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Everything posted by M20F

  1. Wind favored 27 when everyone went up. It started to favor 9 about 6hrs ago. Everyone is still landing 27. The herd mentality is strong…..
  2. Starlink + WiFi calling = problem solved. About the only thing I need a cell signal for is texting non-iPhones which it looks like Apple is finally fixing. Otherwise my phone will work at the North Pole same as in my backyard. Costco currently has Starlink on sale for $199.99.
  3. App now shows power usage. I don’t have the mini but it is about 50% of a full size and has zero performance degradation. I am debating springing $30 for it and slapping it on the windshield of the Mooney. People are getting good results off sunroofs, windshields, etc. in cars but haven’t heard anything on aircraft performance.
  4. I would wager 99% of this forum could input direct on any flavor of GPS. I would guess maybe 50% could figure out how to turn on a KNS-80 let alone program it.
  5. @Marauder fills these with sugar to attract a special beast.
  6. God I hate old people, they ruin it for everyone.
  7. The only breaker on my side of the panel.
  8. We will just agree to disagree. Technology has made flying 1000x’s easier than when I started in 1988. My GTN650 is easier to use than my first VCR. I am just not buying it is harder today because “technology” and boomers are dumb. Fly safe!
  9. 91.3(b). I sure feel a lot better making it happen with an iPad versus a VOR on a handheld we used in Morgan WV in 1997.
  10. Between ForeFlight and a GPS short of somebody hacking the signal and sending bad data pretty easy to figure out what is going on. I mean I get an overlay on an approach, I could literally fly an approach with just ForeFlight no problem. I can teach anyone in about 10 mins how to follow a pink line and they could navigate across the United States. If the pink line suddenly went away, well I am not convinced all pilots today could navigate to the nearest airport (skills and education).
  11. I learned on a ADF, manual changing chains on a Loran, etc. I can hit a few keys on my 650 and it will load SID, enroute, and STAR. Click on the autopilot and it is movie time on the iPad. Modern technology is super easy when it works. When it doesn’t that is where you need more skill and education to be proficient.
  12. This would be the case. It is an excellent disperser of animal feed as well though.
  13. You are right the other day I was flying my F16 and the door popped open, thankfully fully the ejector seat worked.
  14. I definitely don’t struggle, I deny it’s an emergency. It can make it loud, it can make it cold, it can make it a little wet, and it can cost you a few knots but that’s about it.
  15. I feel you are over thinking this. Best glide, figure out landing spot, achieve some sort of landing without dying. I don’t know how one in an emergency can establish themselves 1000’ / 80yrs / abeam the numbers except by happenstance.
  16. Next week you pick it up and fly 10hrs that week depositing $500 in your new HYSA. The following week the motor blows up, what now? For an IO360 I would say get $30K in the fund and then buy the plane. I would figure $20K year one in additional expenses unless you are buying a well known plane. It does get better but it is a very expensive and unpredictable hobby. Figure on 10 days, not 10 years.
  17. What did you do in 2018 for $40K?
  18. You chose wisely.
  19. Who, whom, which, and what. I only use interrogative pronouns.
  20. I was going to recommend @midlifeflyer but apparently he moved 12yrs ago to RDU. I need to keep up with things better.
  21. I would have done another 50 rpm test after the first one as opposed to doing a lot of stuff then doing another test.
  22. I save a lot of money each year with this one little trick.
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