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David Mazer

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Everything posted by David Mazer

  1. Hector, I believe I do. We've spoken many times. He's been doing it much longer than I since this is my 4th year volunteering.
  2. I was considering swapping my Rocket for a Bravo at one point and the Daytona MSC strongly urged me not to. Their comments were that the Bravo doesn't handle as well, fly as fast, nor is it as economical. So, the number of MSC opinions on conversions vs non conversions is 1.5 x number of MSCs!
  3. Aaron, If your interested, my Rocket is available even though I've been dragging my feet and not advertising it.
  4. To show the degree to which the ugly use of a symbol can change its percepetion, here is some Wikipedia information about the origins of what once was a nice symbol: The swastika (卐) (Sanskrit: स्वस्तिक) is a symbol that generally takes the form of an equilateral cross, with its four arms bent at 90 degrees. The earliest archaeological evidence of swastika-shaped ornaments dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization as well as the Mediterranean Classical Antiquity and paleolithic Europe. Swastikas have also been used in various other ancient civilizations around the world including Turkic, India, Iran, Armenia, Nepal, China, Japan, Korea and Europe. It remains widely used in Indian religions, specifically in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, primarily as a tantric symbol that invokes Lakshmi - the Vedic goddess of wealth, prosperity and auspiciousness. I'm not as influenced by the symbol itself as Erik is especially as my understanding of the Nazis has evolved over time. A definition of fascism - One common definition of fascism focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership – sounds very much like the direction we are following here in the US recently aside from the promotion of masculinity of course. The fascist symbol of the swastika may not be used but the ideas behind it certainly seem as fresh as ever to many. Sorry, probably a lot deeper than appropriate for a thread that started with the most beautifuyl plane.
  5. Ah, are we really 60+ years beyond the Nazis? Just this week Swastikas were emblazoned on the Jewish temples in Crimea. There seems to be no end or time limit to humans’ ability to hate some other group – women, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Muslims. The list seems endless. While Nazi Germany was defeated I fear we have a very long way to go before we defeat the ideals for which it stood.
  6. At least one other person mentioned the SR-71, my all time favorite, but I also find the Beech Staggerwing to be a beauty beyond description.
  7. First of all, Rip's excellent units don't cost $2,000 after installation. They are much less. However, I truly hope you are wrong. The accident rate in GA aircraft continues with no significant improvement over the last several years and it would be nice if we could find ways to make progress on something so important. We, to be read as the FAA, continue to spend time and resources on efforts that have already proven useless and efforts with newer options that haven't already failed is worth the effort IMO.
  8. You wrote it correctly. I read it backwards, and it made no sense, AOA for gear and flaps and ignore for pattern and landing. Exactly the opposite of what you wrote. Probably why I questioned it. Sorry.
  9. I didn't realize, ever see or read (maybe I should read more) that the gear and flaps could be used based on the AOA. I always use the IAS for max speeds. It makes some sense but I can also see weakness in the idea. From where did that AOA application come?
  10. Thank you for helping our furry friends.
  11. Just magnificent.
  12. Ward, your post doesn't seem to want to load. Got a web address? Am I still the only Mooney installation? Someone else has to have tried this too. Where are the pireps?
  13. I recall reading that they were 3D printing a jet engine part and that it was as strong or stronger than the part it replaced and 1/10 the cost. Even if you had to fall back to a more conventional metal, you might still see tremendous cost reduction from labor savings and, probably, better strength and reliability because it would eliminate so many joints and rivets. What paperwork? The FAA will let you build pretty much anything you want as long as you call it an experimental. This would most definitely fit in that category.
  14. You may but it will be, even if it wasn't before, and experimental airplane.
  15. I'm so sorry I missed it! Next time I'll skip my nephew's wedding and come to this.
  16. If the K has a 24v bulb, how can the other, 12v systems, use a 24v bulb intentionally? Clearly a 48v bulb/system won't be any brighter than a 12v bulb/system would be.
  17. Fltplan.com doesn't appear to have a verbal checklist for Android.
  18. The Aspen card is only special in that it is speed rated at a 4 or 6, I can't remember. I bought a replacement micro SD with a 10 rating, borrowed another Aspen SD card, copied over the proprietary files, then updated the new card. It works fine and cost nothing (maybe $10).
  19. I know your only asking about long body Mooneys and mine is a mid length but these numbers seem to work just about everytime. On the localizer prior to final appraoch fix 20"/full prop, 1-1/2 dot above the glideslope reduce power to 15", lower the gear, wait for flap speed and then takeoff flaps. On glideslope intersection nose over slightly and airspeed will slowly decay from 110 to about 90 kts IAS at about 400 ft. Seems like magic.
  20. I'm the one with the CYA-100 installation on the inspection panel. Rip was surprised it was far enough forward but it works great and it is just about 4" from the leading edge. You can see pictures at: CYA-100 AOA
  21. Yes indeed. I have some pictures on another thread I started just after I installed it. CYA-100 AOA
  22. 20 hrs! Holey cow that was a long time. I think my total installation was just a few hours. Certainly less than 5. Of course, I didn't actually install it into the panel nor is it heated but I can't image it taking more than another couple hours to install it in the panel from someone that knew what they were doing (meaning, not me). As far as calibration is concerned, Bennett, it is a breeze and certainly simpler than the calibration I did on 2 previous AOA systems (Dynon and Lirt Reserve). It really is as easy as described.
  23. I suppose that is worse then the people I've taken care of for trying to pick up a running lawnmower to trim their hedges (I jest you not and it has happened way more than once) cutting the ends off 8 fingers in the process or to clear the grass from it while it was still running. These are thoughtless accidents vs intentional disfigurement. Equally bad are the people I get who have swallowed razor blades. Also not something that is as rare as hen's teeth. I probably see 2 or 3 a year, different patients, and some patients do it several times a year. Back to my argument about the need for more mental health care.
  24. IMHO, this would be it. Destruction of the drug lords/cartels, reduction of international friction over interdiction, reduction in worldwide violent crime, dramatic contribution to our economy through reduced cost and increased tax revenue, resources for mental and communicable diseases (HIV in Potugal) are just a few benefits of their social experiment gone terribly right. The concept could be broadened to most other vices and further the gains. Of course, as a dog lover, I'm pretty found of Portuguese Water Dogs!
  25. Sorry, I guess I brought things together in my head and not on the forum. I see drug abuse, suicidal behavior, violent behavior like Sandy Hook as all part of the spectrum of mental illness and thus consider any intervention to one a possible intervention to all. Freeing up resources for mental health should provide benefits on multiple issues and multiple levels. Also, regardless of the original intent, the decriminalization in Portugal has still had many profound benefits that include cutting HIV rates in half (so far and maybe much more to come). Since we have no choice but to live with the law of unintended cosequenses, we should be quick to utilize the positive ones.
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