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Everything posted by M20F

  1. It’s like pornography, you will know it when you see it…..
  2. We each set our own minimums but the whole point of FIKI is to dispatch into ice. If it is 1000’ overcast with a 3000’ layer of light/moderate ice to CAVU on top, I am going and that is what FIKI is for.
  3. You will want an autopilot and will regret not getting one.
  4. Your average 60yr old Mooney flap has been stepped on @ 1600 times.
  5. Anyone who won’t sign up for this assuming you are using a known MSC or otherwise respected AI, is trying to sell you a dog. I wouldn’t agree to Boots Malone AI service as example to sell my plane but would have no issue with the good folks.
  6. I bought my plane from Jimmy when it was All American. Don Maxwell annual and they paid all airworthy. I wouldn’t buy a plane that didn’t come with an annual from an AI that I was comfortable with. A pre-purchase inspection is toilet paper. An annual is somebody’s license/livelihood. This topic has come up many times here with folks saying you will never buy a plane, they would never sell under those conditions, etc. I assure you that one can get this condition and it is worth doing. My two cents only.
  7. I will let smarter people than me comment. If your vacuum AI is working per normal and your right speed brake works fine, I would say not a vacuum issue.
  8. Main turbo for RayJay overhaul. I wouldn’t mess with the exhaust unless it is actually giving you a problem. Mine as at least 2000hrs on the exhaust.
  9. Your speed brake (vacuum) on the left retracts slower than the right? What does your idiot light say? Do you have any vacuum instruments? If so how do they work?
  10. I just had a 30 minute FaceTime call with somebody using the $250/month sub. His two kids were streaming movies at the same time. No drops in audio or video, was same as if a land based connection. Great time to be alive.
  11. I mean why don’t you call or email him directly versus posting on a public forum?
  12. You have a leak, smoke test it.
  13. Scoring is caused primarily by three things. Piston gets very hot and expands (or barrel is cold and you whack in the power). Lack of lubrication. Dirty or leaky injectors. I would check your injector, if it is the issue very easy and cheap to fix. Monitoring CHT & Oil temps in all phases of operation is a given. The sad cause of cylinder scoring in a Lycoming is the lifters or cam going bad. You can measure valve lift easy enough to check the cam. For the lifters you have to pull a cylinder though I have heard there is a way to do it through the dipstick though I have never done it.
  14. Two key things. 1.). As others point out first step is determining if it is a leak that needs to be addressed. 2.) Determine if it can be patched. A link on Maxwell doing it is provided. He patched my left tank for I want to say $800 two years ago. I will echo you need to find somebody who knows how to do it. It is an art not a science. For whatever reason tanks are like engines (one cylinder has compression of 68 should I top or overhaul), everyone wants to go the whole distance without even trying the smaller things.
  15. Do you have anything in a mauve?
  16. Taxing in and out of OSH is about the most stressful thing I do in an airplane.
  17. Nothing beats a six pack of tall boys on a long trip.
  18. I rarely fly my G650 because honestly the ease of entry, exit, and overall space of a Mooney is just better. I like my F but reading some of these posts, wow….
  19. I use the hole for the tow bar. I have seen exhaust pipes damaged by the clamp. You should use an ohm meter to verify your favorite spot. I use the grounding wire because it can’t hurt anything. That being said it really wasn’t in vogue till the new millennia. Good article on the topic. I would agree given the state of retract wheels the whole process is probably pointless anyways.
  20. This is the deal I agreed and a lot of others have agreed to with a major Mooney broker. A prebuy without a “signature” is worthless. It is always a buyers market.
  21. We agree purchase price of $X. Plane goes to annual at my choice. All airworthiness is $X-issues. Either the seller fixes their expense or we each walk. No buyer in their right mind should agree to anything else.
  22. This is why you make all pre-buys an annual.
  23. I was watching this TickTock the other day on walking. It was pretty fascinating in that it involved putting your right foot in front of your left foot and repeating. I was pretty thankful for this because I managed to get to the bar and pour myself another Tito’s rocks. My wife really likes it because now I don’t have to scream for her to bring me a drink anymore. Honestly I am not certain which method of getting a drink I will use long term. It is really great though to have an option. I mean without this TickTock where would I be?
  24. Jimmy Garrison and that is from personal experience. He is a man of his word.
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