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Everything posted by M20F

  1. I am of the askew flaps club. The Mooney wing makes a lot of lift with flaps. A normal wind down the runway landing and you tap the brakes with the flaps on, it’s easy to scuff a tire. This goes to what @midlifeflyer is saying. You get it down and a peak gust comes it is just going to push you off the runway if the wing is still flying.
  2. This is the one Jimmy Garrison, handshake deal. There will never be a day where I don’t stand behind the deal he gave me.
  3. 100% this, it’s a signature, it’s a game. Play it one way and it costs you $10,000’s. Play it the other way and it costs you a blade separation. Play the middle.
  4. Shit you are older than both of us!!
  5. You are older than me, which makes you ancient.
  6. That doesn’t mean my heart can’t pine?
  7. Pull breakers one at a time and see what happens.
  8. M20F

    New forum

    Pretty cool new forum, who wants to talk about M20F’s?
  9. I have one of the last sets of IFR atlases as well with the NDB airways off Louisiana. I really wish somebody would take up the VFR aircharts. They are really nice.
  10. Give me lead or give me death!
  11. This is EXACTLY why I won’t use G100UL!!!
  12. Your top graph which it appears to me that the greenline is RPM does not show a 50 RPM change?
  13. I have 2 GPS’s and an iPhone. If all else fails I have one of the last additions of the AirChart’s atlas’s in the back.
  14. My advice is call Maxwell he is an authorized EI dealer, installed mine and thousands of MVP-50’s, and Paul or somebody (maybe even Don) will tell you. Why guess this is an easy one.
  15. I wouldn’t assume that to be right. Call JPI or your installer. A picture that isn’t your engine should not be your basis of reference. This is a @$50K question potentially, why take chances.
  16. That is because that picture references every type of engine except a TSIO-360MB. I am a bit lost as to why this picture was chosen.
  17. “F off” is a term used in online forums and message boards that refers to the act of posting a message in an older, inactive thread in order to 'tell people to stop spamming bullshit'. The purpose of “F off” is to draw attention to the spammer in the hopes of they will stop their “bullshit”. Do better.
  18. I came here to post this, surprised it ended so far down. The Acclaim is a great plane but it isn’t worth the additional purchase price cost for what you get over a Bravo. Honestly if I was spending $300K+ for this type of mission I would be looking at Barons. This all is just an opinion, the fact you are in Europe you may want to talk to some other Europeans here. Support and other things are probably a bigger consideration for you.
  19. You won’t get much more speed than a turbo Twinkie. Vno is always a problem with a piston going to turbine.
  20. I once flew my F as long as Jose’s piss tube, miss him.
  21. I am hesitant to post this short cut. The key is a blue pen which is “official”. Change the 5 to a 6 in your log books but ensure it’s blue ink. You are set. Please let’s keep this between us.
  22. I am in the I bought a panel display why do I need an iPad crowd. I use my phone to check some things here or there but otherwise why pay for a panel if you don’t intend to use it.
  23. I asked Maxwell that very question and he just said “MVP is better”. That was 15yrs ago so YMMV but I haven’t been disappointed. That being said I would absolutely value a solid autopilot/GPS over an engine monitor. The internet loves them but I flew 25yrs without an engine monitor and no problem (GO-480 and TSIO-520 both of which are “special” compared to my IO-360).
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