPA's and GA's interest.
  14. Becca, but you're missing the point. It is aviation related. When the govt wastes too much money on entitlement programs, it causes them to run out of money and then mandated spending cuts that affect GA.
  15. By taxiway intersection do they mean not using the displaced threshold or do they really mean he took off from the midfield intersection!?
  16. Brett, don't be so hard on your wife
  17. Don't do it unless it's priced as thought it has a run down engine. Word of caution, prebuys often can't catch potential engine problems down the line (as result of sitting). Several of us here got 200 hours since purchase until the cam problems manifested. Don't trust the prebuy. The only way it's worth it is if it's priced like the engine is shot and then you see if that holds true or you win and get lucky.
  18. Brett, how come I have to drag you out kicking and screaming to these events and then Seth throws a quick note out there and you're mentally there already?
  19. Airspeed? Who cares about airspeed when you've got Angle of Attack
  20. Pretty much, unless I get too busy and forget to put more on or the frequency is so congested that it's constantly being overridden. I'll practice flying back to back approaches in IMC and still have my music playing.
  21. Hey! I only touched once. I ballooned up in the float a few times, saved it, and planted it down exactly once. How's that for currency!?
  22. I think they rubbed the FAA inspector all over them and got a 337 approved.
  23. Thanks Chris for inviting us and organizing, it was a blast. You forgot to mention what the paint job does to the landing performance though
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